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August 31, 2002, 8:00 am
RomaniaTimisoaraIn personInglese
Intalnirea va avea loc la terasa Banateana, incepand cu ora 10. Inainte de aceasta va avea loc intalnirea la gara in jurul orelor 8, dupa care pana la ora 10 ne vom plimba putin prin centrul orasului.

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (8) / Confirmed: 0
Name NoteWill Attend
Elvira Stoianov  \"Organizer\" \"Photographer\" I am willing to organize the powwow and take pictures  
Ciprian Dumea  \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" membru fondator al Asociatiei Romane a Tinerilor Traducatori  
Veronica Durbaca   see you all (both...) there.  
Lavinia Pirlog  \"Photographer\" I would like to participate too  
Emanuel Bod  \"Reporter\" I am a colleague of Ciprian Dumea and also member of ARTT  
Dagmar Lacatus   I=d love to participate and join the ARTT. Been waiting for such an event.  
Oana Dorobantu   I will be more than glad to attend. There was another attempt to organize a powwow in Bucharest but it failed. At least this one seems to have an organizer. Hope it will work out. As for the date, I am fine with any date during the weekend  
mediana  \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" We are interested in participating  

Postings about this event

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Powwow: Timisoara - Romania
Elvira Stoianov
Elvira Stoianov  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:26
Da Tedesco a Rumeno
+ ...
About the date Jun 26, 2002

I had to choose a date soi I just wrote something, but of course the date can be changed. For personal reasons, I cannot attend at any other location

Ciprian Dumea
Ciprian Dumea  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:26
Da Inglese a Rumeno
+ ...
about the date Jun 27, 2002

Actually I would prefer a date between the 11th of August and the 14th of August - I have scouting camps throughout the month. I would also be availabe in September during the weekends.icon_smile.gif

Elvira Stoianov
Elvira Stoianov  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:26
Da Tedesco a Rumeno
+ ...
As I said, the date is open to further negotiation, Jun 27, 2002

I just hope we can all come together and work something out. At least we have a date proposal.

Elvira Stoianov
Elvira Stoianov  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:26
Da Tedesco a Rumeno
+ ...
I sure hope there will be more than just three people Jun 28, 2002

I will send some emails maybe it will work

Lavinia Pirlog
Lavinia Pirlog  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:26
Da Spagnolo a Rumeno
+ ...
I am new here so...tell me what I have to do... Jun 29, 2002


Elvira Stoianov
Elvira Stoianov  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:26
Da Tedesco a Rumeno
+ ...
at least 5 people have to sign up Jun 29, 2002

before anything happens. These are the ProZ rules for a Powwow. But it's looking good, we only need one more participant

Lavinia Pirlog
Lavinia Pirlog  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:26
Da Spagnolo a Rumeno
+ ...
How many days? Jun 29, 2002 Staff Staff
Personale del sito
No problem Jun 29, 2002

The 5-person rule is a loose rule. Please feel free to meet!

Emanuel Bod
Emanuel Bod  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:26
Da Inglese a Rumeno
+ ...
Yeah, how many days? Jul 1, 2002

Looks like I'm the 5th in lineicon_smile.gif Somewhere in the beginning of August is fine with me. Can anyone provide accomodation if this takes more than one day???

Elvira Stoianov
Elvira Stoianov  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:26
Da Tedesco a Rumeno
+ ...
It does not take more than one day Jul 2, 2002

On the left side, there is a lot of info on Powwows (what they are and how they work). This is actually more like a meeting, in a restaurant, cafe,etc. where we will discuss. So actually it is only a few hours.

Elvira Stoianov
Elvira Stoianov  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:26
Da Tedesco a Rumeno
+ ...
Mai e cineva din Timisoara? Si data? Jul 9, 2002

Intreb din curiozitate. Tocmai am terminat o traducere si ma voi ocupa de organizare.
De asemenea, va trebui sa stabilim data.
Cum pana acum s-a facut o singura propunere concreta, avem de ales intre 11 august sau o zi (din weekend) din septmebrie. Astept propuneri si sa hotaram data.

Lavinia Pirlog
Lavinia Pirlog  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:26
Da Spagnolo a Rumeno
+ ...
Eu sunt din Bucuresti... Jul 9, 2002

Pot pe 11 august (sau alta zi din august) sau in prima saptamana din septembrie (weekend).

Veronica Durbaca
Veronica Durbaca  Identity Verified

Da Inglese a Rumeno
+ ...
si eu tot din Bucuresti Jul 10, 2002

Pot cam oricand in week-end-uri, dar as prefera in prima jumatate a lui august. daca nu se poate, e ok, in principiu pot ajunge cam oricand.

Veronica Durbaca
Veronica Durbaca  Identity Verified

Da Inglese a Rumeno
+ ...
Cum decurge un interviu pentru native speaker? Jul 10, 2002

A dat cineva un astfel de interviu? Baniuesc ca e util. Va sunt recunoscatoare daca mi-ati impartasi experienta Dvs. in legatura cu asa ceva.
Din nou, Veruzza

Elvira Stoianov
Elvira Stoianov  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:26
Da Tedesco a Rumeno
+ ...
pentru interviu Jul 13, 2002

se gasesc detalii in FAQ, din pacate nu stui nici eu cum functioneaza. Cred ca mai bine comunicati cu ProZ pe aceasta problema

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