Powwow Report for Regno Unito - Liverpool (Mar 23 2016)

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Report from  Ivan Czar
The powwow was great, I do hope we can meet again with such lovely colleagues.

Photos from  Erzsébet Czopyk

Photos from  Erzsébet Czopyk

Photos from  Erzsébet Czopyk

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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Michaela Pschierer-Barnfather
Erzsébet Czopyk
Matthew Spofforth
Richard Lackey (X)
Ivan Czar
Karen Cleary (X)

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

Mar 26 '17  Ivan Czar: Thank you all
I really enjoyed this powwow and I hope we can meet again.
Apr 14 '16  Karen Cleary (X): Re: Pablo Ortega/Careers in Translation event
Hello all!
Firstly, Pablo definitely doesn\'t have a Proz profile but I have suggested it to him.
Secondly, I\'m planning on going to that conference at the university if I am not working, so I may see some of you there. I think I went to it last year and it was interesting.
Apr 14 '16  Erzsébet Czopyk: Czar Ivan
Dear Ivan, could you please upload the photos you have made? Thank you in advance.
Apr 14 '16  Erzsébet Czopyk: Pablo Ortega, Richard Foulkes
I found a profile but I think thi is not \"our\" Pablo Ortega. http://www.proz.com/profile/1397084 Dear Richard, could you please contact and encourage these persons/attendants to register on the ProZ.com in order to include them to the list of the participants and enjoying the benefits of the site?
Apr 13 '16  Richard Lackey (X): 2nd Annual Careers in Translation and Interpreting event
Hi everyone, it was great to meet you all. If anyone is interested, there is a good, free conference next week at the University of Liverpool. Here is the link:

Liza, if you send me an email I could put you in touch with Richard.
Apr 8 '16  Karen Cleary (X): Reply to Liza
Hi Liza,
Nice to meet you all too!
On the first picture from left to right I think we have Matthew Spofforth, Richard Lackey, Pablo Ortega (he has no online profile at the moment), Me, Jacqui Hill, then Richard Foulkes (I don\'t know if he has a profile anywhere online - Richard Lackey will know).
~ Karen xx
Apr 6 '16  Erzsébet Czopyk: request to Richard and Karen
Could you please help me to provide the data of two gentlemen (I have no business cards) seated beside Karen? Thank you in advance, Liza
Apr 6 '16  Erzsébet Czopyk: Thank you all
for coming and sharing your knowledge with us. Sorry I was tired a little but I am very happy to meet all colleagues-attendees in person. Wishing you a prosperous business in the future and see you soon again in Liverpool :) hugshugshugs xxx Liza