Membro dal Apr '11

Lingue di lavoro:
Da Inglese a Italiano
Da Ceco a Italiano
Da Italiano a Ceco
Da Inglese a Ceco

Roberto Lombino
Sì, lo traduco traduzioni tecniche

Repubblica Ceca
Ora locale: 17:53 CET (GMT+1)

Madrelingua: Italiano Native in Italiano, Ceco Native in Ceco
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What Roberto Lombino is working on
Nov 12, 2019 (posted via  Industrial machine text ...more, + 5 other entries »
Total word count: 17510

  Display standardized information

You are kindly invited to click the plus button visible above, so you will be able to see all the information about me.

Please feel free to contact me, I will respond ASAP.

Before starting a cooperation it would be better to send a sample text, after that I could offer a reasonable price and deadline of supplying the translation. The price and delivery date also include a check-out done with Distiller (a third party software for QA analysis of the translated text). Please read carefully the following conditions for accepting the translation job. Both part must sign an NDA agreement. the other part (LSP or agency requesting a service) must deliver a electronic digital readable file of the original document in a readable way (including pictures and descriptions), for example, a pdf format. The translator vendor regularly performs a final graphical check out of the translated document graphical output, for  example of a pdf file or Microsoft Word file where applicable. If this would not be possible, due to software incompatibilities, the LSP or agency, requesting a service, must find a way how to solve the incompatibilities (which cannot be accepted as claim). It is important that both the parts agree to these conditions, meaning that, in sending a purchase order the LSP accept these conditions and that will do anything possible in his competencies to successfully resolve requests sent during the translation process. In accepting a job, both parts agree with these conditions and that will do all the possible efforts using all the available owned known resources in the day of sending the purchase order and during the period in which both partes are working on or are involved in the translation job or as per agreement. You are kindly invited to agree with these conditions before sending the Purchase Order, otherwise in sending  a PO you automatically agree with these conditions as no claim will be accepted furtherly if both parts are not satisfied.

Best Regards

- Professional translations from a reliable and higlhy experienced translator
- A team of qualified experienced translators available to work on larger projects
- Distiller check before delivering the target translation

- Jubler for subtitling projects

Working languages: English, Italian, Czech


•Technical: manuals, instructions, technical documentation (mechanical, electrical, electrotechnical, physical, nuclear and power engineering, automotive industry), quality systems (including APQP, PPAP or FMEA tools and others), MSA, ISO certification and standards (mainly ISO 9001 and ISO 14001), certificates
•Promotional material: catalogues, flyers, presentations, web sites, tourist guides

Trados 2021 import filter

sdlxliff SDL XLIFF
inx Adobe InDesign CS2-CS4 INX
ttx TRADOStag
itd SDL Edit
doc dot Microsoft Word 2000-2003
docx dotx docm dotm Microsoft Word 2007-2010
ppt pps pot Microsoft PowerPoint XP-2003
pptx ppsx potx pptm potm ppsm Microsoft PowerPoint 2007-2010
xlsx xltx xlsm Microsoft Excel 2007-2010
xls xlt Microsoft Excel 2000-2003
doc docx Trados Translator's Workbench
rtf Rich Text Format (RTF)
html htm XHTML 1.1
htm html jsp asp aspx ascx inc php hhk hhc HTML
mif Adobe FrameMaker 8-11 MIF
idml Adobe InDesign CS4-CS6 IDML
icml Adobe InCopy CS4-CS6 ICML
odt ott odm OpenDocument Text Document (ODT)
odp otp OpenDocument Presentation (ODP)
ods ots OpenDocument Spreadsheet (ODS)
xtg tag QuarkXPress Export
xlf WsXliff
pdf PDF
csv Comma Delimited Text (CSV)
txt Tab Delimited Text
properties Java Resources
resx XML Microsoft NET Resources
xml dita XML OASIS DITA compliant
xml XML OASIS DocBook 45 Compliant
xml XML W3C ITS Compliant
xml XML Any XML
txt Text

MemoQ 2018 currently supports the following monolingual file formats:

•HTML documents (*.html, *.htm)
•Microsoft® Word® documents and Rich Text Files (*.doc, *.rtf)
•Microsoft® Office 2020, 2010 or 2013 Word® documents (*.docx, *.docx)
•Text files (*.txt, *.inf, *.ini, *.reg, and many more). There is an unstructured and a structured filter for these.
•Microsoft® Excel® files (*.xls, *.xlt)
•Microsoft® Office 2007, 2010 or 2013 Excel® files (*.xlsx)
•Microsoft® PowerPoint® files (*.ppt, *.pps, *.pot)
•Microsoft® Office 2007, 2010 or 2013 PowerPoint® files (*.pptx, *.potx)
•OpenDocumentText ( Write; ODT) documents
•Adobe® Framemaker® files (*.mif)
•Adobe® InDesign® INX and IDML files (*.inx, *.idml, *.indd)
•XML and SGML files (*.xml, *.sgml)
•XLIFF files (*xlf; *.xlz)
•.NET resource files (*.resx)
•Portable Document Format (PDF)
•Java properties files (*.properties)
•AuthorIT projects (*.xml)
•DITA documents (*.dita)
•Excel 2003 XML spreadsheets (*.xml)
•FreeMind mindmaps (*.mm)
•Microsoft Visio charts (*.vdx)
•Microsoft Help Workshop files (*.hhc, *.hhk)
•Scalable Vector Graphics drawings (*.svg)
•Typo3 pages (*.xml)
•JSON (*.json)
•YAML (*.yaml)

Dear Madam, Sir

I am an italian - czech living in Prague. In 1990 I moved from Italy to Prague in Czech Republic. In Italy, I made usual school and started also university studies in engineering, which studies I finished in czech republic at the Czech Technical University in Prague in Czech language.
In those years, I had to translate scientific and medical documentations into czech language. Nevertheless, my mind is still italian, and also if I am resident in Czech Republic, consider it as fiscal scope, as I am mostly in Italy and in contact with italian people, so I prefer rather to translate english texts into italian. I have also a perfect command of both two languages, czech and italian, as I perfectioned czech in Czech Republic. My english knowledge is at professional level, so please I rather prefere to work on english american and UK english. If the you need to translate an original chinese-english texts (so called, chenglish), please prepare before a complete documentation, including pictures. In my working experience, I have to deal with americans companies and people, which is the reason why

I do translations, as it is a result of my starting interpreting experience since 1994, as there were many starting business in czech republic and there was the need to translate ideas, meetings and business matters into a language.

So now I do translations using Trados 2021, MemoQ, WordFast and Across and MS Office 365 (also other cat tools are in my portfolio, such are some DTP softwares).

I do technical translations, but also other kind of translations.

Typically, the offer I sent you is a draft offer, after doing the analysis of the file using Trados, I can send a better and cheaper one.
The delivery time is up to you, but in any case I am able to translate 2000-3000 words per day as a good and already proved experienced rate per day.
I have many translations memories that make me able to work in different fields.

Please, if you have any question, dont´t hesitate to contact me ASAP.
I am including also my CV, may be some details must be updated.

I will appreciate a payment in 40 days.


Best regards, Cordialità, Srdečně zdravím,

Roberto Lombino

Some attendance certificates:


Questo membro ha acquisito punti KudoZ aiutando altri colleghi nella traduzione di termini di livello PRO. Cliccare sui punteggi per visualizzare le proposte di traduzione suggerite.

Totale punti: 18
(Livello PRO)

Lingue principali (PRO)
Da Inglese a Italiano16
Da Italiano a Ceco2
Aree generali principali (PRO)
Aree specifiche principali (PRO)
Gestione aziendale4
Trasporti/Mezzi di trasporto/Navigazione4

Visualizza tutti i punti acquisiti >

This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.

Project History Summary
Total projects17
With client feedback0
0 positive (0 entries)

Job type
Software localization2
Language pairs
Da Ceco a Italiano9
Da Inglese a Italiano8
Da Italiano a Ceco5
Da Inglese a Ceco3
Specialty fields
Gestione aziendale5
Ingegneria: Industriale4
Marketing/Ricerche di mercato3
Meccanica/Ingegneria meccanica2
Ingegneria (generale)2
Automobilistico/Auto e autocarri2
Legale: Tasse e Dogane2
Scienza (generale)1
Energia/Produzione di energia1
Industria edilizia/Ingegneria civile1
Other fields
Arte, Arti applicate, Pittura1
Certificati, Diplomi, Licenze, CV1
Org/Svil/Coop internazionale1
Legale (generale)1
Chimica; Scienze/Ingegneria chimica1
Materiali (Plastica, Ceramica ecc.)1
Parole chiave: web localizations, software, technology, manuals, documents industry, manufacturing, Trados, Trados 2011, Trados 2017, Passolo 2016. See more.web localizations, software, technology, manuals, documents industry, manufacturing, Trados, Trados 2011, Trados 2017, Passolo 2016, localization, software localization, Microsoft style guide, Microsoft terminology, Microsoft dictionary, italian, czech, english, computers, OS, operating system, engineering, civil enegineering, electrical, electrotechnical, mechanical, Windows, Quark, Adobe, InDesign, Autocad, Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Acess, Open Office, PDF localizzazioni web, software, tecnologia, manuali, settore di documenti, di produzione, Trados, Trados 2011, Passolo, localizzazione, localizzazione di software, guida di stile Microsoft, Microsoft terminologia, dizionario Microsoft, italiano, ceco, inglese, computer, OS, il sistema operativo, engineering, ingegneria civile, elettrica, elettrotecnica, meccanica, traduzioni tecniche, traduzioni, interpretariato, traduzioni ceco italiano, traduzioni italiano ceco Webové lokalizace, software, technologie, manuály, dokumenty, průmysl, průmyslová výroba, Trados, Trados 2011, Passolo, lokalizace, lokalizace softwaru, Microsoft ve stylu průvodce, Microsoft terminologie, Microsoft slovník, italsky, česky, anglicky, počítače, OS, operační systém, strojírenství, stavební inženýrství, elektrotechnika, elektrotechnické, strojní, překlady, technické překlady, tlumočení, italsko české překlady, česko italské překlady. See less.

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Jul 30, 2024