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Da Inglese a Francese - Tariffe: 0.05 - 0.08 EUR a parola / 25 - 40 EUR all'ora Da Francese a Inglese - Tariffe: 0.05 - 0.08 EUR a parola / 25 - 40 EUR all'ora Da Italiano a Francese - Tariffe: 0.05 - 0.08 EUR a parola / 25 - 40 EUR all'ora Da Italiano a Inglese - Tariffe: 0.05 - 0.08 EUR a parola / 25 - 40 EUR all'ora
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Traduzioni di prova presentate: 12
Da Italiano a Inglese: Versi d'amore - Sonetti di primavera
Testo originale - Italiano
"Bei seni da la punta erta fiorenti, su cui mi cade a l'alba il capo stanco allor che ne' supremi abbattimenti de 'l piacere io m'irrigidisco e manco;
reni feline pe' cui solchi ascendo lascivamente in ritmo con le dita come su nervi di falcate lire;
denti sotto a' cui morsi acri mi arrendo, bocche sanguigne piú di una ferita, pur m'é dolce per voi cosí sfiorire."
Traduzione - Inglese "Love verses", Spring Sonnets
Magnificent bosoms, the point so strongly raised, on which I let my head rest at the first light of the day, in the supreme exhaustion of the pleasure, I become numb and I die;
Voluptuous undulations, feline curves, up valley that my fingers linger over in ryth, as of the nerves of the lyre's crescent;
Teeth under the bite of which I easily submit, mouth more sanguine than a wound, it's sweet to me to wilt for you.
Da Francese a Inglese: Canne de maître à danser
Testo originale - Francese Les maîtres à danser faisaient partie, à Paris, de la communauté des joueurs d'instruments, dont le chef avait le titre de "roi des violons"; cette communauté était régie par des statuts approuvés et confirmés par lettres patentes de 1659. Il fallait non seulement passer un examen mais payer pour être admis dans la confrérie et l'on ne pouvait exercer son métier, donner des leçons chez soi ou en ville, sans en faire partie.
Traduzione - Inglese Dance masters where part of the instrument player community in Paris. Their headmaster was designated as "King of violin"; from 1659 on, the Dance masters were controlled by approved status and confirmed by letters of patent. A Dance master was required to pass an exam and to pay to be admitted in the brotherhood; he couldn't practice his work, give lessons at home or in town, without being one of them.
Da Inglese a Francese: The revolutionary archives
Testo originale - Inglese Here are the Records of the section debates in Paris. -- Many of these begin March 28, 1793, and contain the deliberations of revolutionary committees; for example, F7, 2475, the section of the Pikes or of the Place Vendôme.
We see by the official reports dated March 28 and the following days that the suspected were deprived all weapons, even the smallest, every species of sword-cane, including dress-swords with steel or silver handles.
Traduzione - Francese Voici les minutes de la Section des débats à Paris, le 28 mars 1793, contenant les délibérations des Comités révolutionnaires de la Section des Piques ou de la Place Vendôme:
D'après les comptes-rendus officiels datés du 28 mars et des jours suivants, " les suspects se voyaient retirer jusqu'à la plus minime de leurs armes", en particulier "tout type de canne-épée, dont celles de gala à poignée en métal ou en argent"
Da Francese a Inglese: Editions du marché commun agricole
Testo originale - Francese Our unique method of consolidation makes it possible to establish the "Reference version" of a European Directive or Council Directive or any other Community act or legal document in the agricultural and agri-food law areas: A document may have been modified tens of time, we make available an up to date version. Each modification, amendment, implementation, derogation or abrogation resulting from other related documents is referenced and documented, as well as cross-references between European and French laws.
Traduzione - Inglese Ce texte a été rédigé par nous en anglais pour présenter les méthodes de consolidation de cet éditeur spécialisé au public de langue anglaise.
Da Francese a Inglese: Préambule AfricaRail
Testo originale - Francese Désenclaver les pays de l'intérieur sahélien (Burkina Faso, Niger) et des régions limitrophes (Sud-Est du Mali et le Nord-Ouest du Nigéria), formant ainsi une zone économique de cinquante cinq millions d'habitants. Ce désenclavement concerne les passagers et les marchandises.
Permettre d'exploiter les ressources agricoles et minières de l'intérieur.
Développer l'industrie et les échanges commerciaux.
Assurer une desserte ferroviaire entre les ports de Lomé et de Cotonou.
Traduzione - Inglese Opening up the landlocked countries to the transport of passengers, goods and equipments from inside the Burkina Faso-Niger area to the bordering regions such as South-East Mali and Nord-West Nigeria.
Enabling a better exploitation of agricultural and mining resources from the inside areas.
Developing an industry and trade.
Providing a train service between the ports of Lome and Cotonou.
Da Francese a Inglese: Communiqué de presse en écho à Thérèse philosophe
Testo originale - Francese Le dernier rendez-vous public des "correspondances d'artistes" pour la saison aura lieu le Samedi 28 Avril 2007 à 15 heures à Paris, Ateliers Berthiers, Grande salle, à l'occasion de la création à l'Odéon-Théatre de l'Europe de "THERESE philosophe" - roman-sur-scène -: L'Association "Les Mots Parleurs" offre en lecture, en résonance avec "THERESE philosophe", des textes inédits de Lydie Salvayre et Luba Jurgenson, qui seront lus par Carole Bergen et Valérie Delbore.
Paris 13 Avril 2007 -- Les Mots Parleurs, L'Odéon-Théâtre de l'Europe et la Maison des Ecrivains associent leurs forces pour organiser, tout au long de la saison 2006-2007, une confrontation créative - commentaire, contrepoint ou conversation, comme on voudra - entre quatre oeuvres théâtrales, créées dans le théâtre, et quatre fois deux auteurs contemporains. Une nouvelle création va ainsi se prêter au jeu des "Correspondances d'artistes", le 28 Avril 2007; il s'agit de "THERESE philosophe" - roman-sur-scène -, un curieux roman anonyme du 18ème siècle, souvent attribué à Boyer d’Argens, mis en scène par Anatoli Vassiliev. Les deux auteurs qui viennent cette fois répondre à l'appel de cette création et renouveler pour le public l'expérience de l'écriture et de l'échange sont Lydie Salvayre et Luba Jurgenson.
Traduzione - Inglese For the last time in the season, the "Correspondances d'Artistes" will go public: Saturday April 28, 2007 3:00 pm, at the Ateliers Berthier in Paris. This new appointment will echo to the creation of "THERESE philosophe - roman-sur-scene - " a scenic novel, directed by Anatoli Vassiliev. The Association "Les Mots Parleurs" offers an exceptional reading in full voice by Valerie Delbore and Carole Bergen of the unpublished texts written by Lydie Salvayre and Luba Jurgenson in echo to "THERESE philosophe".
Paris April 13, 2007 -- Throughout the season 2006-2007, the theater "Odeon-Theatre de l'Europe", the "Mots Parleurs" and the House of writers bring together various talents to organize a creative confrontation - comment, counterpoint - between four dramatic works, created in the theatre, and four times two contemporary authors. The fourth creation to enter the play is "THERESE philosophe - roman-sur-scene -", a French 18th Century anonymous and unusual novel, frequently assigned to Boyer d’Argens, brought to the stage and directed by Anatoli Vassiliev. Saturday 28 April 2007 at 3:00 pm, the Association "Les Mots Parleurs" (the words that speak) offers a reading in full voice interpreted by Carole Bergen and Valerie Delbore -in French- of the writings of Lydie Salvayre et Luba Jurgenson, the authors who accepted to write in echo to "THERESE philosophe" and to experiment an to renew the exchange with the public. This exceptional reading will be followed by a confrontation, led by Maria Mailat - writer and anthropologist, between the public, the authors, the director of the play and the interpreters from the "Mots parleurs" .
Da Inglese a Francese: Walking in wildlife
Testo originale - Inglese Our traditonal stone eco-cottage is located on an organic hill farm situated in the Clun Valley, in beautiful South Shropshire.
There is no better place to rest and relax. The cottage enjoy wondeful views over the Clun Valley.
The area offers unlimited opportunity for poeple interested in walking and wildlife.
By exploring the farm you will find many important habitats such as unimproved hay meadows and wildlife ponds, which support a number of interesting species, from frogs to dragon flies.
The farm also includes the Shropshire Wildlife Trust's Rhos Fiddle Reserve, a beautiful large expanse of upland moorland, designated as a Site of Special Scientific Interest. It supports a diversity of species including hare, curlew, snipe, short-eared owl and mountain pansy.
Traduzione - Francese Notre cottage traditionnel en pierre se trouve dans les collines d'une ferme organique située dans la Vallée de Clun, dans le magnifique Shropshire Sud.
Il n'est pas de meilleur endroit pour se reposer et se relaxer. Le cottage jouit d'une vue exceptionnelle sur la Vallée de Clun.
Le lieu offre des ressources illimitées à ceux qui aiment la marche et la vie sauvage.
En explorant la ferme, vous trouverez de nombreux habitats essentiels, que sont pour la faune sauvage les prés et les mares. Ces habitats abritent de nombreuses espèces, telle la grenouille ou la libellule.
La ferme comprend aussi le "Shropshire Wildlife Trust's Rhos Fiddle Reserve", une réserve de vie sauvage dans une belle lande vallonnée. Ce site est désigné sous le nom de "Site d'intérêt scientifique particulier". Il abrite en effet de nombreuses espèces, notamment des lièvres, courlis, bécasses, hiboux des marais, mais également des pensées sauvages.
Da Inglese a Francese: Business-to-business model for supply chain services
Testo originale - Inglese An important function for a virtual organisation operating in a business to business context will be to deal with financial flows: orders, from final customer and as well from partners, payment authorisations, payment transactions, acknowledgement of payment, etc..
Off the shelf payment systems already exist as proprietary systems but convergence of standards between them is emerging fast. Such systems are complex and involve several partners and associated software programs to automate the communications between them.
Traduzione - Francese Une fonction importante pour une organisation virtuelle fonctionnant dans un contexte business to business est de traiter les flux financiers: passation de commande, du client mais aussi des partenaires, autorisation de paiement, transaction financière, accusé de réception du paiement, etc..
Les systèmes de paiement existent déjà en tant que systèmes propriétaires mais la convergence des normes entre elles émerge rapidement. De tels systèmes sont complexes et impliquent plusieurs parties prenantes associés et des applications associées pour automatiser les transmissions entre elles.
Da Italiano a Inglese: Prefazione Monteverdi
Testo originale - Italiano -- Copywrited text --
La dedica a Caterina de’ Medici duchessa di Mantova non si spiega solo in riferimento ai legami che Monteverdi, giunto a Venezia nel 1613 per assumere la direzione della cappella di S. Marco, continuò a intrattenere con la corte dei Gonzaga fino alla fine degli anni Venti. Essa infatti sembra essere legata a circostanze precise. Caterina de’ Medici sposò Ferdinando Gonzaga il 7 febbraio 1607. Le nozze avvennero a Firenze. Monteverdi non partecipò all’evento in quanto intento alla composizione della Favola di Tetide, lavoro che venne però presto abbandonato. Peraltro il musicista avrebbe potuto ugualmente sovrintendere all’esecuzione delle musiche eventualmente composte da altri appositamente incaricati per l’occasione. Ottavio Rinuccini offrì a Monteverdi anche la possibilità di soggiornare presso di lui, ma preferì declinare l’invito e non partecipare in alcun modo ai festeggiamenti per non suscitare le gelosie di musicisti locali, primo fra tutti Sante Orlandi. È probabile però che dietro richiesta di Alessandro Striggio egli componesse alcuni brani da eseguirsi per il ritorno dei duchi a Mantova avvenuto il 7 marzo di quell’anno.
Traduzione - Inglese -- Copywrited text --
We cannot explain the dedication to Caterina de’ Medici duchess of Mantua only by the links that Monteverdi, who arrived in Venice in 1613 to take the direction of the S. Marco Chapel, maintained with the Gonzaga court until the end of the years Twenty. This seems to relate to a precise circumstance. Caterina de’ Medici married Ferdinando Gonzaga the 7 February 1607. The wedding day took place in Florence. Monteverdi didn't attend the event as he was devoted to the composition of the Favola di Tetide, a work that however he quickly abandoned. Moreover the musician could also have supervised the performance of musics possibly composed by others appointed on purpose of the occasion. Ottavio Rinuccini offered Monteverdi to stay with him, but he preferred to decline the invitation and not participate in any way in the celebration, to avoid engender the jealosy of the local musicians, first of all Sante Orlandi. It is probable however that upon request of Alessandro Striggio he composed some pieces to perform when the dukes of Mantua returned the 7 March of the same year.
Da Inglese a Italiano: Walking in wildlife
Testo originale - Inglese Our traditional stone eco-cottage is located on an organic hill farm situated in the Clun Valley, in beautiful South Shropshire.
There is no better place to rest and relax. The cottage enjoy wonderful views over the Clun Valley.
The area offers unlimited opportunity for people interested in walking and wildlife.
By exploring the farm you will find many important habitats such as unimproved hay meadows and wildlife ponds, which support a number of interesting species, from frogs to dragon flies.
The farm also includes the Shropshire Wildlife Trust's Rhos Fiddle Reserve, a beautiful large expanse of upland moorland, designated as a Site of Special Scientific Interest. It supports a diversity of species including hare, curlew, snipe, short-eared owl and mountain pansy.
Traduzione - Italiano Il nostro cottage tradizionale in pietra si trova nelle colline d'una azienda agricola organica situata nella valle di Clun, nel magnifico Sud del Shropshire.
Non c'è un migliore posto per riposarsi e liberarsi. La casa usufruisce della vista splendida sulla valle di Clun.
Il luogo offre risorse illimitate per quelli che gradiscono la marcia e la vita selvaggia.
Esplorando l'azienda agricola, troverete molte habitazioni essenziali, che sono per la fauna selvatica i prati e gli stagni. Queste habitazioni ospitano numerose specie, tale la rana o la libellula.
La tenuta anche comprende la "Shropshire Wildlife Trust's Rhos Fiddle Reserve", una riserva di vita selvaggia in una bella lande ondeggiante. Questo luogo è designato sotto il nome di "Sito d'interesso scientifico particolare". Ospita infatti numerose specie, in particolare delle lepri, courlis, beccacce, gufi delle paludi, ma anche dei pensieri selvaggi.
Da Inglese a Francese: At the forefront of the figurative revival General field: Altro Detailed field: Poesia e Prosa
Testo originale - Inglese Quand il parle de sa jeunesse, on sent une pointe de tristesse. Né en 1966, le peintre norvégien Lars Elling est, en effet, longuement hospitalisé pendant son enfance. Il n’en fait pas un drame, rétrospectivement. Mais tout de même, ça a été important pour lui. « Sans cela, confie-t-il, je serais peut-être devenu footballeur. » C’est en effet durant ces années qu’il prend l’habitude de dessiner pour passer le temps. Il observe. Il s’applique. Il explore l’extraordinaire fantaisie des formes du monde. Il regarde aussi les humains et se fait une idée sur eux.
Il effectue ses études aux Beaux-Arts de Bergen, mais il est marginalisé. La peinture, a fortiori figurative, y est, à son époque, tout simplement impossible. Il se met à l’écart et peint assidûment. Il progresse. Il est content. Une chose l’irrite cependant : le blabla qui entoure nombre de plasticiens. Pour lui, l’art a besoin de silence.
Traduzione - Francese When he evokes his youth, we feel a note of sadness. Born in 1966, the Norwegian painter Lars Elling, indeed, makes a long stay in hospital during his childhood. He does not make a drama of it, in retrospect. Even though, it meant for him. "Without that, he says, I might have become a footballer." Indeed, during these years, he gets into the habit of drawing to pass the time. He watches. He tries the hardest. He explores the extraordinary fantasy of the universe of shapes. He also looks at the humans and gets an idea about them.
He completes his studies at the Fine Arts University in Bergen, but he feels his marginality. Painting, even more so figurative painting, is then, simply impossible. He steps aside and paint dedicatedly. He progresses. He is happy. Something, however, irritates him: the blathering that surrounds many plastic artists. For him, art needs silence.
Da Inglese a Francese: Le Fénéant General field: Altro Detailed field: Poesia e Prosa
Testo originale - Inglese Once upon a time there was a lady who was a baker. She used to bake all sorts of things such as bread, pies, rolls and many different kinds of sweets. She worked really hard day and night.
However, her son was a very lazy person. He was a well-built young man but he never offered a helping hand. In winter, he used to lie down next to the cosy oven and in summer, he used to sit outside in the breeze; always staring around and goofing.
For this reason people started calling him LAZYBONES.
“Get up and do something, Lazybones,” people used to tell him before going in and after coming out the bakery. But Lazybones never listened to them. He would just sit there and stare at nothing.
One fine day, in the middle of August, it was so hot that even Lazybones decided to go to the beach. He had heard someone talking about fishing and so he said to his mum:
“Mum, I think I’m going to do some fishing!”
Traduzione - Francese Il était une fois une boulangère. Elle préparait toutes sortes de bonnes choses, du pain, des tartes, des petits pains et de nombreuses sortes de bonbons. Elle travaillait très dur jour et nuit.
En revanche, son fils était très paresseux. C'était un beau jeune homme, solidement bâti, mais il n'offrait jamais la moindre aide. En hiver, il s'allongeait douillettement à côté du four et, en été, il s'asseyait dehors dans la brise ; il regardait toujours autour de lui en faisant l'andouille.
Ainsi, les gens commencèrent-ils à l'appeler LE FAINÉANT.
« Lève-toi et fais quelque chose, Fainéant », lui disaient les gens en entrant et en sortant de la boulangerie. Mais le Fainéant ne les écoutait pas. Il restait simplement assis là et ne regardait rien.
Un beau jour, au milieu du mois d'août, il faisait si chaud que même Fainéant avait décidé d'aller à la plage. Il avait entendu parler de la pêche et dit à sa mère :
« Maman, je pense que je vais aller pêcher ! »
Anni di esperienza: 54 Registrato in Aug 2008.
My two mother tongue languages are French and Italian.
From 2000 on, I share my time between translation and development. I translated and localized, mostly from English to French and Italian, in the following areas: Legal, contracts, trials, regulations. Technical, environment, energy, electrical appliance, electrical engineering, railways' security systems, manufacturing, construction. IT and telecom manuals. Software, website and gaming localisation. Medical and medical appliance. Tourism. Marketing, market research and surveys. Fashion, Art, Italian renaissance music history, Poetry.
I have been for long in information and market research and also spent a part of my professional life in the art area.
I translated many documents, articles, historical analysis, websites, software, and books, as well as proceedings, court orders, contracts, and technical manuals in multiple areas.
I created a few virtual exhibitions and various glossaries, as well as software and web applications.
Additional Skills: Writing and re-writing abilities, internet marketing, web development.
Technology : Linux, Windows, Desktop publishing, XML / Web services.
Special focus: Knowledge Sharing, Intangibles and Knowledge Management, Women in the digital age, information and market Research, eBusiness management.
Parole chiave: art, architecture, literature, multilingual telephone survey, interview telephoniques multilingues, multilingual content creation, création de contenus multilingues, multilingual information and market research, recherche d'information et études de marché multilingues, movie dialogue. See, architecture, literature, multilingual telephone survey, interview telephoniques multilingues, multilingual content creation, création de contenus multilingues, multilingual information and market research, recherche d'information et études de marché multilingues, movie dialogue, dialogue de film, virtual exhibitions, expositions virtuelles, Renaissance music, musique Renaissance, European Union regulations, Africa, Afrique, réglementation européenne, eco-tourism, eco-tourisme, press release, communiqué de presse, finance, business, environnement, environment, history, histoire, medical, médical, law, droit. See less.