Lingue di lavoro:
Da Inglese a Italiano

Marina Montalbano
Traduttrice Certificata EN-IT

Ora locale: 23:23 CET (GMT+1)

Madrelingua: Italiano 
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Apr 24, 2020 (posted via  Just finished translating part of a position paper by "Missing Children Europe" ...more, + 7 other entries »
Total word count: 2087

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Native speaker of Italian and certified translator from English into Italian, with a strong educational background in translation studies, an accurate and flexible writing style, and extensive knowledge and expert use of my target language

I will help you:

  • expand your business in Italy

  • communicate with your Italian clients

  • publish your work for an Italian audience

  • translate your official documents and give them legal effect in Italy

Professional Memberships

Registered at the Italian Chamber of Commerce of Palermo and Enna as a language professional and sworn translator.

Registered at the Court of Palermo (Italy) as a court-appointed translator.

Member of MET (Mediterranean Editors & Translators)


TAUS Certification in Translation Quality Management

Master's Degree in Specialized Translation EN>IT (Biomedicine, Law)

Bachelor's Degree in Translation and Interpreting (EN-FR>IT)

SDL Post-Editing Certification



C.A.T. Software Used (upon request)

Trados Studio 2021 Freelance

WordFast Pro



My Experience

Official Documents & Certificates Vital records and legal documents for Italian citizenship application at Italian consulates abroad or at municipalities or courts in Italy.

Law Legal correspondence, Contracts, Terms of Service, Articles of Association, Wills, Settlement Agreements.

Biomedicine & Pharmaceuticals Package leaflets, clinical trials, academic articles, informed consent forms, research studies, scientific articles.

Nutrition, Fitness & Wellness Nutritional information, Fitness plans, Brochures, Marketing material.

Cosmetics Product packaging and description + Marketing content of Makeup, Skincare and Fragrances.

Past Volunteer Work

Translators without Borders

Questo membro ha acquisito punti KudoZ aiutando altri colleghi nella traduzione di termini di livello PRO. Cliccare sui punteggi per visualizzare le proposte di traduzione suggerite.

Totale punti: 20
Punti PRO: 16

Lingua (PRO)
Da Inglese a Italiano16
Aree generali principali (PRO)
Aree specifiche principali (PRO)
Affari/Commercio (generale)4
Medico: Odontoiatria4
Legale (generale)4
Medicina (generale)4

Visualizza tutti i punti acquisiti >
Parole chiave: English, Italian, translation, translator, certified, proofreading, medical, generic, health care, healthcare. See more.English, Italian, translation, translator, certified, proofreading, medical, generic, health care, healthcare, informed consent, drug, research study, medical, treatment, paediatrics, conditions, psychology, certificates, birth, marriage, divorce, death, official documents, law, legal translations, contracts, terms of service, articles of association, localization, post-editing, machine translation, MT post-editing, SDL, SDL Trados, Studio 2019, CAT tool, software, education, material, CV, resume, letters, correspondence, email, marketing, text, freelance, professional, certified translations, training materials, catalogues, brochures, promotional material, manuals, language solutions, translation services, questionnaire, scientific translator, scientific articles, newsletters, leaflets, product description, Italy, Italia, italiano, traduttore certificato, traduttrice, technical translator, specialized translator, Wordfast, traduzioni.. See less.

Ultimo aggiornamento del profilo
Sep 25, 2023

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