Lingue di lavoro:
Da Inglese a Francese
Da Francese a Inglese
Da Spagnolo a Inglese

Genevieve Tournebize
Fast & Accurate

Shreveport, LA
Ora locale: 11:30 CST (GMT-6)

Madrelingua: Francese Native in Francese, Inglese Native in Inglese
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Two mother tongues French and English

TRANSLATIONS Online and over the phone INTERPRETATIONS, LANGUAGE CLASSES Genevieve Tournebize Meet me here specializes in technical, scientific and literary translations for the languages of French, Spanish and English.

Online and over the phone interpretations, language classes in French, Spanish, and English are available and must be discussed over the phone or by correspondence at the following link:
Meet me here

Genevieve Tournebize is a professional in the art of language but her love is in technology, art, and computers.

Genevieve Tournebize is a native from France where she attended school and studied Math and Physics at the university level. She has lived in France for 21 years, Spain for 1 year, Puerto Rico for three years, and the USA for 30 years. She started as a computer science major but was pulled towards a needed area: foreign language. She took some classes in business towards an MBA. She graduated from LA Tech with a Masters in Romance Languages: French and Spanish, and is working on a PHD in French linguistics. She worked for Sullivan Language School in Hartford, Connecticut. While in Puerto Rico, she worked for l'Alliance Française in accounting and teaching. She has taught Art, English, and cooking. She has worked on surveys for different companies. She currently teaches Spanish and French to students in the medical profession, law enforcement, and those persuing a four year degree. Her hobbies are gastronomy, gardening, art work, photography and developping websites .
She focuses mainly in translations between French and English, and prefers scientific and technical translations, although she enjoys art, marketing and other fields. Specialties: chemistry, automotive, art, computers, food, ship and marine, gastronomy, food, surveys, historical papers. tourism, medicine.
Click here to see my websites:

teaching website Translators consider rush work when more than 3500 to 5500 words have to be translated per day. Medical Field
(medical, patents, dentistry, chemistry, biology)

Dr and Dr Stoev 60 +pages
Highland Hospital 10 +hours
Shriner's Hospital 12 +hours
Willis Knighton Hospital 50 +hours
Shreveport Fire Academy 100 +hours
LSU Medical Center 25 +hours
Art-Vaillant 16878 words
Chian Li. 3500 words
Econet radiography 4800 words
Surgery manual

(translations and interpretations)

Benton Court 48 +hours
Bossier Parish Jury 15 +hours
United State District Division For the Western District of Louisiana +10 hours
Bossier Parish Sheriff's Department 32 +hours
26th Judicial District Court 17 +hours
Shreveport Court 12 +hours
Bossier Parish Community College 250 000 words
French Consulate 4352 words
Analysaland (questionnaires) 12 000 words
Bodin Financial 166 000
Birth certificates, credentials,
Financial compliance 30 000 words

Literary and Historical
(literary, websites)
Avrasaya 80 000 words website travel
Old hand written letters from Louisiana history with Santo Domingo, Cuba, and Haiti 10000 words
Review of literary work (letters) from Thomas Jefferson

Bossier Parish Community College 12 000 words
Nachitoches Library 5500 words
a4traduction 9300 words 500 words
Web-lingo 3700 words
Wordbyword 7000 words
Translated Latin texts and credentials
Hand written historical letters from Louisiana 10000 words

Technical, scientific, engineering,
(technical-air conditioning Manual, marine, computers, automotive, power plants, Chevron, Chevrolet)
Frees 6 500 words
Adverbum 40 000 words
Weblingo 5 600 words
Word for Word 6 400 words
ABodin 128 000 words
Word by word 6 500 words
JMG Translation 5 100words
French translation Services 9 300 words
Translate Products specifications
Pf media Medical
Univers Construction building 5200 words
Ferdosigroup booklet information
AAdake website sociology 71000 words
Trustedtranslations 23958 words English to French
Trusted translation of brochures and manuals Spanish to French, English to French, Spanish to English 25000 words
Brightlines 4575 words
CCTP construction 62 pages
Installation air heater 76000 words
John Deere 30 000 words
TY-CROP 25 500 words
PET engineering
Econet 10 500 words
GPP peppers 2500 words
Spalvier 95 000 words GE turbine
Ebola translation Airport Screener, cleaning crews 6 000 words
Dodge Mechanical power transmission products 2 500 words

Computer security 7 000 words
computer security and disaster recovery 30 000 words

Trustedtranslations TagEditor 12000words
IMRE communications
Stock Incentive Plan
Wang WUSATA products
Moskona OOT-Lite products
Spalvier GE 750 000 words turbine


Avrasaya 80 000 words website travel

Elena Klimonov 7 000 words
AAdake products 3500 words
Moskona OTT-LITE products
THU user agreement tourism 2800 words
PPI Group Dolce Vita resort 8300 words

(tutoring in Math, Reading, French, Spanish, English)

Handwritten historical letters and other documents in French from louisiana history

Tutoring Direct
Bossier Parish Community College
Grawood Christian School
Southfield School
St Mark's School(tutoring in Math, Reading, French, Spanish, English)

other subjects: art, chemistry, journalism, marine, biology, website, math, technical, scientific, literature, culinary, Latin, history.
Questo membro ha acquisito punti KudoZ aiutando altri colleghi nella traduzione di termini di livello PRO. Cliccare sui punteggi per visualizzare le proposte di traduzione suggerite.

Totale punti: 199
Punti PRO: 114

Lingue principali (PRO)
Da Inglese a Francese29
Da Francese a Inglese28
Da Inglese a Spagnolo22
Da Italiano a Inglese14
Da Spagnolo a Inglese9
Punti in altre 2 lingue >
Aree generali principali (PRO)
Punti in 1 ulteriore area >
Aree specifiche principali (PRO)
Beni immobili4
Cinema, Film, TV, Teatro4
Industria edilizia/Ingegneria civile4
Cucina/Arte culinaria4
Meccanica/Ingegneria meccanica4
Industria della pesca4
Punti in altre 3 aree >

Visualizza tutti i punti acquisiti >

This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.

Project History Summary
Total projects26
With client feedback0
0 positive (0 entries)

Job type
Language pairs
Da Inglese a Francese14
Da Inglese a Spagnolo5
Da Francese a Inglese4
Da Latino a Francese2
Da Spagnolo a Inglese1
Specialty fields
Ingegneria: Industriale3
Medicina (generale)2
Navi, Navigazione a vela, Marittimo2
Scienze sociali, Sociologia, Etica ecc.1
Risorse umane1
Poesia e Prosa1
Meccanica/Ingegneria meccanica1
Viaggi e Turismo1
Computer: Software1
Ingegneria (generale)1
Medicina: Farmaceutica1
Chimica; Scienze/Ingegneria chimica1
Other fields
Legale (generale)3
Internet, e-Commerce2
Computer: Sistemi, Reti1
Medico: Odontoiatria1
Parole chiave: Spanish, English, French, Latin, Italian, literature, art, sciences, history, math. See more.Spanish, English, French, Latin, Italian, literature, art, sciences, history, math, physics, chemistry, brevets, customs, MS OfficeXP, Photoshop, Acrobat, Medical, pharmaceutical, Commercial, Internet, New technology, Marketing, Business, Writing, editing, multilingual, web site, content, Computer, science, Literary, Video, Audio, proofreading English to French - French to English, Food, literature, Automotive, Ship, Marine, Software, Hardware, Photography, History, Geography, Spanish to French, tourism, English proofreading, English editing, . See less.

Ultimo aggiornamento del profilo
Apr 4, 2017