Freelance translators » Da Olandese a Inglese » Arte/Letteratura » Computer: Hardware » Page 3

Below is a list of Da Olandese a Inglese traduttori freelance specializzati in traduzioni nel settore Arte/Letteratura: Computer: Hardware. Per ulteriori campi di ricerca, prova a effettuare una ricerca avanzata facendo clic a destra.

67 risultati (membri paganti di

Freelance translator native in

Specializes in

Carmen Lawrence
Carmen Lawrence
Native in Inglese (Variants: British, UK, US) Native in Inglese
German, Dutch, translator, translations, translate, environment, solar energy, renewable energy, environmental translator, medical translator, ...
Trados Studio, film, subtitling, accurate, technical, reviewer, localization, owners manual, IFU, Serbian, ...
Karen Lievisse Adriaanse
Karen Lievisse Adriaanse
Native in Olandese Native in Olandese
Henry Pijffers
Henry Pijffers
Native in Olandese (Variant: Netherlands) Native in Olandese, Inglese Native in Inglese, Ungherese Native in Ungherese
IT, software, localisation, HTML, book, Dutch, English, website, internet, e-commerce, ...
John Owen
John Owen
Native in Inglese Native in Inglese
metallurgy, electronics, machine engineering, automotive, plastics, textile machinery, it, contract law, automation, pipe and wire production, ...
Comunicare Srl
Comunicare Srl
Native in Italiano Native in Italiano
Eleonora Timmons Militano
Eleonora Timmons Militano
Native in Italiano (Variant: Standard-Italy) Native in Italiano, Inglese (Variants: UK, US) Native in Inglese
Freelance translator languages Italian Dutch English German Norwegian Contracts, lawsuits, software, IT, questionnaires, sea protests, research, user manuals, manuals for medical devices, marketing translations, ...
Native in Olandese Native in Olandese, Inglese Native in Inglese
Vertaling, vertalen, engels, duits, nederlands, limburg, roermond, limberg, vlaams, bijles, ...
Yuri Meeuws
Yuri Meeuws
Native in Fiammingo Native in Fiammingo
Elise Hendrick
Elise Hendrick
Native in Inglese Native in Inglese, Tedesco Native in Tedesco, Spagnolo (Variants: Chilean, Latin American) Native in Spagnolo
legal, commercial, technical, Recht, Medizin, Technik, Wirtschaft, Handel, medicine, medical, ...
Native in Inglese Native in Inglese, Greco Native in Greco
Greek, Dutch, English, technical, medical, pharmaceutical environmental, It, telecoms, legal, patents, ...
Heinrich Dahms
Heinrich Dahms
Native in Inglese Native in Inglese
ict, computer, networks, websites, legal, psychology, linguistics, film, media, advertising, ...
Edirel Susanna
Edirel Susanna
Native in Inglese Native in Inglese, Olandese Native in Olandese
financial services industry, banking, financial statements, investment industry, general business
Mary James
Mary James
Native in Tedesco Native in Tedesco, Olandese Native in Olandese
Dutch, German, Translation, Transcription, localization,
Sricha Gupta
Sricha Gupta
Native in Hindi (Variants: Khariboli, Indian, Shuddha) Native in Hindi, Inglese (Variants: South African, US South, British, UK, Irish, Indian, Jamaican, US, Australian, French, Wales / Welsh, Singaporean, Canadian, New Zealand, Scottish) Native in Inglese
24 hrs available for Multi Language Translation, Typesetting, DTP, Publishing, Transcription, Voice Over, Layout Designing, DTP / Typesetting in Middle East Languages etc.
Ronald van Riet
Ronald van Riet
Native in Olandese (Variant: Netherlands) Native in Olandese, Inglese (Variants: British, UK, US) Native in Inglese
aerospace, computer hardware, computer software, science, engineering, military
Leonne Buur-Haaijman
Leonne Buur-Haaijman
Native in Inglese Native in Inglese
beëdigd, beedigd, juridisch, NGTV, Wbtv, spoed, sworn, certified, legal, CIOL, ...
Sri Sai Translations
Sri Sai Translations
Native in Inglese (Variants: French, Wales / Welsh, Australian, South African, New Zealand, Indian, British, US, Scottish, Irish, Canadian, US South, Singaporean, Jamaican) Native in Inglese, Tedesco Native in Tedesco, Russo Native in Russo
English to Telugu, English to Hindi, English to Bengali, English to Marati, English to Gujarati, English to Panjabi, English to Odiya, English to Assamese, English to Bhojpuri, English to Maithili, ...
Native in Spagnolo Native in Spagnolo, Francese Native in Francese
iso 17100, iso 17100 certificate, iso 17100 certification, iso 17100 certified translation, iso 17100 certified translation company, iso 17100 certified translation services
Jordan Eriksen
Jordan Eriksen
Native in Inglese Native in Inglese, Norvegese Native in Norvegese
Norwegian, bokmaal, bokmål, riksmål, oversetter, oversettelse, translator, translation, Norway, norsk, ...

Pubblica lavoro di traduzione o interpretariato

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I traduttori, così come gli interpreti, rendono possibile la comunicazione tra culture traducendo da una lingua all'altra. I traduttori lavorano con il testo scritto e non con la lingua parlata.

Tradurre significa molto di più che convertire parola per parola da una lingua all'altra. Un traduttore deve capire a fondo l'argomento di ogni testo su cui lavora, così come le culture della lingua di origine e di destinazione.

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