Name: Luca Burattini
Address: Via Piana di Cardinale n°43, 60037, monte san Vito (AN), Italy.
Telephone: +39071743180
Mobile: +393285457360
[email protected]
Nationality: Italian
Date of birth: 26/06/1980
¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬EDUCATION / TRAINING
Dates (from – to): 2001-2007
Name of Institution: University of Urbino
Qualification: Graduate.
Main Subjects: Foreign Languages and literature, German-English
Dates (from – to): 2008
Name of Institution: Goethe Institut
Qualification: acquaintance certificate C1
Main Subjects: German language
Dates (from – to): 2006
Name of Institution: D.I.D, German School
Qualification: acquaintance certificate
Main Subjects: German language
Dates (from – to): 2005
Name of Institution: Suny univ. New York, U.S.A.
Qualification: university exchange program
Main Subjects: English Literature
Dates (from – to): 2005
Name of Institution: Erasmus project in Erfurt, Germany.
Qualification: Student
Main Subjects: German Literature
Dates (from – to): 2001
Name of Institution: Project Leonardo in Dublin, Ireland
Qualification: work exp. Kpmg Dublin
Main Subjects: English
Dates (from – to): 1994-200
Name of Institution: I.T.I.S. Torrette
Qualification: Perito Meccanico
Main Subjects: Mechanics
Dates (from – to): November 2007-now
Name of employer: eBay
Business Sector: customer service
Position held: employee in top customer care
Dates (from – to): 2006- November 2007
Name of employer: ikea
Business Sector: customer service
Position held: Shop supporter
Dates (from – to): 2001-2005
Name of employer: waiter in London, Berlin, Rome
Business Sector:
Position held: waiter
Dates (from – to): 1999-2000
Name of employer: Sipe spa
Business Sector: technical instrument
Position held: Technical designer
Languages: Italian, German, English
Computer skills: Very Good
Interests: Literature, photography, travel