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Da Greco a Danese Da Spagnolo a Danese Da Portoghese a Danese Da Italiano a Inglese Da Thailandese a Danese Da Thailandese a Inglese Da Tedesco a Danese
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Adobe Acrobat, Aegisub, memoQ, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, SDLX, Trados Online Editor, Trados Studio, Translation Workspace
Professional objectives
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I focus on quality translations into my native tongue (Danish) and my ambition is to make them sound as natural and fluent as possible. I am multilingual and have lots of experience after more than 20 years of translation and revision activities as a staff translator for the EU. I am continuously doing numerous freelance jobs and acquiring still more experience in a multitude of different areas. I am open to considering any job, as long as quality is requested, and can work on any required software.