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Off topic: 泰晤士(TIMES)四合院儿
Iniziatore argomento: QHE
wherestip  Identity Verified
Stati Uniti
Local time: 10:34
Da Cinese a Inglese
+ ...
众说纷纭 Jul 30, 2016

Yueyin's post about the tragic traffic accident piqued my curiosity, but the reports I read were all over the map ...

The crash was reported on northbound U.S. 93 about 28 miles north of Kingman at milepost 42, which is Pierce Ferry Road. The road leads to Dolan Springs.

The Arizona Department of Public Safety said the crash involved a tour bus and passenger van. The DPS said no one in the bus was injured and four people in the van were killed. They are reported to be two adults and two teens.

Officials also said the van was making an illegal left turn onto U.S. 93 when it collided with the bus.

The department said the dead included a 52-year old man who was driving a van and three passengers, two 52-year-old women and a 19-year-old woman. The department didn’t disclose the passengers’ names or where they were coming from.

The department said the van had been southbound on U.S. Highway 93 at about 1:30 p.m. and was trying to turn west to access Pierce Ferry Road when it collided with the oncoming bus, which had been traveling northbound.

“The van … failed to yield the right of way from a stop sign and was struck by the motor coach,” Department of Public Safety spokesman Quentin Mehr said Tuesday.
The football team has said the bus was taking staff members to a promotional stop in Las Vegas and that no players were aboard. Nobody aboard the bus required medical attention, the department said.

The department hasn’t said whether the victims were taking Pierce Ferry Road to visit the Skywalk at Grand Canyon West.

Speak of contradicting reports! And in the latter case, shouldn't it read " ... trying to turn east to access Pierce Ferry Road" (Or at least northeast)?

ysun  Identity Verified
Stati Uniti
Local time: 10:34
Da Inglese a Cinese
+ ...
Sharp eyes Jul 31, 2016

wherestip wrote:

Speak of contradicting reports! And in the latter case, shouldn't it read " ... trying to turn east to access Pierce Ferry Road" (Or at least northeast)?

Yes, they were intended to turn northeast to access Pierce Ferry Road (not making a U-turn to northbound U.S. Highway 93 either).

Please see the photos in this article:現場有stop-sign-穿越不停車-易出事/?ref=洛杉磯&ismobile=false

ysun  Identity Verified
Stati Uniti
Local time: 10:34
Da Inglese a Cinese
+ ...
一失足成千古恨 Jul 31, 2016

Fargoer wrote:



wherestip  Identity Verified
Stati Uniti
Local time: 10:34
Da Cinese a Inglese
+ ...
Discrepancy Jul 31, 2016

ysun wrote:

Sharp eyes


Actually I've never been to the Grand Canyon. I just couldn't in my mind's eye picture how an accident like this could happen on U.S. highways by the description: a southbound vehicle turning west and running into a northbound vehicle.

In England, maybe.

Local time: 10:34
Da Inglese a Cinese
惨痛 Jul 31, 2016

看了您提供的这些现场照片,我猜司机可能根本没看见停车标志。他转过左弯进入隔离带避车区就误以为出了交叉路口上了 Pierce Ferry Rd,所以看也没看就一脚油门直接向前开。等看到右侧来车,已经什么都来不及了。可能中国很少有这样的的交叉路口?看来您说的经验问题也是出事的重要原因之一。血的教训值得大家记取! 

ysun  Identity Verified
Stati Uniti
Local time: 10:34
Da Inglese a Cinese
+ ...
真是不该发生的车祸 Jul 31, 2016


我也很纳闷怎么会发生这种车祸。被撞的车并非是要在那 stop sign 之后左转,而是要直行横穿93号公路进入Pierce Ferry Road。那段路上通常车辆并不是川流不息。据报导,此车前面还有一辆朋友的车。前车穿过US93后发现后车没跟上来,就回来找,才发现出了车祸。我前面分析,“估计被撞车辆的司机急于追上前面友人的车,才冒险横穿93号公路”。当然,那位遇难�
... See more

我也很纳闷怎么会发生这种车祸。被撞的车并非是要在那 stop sign 之后左转,而是要直行横穿93号公路进入Pierce Ferry Road。那段路上通常车辆并不是川流不息。据报导,此车前面还有一辆朋友的车。前车穿过US93后发现后车没跟上来,就回来找,才发现出了车祸。我前面分析,“估计被撞车辆的司机急于追上前面友人的车,才冒险横穿93号公路”。当然,那位遇难司机当时是怎么想的,现在已经无从考证。那辆朋友的车在穿过US93后应该在 Pierce Ferry Road 路旁停下来等一下,后面车上的司机才不至于因怕迷路而着急。


我没去过这些人准备去的 West Rim 大峡谷。我去的是 South Rim。去 West Rim 和去 South Rim 的人,就在此车祸发生的地方分道扬镳。我曾经打算去 West Rim,因为那里新建了一个玻璃的 skywalk。但后来得知那 skywalk 属于当地印第安人部落,去那里有很长一段路都是路况较差的土路。进那个 skywalk 还要排约两小时的队,而且自己不能照相,只能购买由工作人员照的相。好容易进了 skywalk,没过多久就会被人催着出来。因此,我们就改道去了 South Rim。

wherestip  Identity Verified
Stati Uniti
Local time: 10:34
Da Cinese a Inglese
+ ...
Liability Jul 31, 2016


这种车祸没说的, 百分之百是闯 stop sign 的人的责任,起码在 the States of Texas and New York 是这样。

ysun  Identity Verified
Stati Uniti
Local time: 10:34
Da Inglese a Cinese
+ ...
是的 Jul 31, 2016

wherestip wrote:


这种车祸没说的, 百分之百是闯 stop sign 的人的责任,起码在 the States of Texas and New York 是这样。


顺便说一句,去年十月,我带着国内来的几位亲戚从洛杉矶开车去拉斯维加斯及大峡谷 South Rim 游览。在路上车辆较少的地段,有的亲戚要求开车,以便让我打个盹。我同意让他们开一会儿,但我坐在副驾驶座上丝毫也不敢懈怠,更别提打盹了。

下面这两张照片是我去年五月从拉斯维加斯去大峡谷 South Rim 时,在 Kingman 附近照的。可以看出,路上来往的车辆并不是很多。

[Edited at 2016-07-31 13:31 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
Stati Uniti
Local time: 10:34
Da Inglese a Cinese
+ ...
Road Signs Jul 31, 2016

QHE wrote:


A "Pleasant" journey (北京西直门立交):

Alternative destinations:

[Edited at 2016-07-31 13:00 GMT]

wherestip  Identity Verified
Stati Uniti
Local time: 10:34
Da Cinese a Inglese
+ ...
匝道 Jul 31, 2016


匝道 - That's a new one for me.匝道


I remember seeing a similar mess of road signs at some intersection on the way to Cape Cod years ago, driving through a town in Rhode Island. But this monstrous eyesore of signs you put up must be located in North Carolina somewhere.,%20North%20Carolina/@35.3640017,-81.3816312,8z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x88546f22c8604ab1:0x38869ba365981f1e!8m2!3d35.3640017!4d-80.2610258

[Edited at 2016-07-31 15:43 GMT]

Local time: 10:34
Da Inglese a Cinese
哈哈 Jul 31, 2016

ysun wrote:

"Pleasant" journey (北京西直门立交):


ysun  Identity Verified
Stati Uniti
Local time: 10:34
Da Inglese a Cinese
+ ...
Possible Aug 1, 2016

Probably, somewhere in Greensboro, NC.

匝道 is a also new to me. Probably, the Chinese term was imported from Taiwan. I am wondering why it's not called 坡道 since 匝道 refers to "ramp", but 匝 actually means "circle" or "circumference".

ysun  Identity Verified
Stati Uniti
Local time: 10:34
Da Inglese a Cinese
+ ...
我想你是对的 Aug 1, 2016

Fargoer wrote:




[Edited at 2016-08-01 02:09 GMT]

Local time: 10:34
Da Inglese a Cinese
绕啊绕 Aug 1, 2016

ysun wrote:

  I am wondering why it's not called 坡道 since 匝道 refers to "ramp", but 匝 actually means "circle" or "circumference".




[修改时间: 2016-08-01 03:05 GMT]

Local time: 10:34
Da Inglese a Cinese
“eternal”、“eternity” 和 “永恒” Aug 5, 2016

QHE wrote:

 我觉得 “eternity” 直接译为“永恒”也很好。 



中文的“永恒”,与英文的 “eternal” 和 “eternity” 在词义上对应相当完整。但用法上则有些微妙差别。
“eternal” 作为形容词描述的多半是时间性事物,例如 “eternal love”,这和中文“永恒的爱情”完全一致。这里的 “eternal” 就是很久很久,像一辈子那么久。生死契阔,与子成说。这就是永恒了。显而易见,这个“永恒”是时间性的。

但 “eternity” 则有所不同。在很多情况下,尤其是在哲学和宗教的叙语中,“eternity” 指的是一种非时间的存在。不是很久很久,而是无始无终,无变化,无运动。这是一种哲学上的最高级别的抽象。大概始于柏拉图。柏拉图有句关于时间的名言:“时间是永恒的活动影像”。看中文很难明白他到底说的是什么。看英译本就比较明白。(Time is the moving image of eternity)。这些理念出自柏拉图《蒂迈欧篇(Timaeus)》。有关的论述抄在最后。 

圣奥古斯丁是中世纪的经院哲学家,但从哲学传承关系上,他应该算是柏拉图的传人。他笔下的 “eternity” 离开柏拉图的概念不会太远。

WHEN the father creator saw the creature which he had made moving and living, the created image of the eternal gods, he rejoiced, and in his joy determined to make the copy still more like the original; and as this was eternal, he sought to make the universe eternal, so far as might be. Now the nature of the ideal being was everlasting, but to bestow this attribute in its fulness upon a creature was impossible. Wherefore he resolved to have a moving image of eternity, and when he set in order the heaven, he made this image eternal but moving according to number, while eternity itself rests in unity; and this image we call time. For there were no days and nights and months and years before the heaven was created, but when he constructed the heaven he created them also. They are all parts of time, and the past and future are created species of time, which we unconsciously but wrongly transfer to the eternal essence;

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