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Nomi (persone, società), Cucina/Arte culinaria, Architettura, Internet, e-Commerce, ...
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portuguese, english, italian, german, french, spanish, arts, law, finance, management, ...
3 |
dutch, portuguese, spanish, english, flemish, french, german, greek, translation, localization, ...
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5 |
Musica, Cucina/Arte culinaria, Arte, Arti applicate, Pittura
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Stampa ed editoria, Linguistica, Media/Multimedia, Matematica e Statistica, ...
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All kind of translations and interpreting service: translations german - portuguese, german - spanish, spanish - portuguese, portuguese - spanish.
Children´s and Cook book, conference interpreter, immigration translator, airport interpreter, domestic violence, tourism.
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Arte, Arti applicate, Pittura, Computer: Hardware, Computer: Software, Computer: Sistemi, Reti, ...
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Kompetent, und dynamisch.
"La Gran Morumba Lingüística"
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english, french, français, german, deutsch, portuguese, português, spanish, español, castellano, ...
11 |
portuguese, european portuguese, english, spanish, latin american spanish, german, audiovisual translation, subtitling, translation, transciption, ...
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business/commercial, social sciences, marketing, journalism, general catalogues, tourism.
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Expertise level, several languages, experience, reliable, efficiency.