How to open a termbase in Multiterm iX?
Iniziatore argomento: Myron Netchypor
Myron Netchypor
Myron Netchypor  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:41
Membro (2003)
Da Inglese a Ucraino
+ ...

Aug 19, 2005

I have received a project to be translated with mdb termbase for Multiterm iX.

I attached this termbase (Tools -> Attach Termbase)in Multiterm iX
Then I opened it. But after opening it I can see no entries at all in the Browse pane, and no entries in navigation toolbar.

Can anybody suggest what is wrong with it?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

[Edited at 2005-08-19 09:26]

Vesna Zivcic
Vesna Zivcic  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:41
Da Tedesco a Croato
+ ...
Perhaps it's empty Aug 19, 2005

Sometimes agencies send an empty termbase to be filled by you as you translate. In such a case I always check with the agency to have their feedback that the termbase is really provided empty.



Myron Netchypor
Myron Netchypor  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:41
Membro (2003)
Da Inglese a Ucraino
+ ...

maybe Aug 19, 2005

Vesna Zivcic wrote:

Sometimes agencies send an empty termbase to be filled by you as you translate. In such a case I always check with the agency to have their feedback that the termbase is really provided empty.



Hvala Vesna! Maybe it is the case, but I looked at the mdb-file, and it weighs 3.5 MB, so I thought there must be something there.

Vesna Zivcic
Vesna Zivcic  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:41
Da Tedesco a Croato
+ ...
Check with the customer Aug 19, 2005

Hello again!

My last received MTiX termbase (provided empty) has the size 3.3 MB. It is just its blank structure that weighs so much.



Myron Netchypor
Myron Netchypor  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:41
Membro (2003)
Da Inglese a Ucraino
+ ...

Hvala, Vesna! Aug 19, 2005

Actually you are right! I've got the same information from my custormer. Thank you very much!


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How to open a termbase in Multiterm iX?

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