Membro dal May '05

Lingue di lavoro:
Da Inglese a Francese
Da Italiano a Francese
Francese (monolingue)
Da Francese a Italiano

Nicolas Bonsignore
Words that make sense...

Ora locale: 14:10 CET (GMT+1)

Madrelingua: Francese Native in Francese
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8 positive reviews
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Main topics : localisation, technical texts, computers (HDW and SFW, OS, videogames), design, marketing material, legal (civil law, contracts)

Recent projects :
- Marketing and advertising material: IT products, tourist brochures, wine tasting, advertising, creative copy and cultural consulting…
- Games : creative copy, translation/localisation of marketing material, manuals, in-game content for action, sports and arcade games on PS2®, PS3®, PSP®, XboX360® and Wii®.
- Localization: software strings, OLH, UG, GSG + websites
- PR: paper industry, audience measurement provider, retail industry, corporate documents…
- Technical translations: peripherals, tech/safety sheets, manuals, home appliances…
- Machine tools manuals
- Fashion: cosmetics, accessories
- Design: lighting, furniture, accessories
- Training material : Office 2007 training material (Excel + PowerPoint : 50.000 words)
Time Management, Meetings, Trainings, (70.000 words)
- Computers : ~ 120.000 words on networking and security tools (2004); ~ 50.000 words on network appliances (ongoing project)
~ 150.000 words (on-going) on hardware (desktops, laptops, network, storage, peripherals) for a leader IT company
- Software (brochures, manual, help and marketing documents, UI...)
- SAP course, ERP: translation of the presentation of the new OS for a well-known pharmaceutical company : ~ 150.000 words; translation of the glossary for a big glass company
- Customs: various reports and documents (~30.000 words) (ongoing project)
- Legal translations: civil law, code of conduct, statute, certificates, contracts…
- Video scripts

Sworn translator (EN>FR, IT>FR)

Member of Chambre Belge des Traducteurs, Interprètes et Philologues (CBTIP)

Project management: Collaboration with translators for projects involving other languages or specialties.
Project management and coordination of a 5-translator team (translation of UI, OLH and UG of a networking software: 250.000 words in 3 months)

French (FLE)/English teacher (ESL-EFL) - (freelance) (on-site/in-house)
Questo membro ha acquisito punti KudoZ aiutando altri colleghi nella traduzione di termini di livello PRO. Cliccare sui punteggi per visualizzare le proposte di traduzione suggerite.

Totale punti: 213
Punti PRO: 171

Lingue principali (PRO)
Da Italiano a Francese74
Da Inglese a Francese74
Da Inglese a Italiano8
Da Francese a Italiano7
Da Francese a Inglese4
Punti in altre lingue >
Aree generali principali (PRO)
Punti in altre 2 aree >
Aree specifiche principali (PRO)
Legale (generale)26
Meccanica/Ingegneria meccanica14
Ingegneria (generale)12
Industria edilizia/Ingegneria civile8
Computer (generale)8
Punti in altre 17 aree >

Visualizza tutti i punti acquisiti >
Parole chiave: manuel, mode d'emploi, musique, instructions, informatique, design, musique, computer, software, hardware. See more.manuel, mode d'emploi, musique, instructions, informatique, design, musique, computer, software, hardware, OS, peripherals, device, legal, GUI, user guides, manual, law, copywriting, marketing, advertising, creative copy, manual, tecnico. See less.

Ultimo aggiornamento del profilo
Jan 11, 2021

More translators and interpreters: Da Italiano a Francese - Da Italiano a Francese   More language pairs