Lingue di lavoro:
Da Cinese a Italiano
Da Inglese a Italiano
Da Italiano a Cinese

Alice Perelli
Sinologa, ambientalista, femminista.

Ora locale: 08:02 CET (GMT+1)

Madrelingua: Italiano (Variants: Florentine, Tuscan / Toscano) 
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3 positive reviews
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What Alice Perelli is working on
Feb 24, 2021 (posted via  I'm working on an American thriller, translating it into Italian, around 65.000 words... Love it! ...more, + 1 other entry »
Total word count: 0

Tipo di account Traduttore e/o interprete freelance, Identity Verified Identità verificata
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
Affiliazioni This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Servizi Translation, Editing/proofreading, Copywriting, Interpreting, Native speaker conversation, Transcription, Language instruction
Poesia e ProsaAlimenti e Bevande
Viaggi e TurismoInternet, e-Commerce
GiornalismoLegale (generale)
Governo/PoliticaSport/Attività fisica/Attività ricreative
Vino/Enologia/ViticolturaMedicina (generale)

Lavoro volontario/pro bono Prenderà in considerazione il lavoro volontario per organizzazioni no profit registrate
Attività KudoZ (PRO) Punti PRO: 24, Risposte a domande: 21, Domande inviate: 43
Portfolio Traduzioni di prova presentate: 7
Titoli di studio per la traduzione Master's degree - Ca' Foscari University, Venice
Esperienza Anni di esperienza: 9 Registrato in Nov 2020. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credenziali Da Cinese a Italiano (Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, verified)
Da Italiano a Cinese (Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, verified)
Associazioni N/A
Software Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, OmegaT, Powerpoint, Wordfast
Events and training
Azioni professionali Alice Perelli sottoscrive's Linee guida professionali.
Professional objectives
  • Meet new translation company clients
  • Network with other language professionals
  • Meet new end/direct clients
  • Work for non-profits or pro-bono clients
  • Get help with terminology and resources
  • Learn more about translation / improve my skills
  • Learn more about interpreting / improve my skills
  • Learn more about additional services I can provide my clients
  • Stay up to date on what is happening in the language industry
  • Help or teach others with what I have learned over the years
  • Improve my productivity

I'm in love with foreign languages since I was a child, when I used to write funny letters to my American penpal.

At Ca' Foscari University of Venice I discovered my passion, Chinese language, and I started to think about a career in the translation field. I specialized in Chinese/English <> Italian translation and interpreting, and experienced many years abroad, studying Chinese and traveling all-around China and the Southeast Asia. I started to work while studying, on small translation projects which made me understand what I wanted to pursue in life: translation.

After my academic experience I worked as an interpreter on a project with Chinese alpine ski team and Italian ski coaches for a year. I had the chance to travel around mountains and glaciers of Italy, Austria and China, and had the opportunity to hone my translating and interpreting (and skiing!) skills.

After that, I started my freelance career. Here some of my clients and collaborations: Pistoia Courthouse, Sant'Anna Medical Centre of Merano, Unichimica Srl, Gruppo Per, Gral Videogames, Shoestosee.

Parole chiave: chinese, english, italian, legal, contract, game, games, gaming, spanish, touristic. See more.chinese, english, italian, legal, contract, game, games, gaming, spanish, touristic, tourism, food, drink, sport, ski, alpine, interpreter, interpreting, translation, translator, law, legal, chemical, 中文, 汉语, 翻译, 笔译,口译,旅游,美食,高山滑雪,滑雪,雪鞋,雪杖,雪,山,雪板,回转, 大回转, 速降,小回转,阿托米克,欧克利,滑雪镜,克尔马,运动,训练,瑜珈,啤酒,葡萄酒,白酒,红酒,意大利葡萄酒,法院,诉讼,刑事,民事,刑事诉讼,民事诉讼,规定,法律,法令,被告人,受害人,犯罪,罪行,中国,北京,上海,南京,杭州,深圳,新疆,广州,广东,香港,米兰,罗马,巴黎,伦敦,纽约,旅行,博物馆,展览,旅店,旅馆,宾馆,三星,四星,五星,高档,海边,湖泊,Hong Kong, London, New York, Rome, Venice, Florence, Milan, travel, voyage, group, leader, leaders, viaggi, viaggio, viaggiare, agenzia, agenzie, agenzia di viaggi, agenzie di viaggi, Milano, Venezia, Vicenza, Lucca, Roma, Bologna, turismo, turistico, turista, turisti, cinese, cinesi, pechinesi, Pechino, Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Canton, Chengdu, panda, esplorazione, avventura, avventuroso, gruppo, guida, brochure, mappa, sconti, sconto, vacanze, vacanza, estivo, invernale, natalizio, periodo natalizio, ferie, arrampicata, nuoto, spiaggia, spiagge, hotel, ostello, gioventù, giovani, giovane, ragazzo, ragazza, ragazzi, ragazze, attività, tempio, templi, buddhismo, buddismo, taoismo, storia, monumento, monumenti, piazza, piazze, Tiananmen, piazza Tiananmen, museo, musei, esposizioni, esposizione, sci, sci alpino, alpi, ghiacciaio, guanti, occhiali, tuta, piste, gare, fis, atleta, squadra, mascherina, sciolina, sciancratura, lamine, slalom, downhill, gigante, freestyle, codice civile codice penale, tribunale, imputato, testimone, testimoni, citazione, giudizio, udienza, atto, documento, legale, giuridico. See less.

Ultimo aggiornamento del profilo
Oct 27, 2021