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Search results: (536 matches)
Ora Translator Coop Please visit's headquarters Wauw! Glad I finally got to know you all! ;-) Dinny Nov 7, 2008
Business issues Global slowdown All Quiet On The Italian Front I mostly work with Italian agencies and for the
last 4-5 weeks they have been totally silent. At
first, I just expected it to be the normal silence
after the summer holidays in August, Sep
Dinny Nov 7, 2008
Business issues Cold winds blowing through the world of litigation? They will have to adapt, won't they? Since they cannot compromize quality, even the
Indian agencies will have to look for their
translators on the same market where the US/UK law
firms were getting theirs. And why on earth sh
Dinny Nov 7, 2008
Italian Il taglio del ramo secco Si, i pochi dettano legge (a volte) Avete sicuramente ragione, perchè traduco in
danese ho un piccolo vantaggio. Siamo in quattro
gatti a farlo e, quindi, se il cliente del resto
è contento del lavoro dovrà adeguarsi fino
Dinny Nov 5, 2008
Italian Il taglio del ramo secco Il mio albero cresce forte e sano da anni ormai Questa potatura l'ho iniziato qualche anno fa
quando i vari tempi di pagamento a volte mi
lasciavano con dei "buchi neri" economici
considerevoli in attesa dei 30, 60, 90 giorni.
Dinny Nov 5, 2008
Business issues The great 2009 Jan 1st airport lounge thread (we'll all move to the best country for translators) Crete, Greece You can always leave your windows open, because
the climate is wonderful. And you can always
leave your door open even when you are not home,
since you need not fear intruders. A fresh f
Dinny Nov 4, 2008
Poll Discussion Poll: Is your business being negatively affected by the current financial crisis? A couple of weeks later... I must say that I have a feeling of "something
being wrong". I used to be fighting off the jobs
politely but this autumn seems to be tuned in a
different key. I work quite a lot for Italia
Dinny Oct 27, 2008 Translator Coop Announcing the Justin Chlebus Memorial Scholarship program Congratulations! Thanks to the many contributions, we are half way
to the goal... just a tiny effort still and we
will make it! Yes, you're right, I just wanted
to bring the subject to everybody's atte
Dinny Oct 19, 2008
Italian Gestione fatture senza uscirci di testa? La fatturazione, che noia! Non spendo una giornata intera per la
fatturazione, ma rimando volentieri fino
all'ultimo momento perchè è talmente noioso. Ma
una volta era molto peggio perchè dovevo cercarmi
Dinny Oct 19, 2008 Translator Coop To be or not to be (a full member) The Blue Board Pays For My Membership I really use the Blue Board a lot. I cannot afford
not to. And it has helped me to avoid customers I
really liked to avoid, since I have no time to
spend on chasing payments. Besides, when
Dinny Oct 19, 2008
Italian Moneybookers rifiuta di risarcirmi il denaro sottrattomi da un hacker: fate attenzione! Trasferisco tutto subito! Anch'io trasferisco immediatamente qualsiasi somma
inviatami in MoneyBookers o PayPal al mio conto
bancario, lasciando al massimo 5-10 euro sul
conto, somma che non può interessare nessun
Dinny Oct 18, 2008
Interpreting Interpreting with family members in the room You must have had! I am not an interpreter. But I was impressed by
your very professional reply to the question!
Dinny Oct 18, 2008
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you communicate with your family members in more than one language? Different language for each daughter With my eldest daughter I only speak Italian
because she has forgotten quite a lot of her
Danish, with my youngest I only speak Danish,
because she has forgotten quite a lot of her
Dinny Oct 18, 2008
Italian Applicare una maggioranza per difficoltà non prevista Mi è capitato... Difficilmente ci si mette a leggere un manuale
intero, magari suddiviso in 12 files, prima di
accettare o no un incarico. Tempo fa mi è
capitato di accettare un lavoro EN/DA, per appunt
Dinny Oct 2, 2008
Being independent Being freelance and being isolated I sometimes miss a boss! But only sometimes... ;-) I used to be a hell of
a good secretary, the better my boss was, the
better a secretary I would be. And I enjoyed being
able to cope with whatever necessity my b
Dinny Sep 17, 2008
Italian Quali schifezze mangiavate, da piccoli? Ma se in Italia non hanno mai saputo fare le cose buone! Ho passato gli anni da adolescente (secolo scorso,
1968 in avanti) in Italia e mi disperavo quasi
perchè non c'era niente di buono da
sgranocchiare! Soltanto lecca-lecca, caramelle e i
Dinny Sep 14, 2008
Wordfast support Sending TM as iix, mdf, mtf, mwf, tmw to Trados agency Deliver a TMX In my opinion you should just deliver the
translation memory in the TMX format, which Trados
recognizes. If the agency has a need to split the
TM into 5 different formats I think they sh
Dinny Sep 11, 2008
Italian Tradurre l'indice con Wordfast Non usare WordFast per questo Mi sembra che basta chiudere la traduzione,
mettere il mouse accanto alla prima voce
nell'indice e cliccare F9, cosi l'indice dovrebbe
automaticamente aggiornarsi. Spero di aver
Dinny Sep 11, 2008 Translator Coop Announcing the Justin Chlebus Memorial Scholarship program But the box is already gone... I had to make a search to find it
today... edited!: Sorry, I found the box now, a
little bit further down than where it used to be.

[Edited at 2008-09-11 08:43]
Dinny Sep 11, 2008
Wordfast support WordFast/Excel: How to avoid NL turning into "boxes"? Thanks Marek! I will look into this as well. I actually DID try
to search the forum before putting my question but
you cannot find everything just by making a
search. :)
Dinny Sep 9, 2008
Wordfast support WordFast/Excel: How to avoid NL turning into "boxes"? Thanks Lori! Very useful article. I hope I can manage to fix it
following your directions. Dinny
Dinny Sep 9, 2008
Wordfast support WordFast/Excel: How to avoid NL turning into "boxes"? 1) I am translating a big Excel file with
WordFast. 2) A "line change" turns into a little
square box in the Excel document. Since I don't
know how to fix this I normally just correct
Dinny Sep 9, 2008
Wordfast support File comparison with Wordfast Align the two older documents If you use the "Align" function in PlusTools you
will come up with a TM which should help you a lot
when doing the new translation. Depending on the
lenght of these two documents it will t
Dinny Sep 8, 2008 Translator Coop Announcing the Justin Chlebus Memorial Scholarship program We could push this a bit? This is a wonderful initiative to remember Justin.
But to see it come true it requires people to make
donations... and it seems to be going a bit slow.
You know, people seem to forget in a
Dinny Sep 7, 2008
Safe computing HELP please! My computer is infected... It was blocked, too Well, Claudia, I tried that almost right away,
just to discover that the system restore was
blocked at exactly the time when I got the virus.
Clever people behind this stuff, right? If onl
Dinny Sep 2, 2008
Safe computing HELP please! My computer is infected... Thanks, John! Will check out the link later on - after some
sleep. It is too risky to fiddle with this stuff
if you are not totally awake and alert! ;-)
Dinny Sep 2, 2008
Danish Pris pr. side Beregn ordene og opgiv så sidepris Jeg arbejder en del med italienske bureauer, hvor
en side normalt er 1500 anslag INKLUSIVE
mellemrum. Det giver rundt regnet 250 ord, så jeg
baserer min sidepris på taksten for 250
Dinny Sep 2, 2008
Safe computing HELP please! My computer is infected... EXIT VIRUS :-) The time is 4:34 local Cretan time. The "horse"
is OUT :-) I tried the Kaspersky trial version
several times, but it insisted that I still had
AVG installed. I had checked for AVG fil
Dinny Sep 2, 2008
Safe computing HELP please! My computer is infected... Kaspersky cannot install... Thanks to Uldis, I got the Kaspersky trial
version. Prior to installing this I uninstalled
AVG, I searched my computer for any file in
connection with AVG, I deleted and cleaned
Dinny Sep 1, 2008
Safe computing HELP please! My computer is infected... Thanks John It did not this about closing a pop-up, thanks for
letting me know. Besides, I just discovered
that I USED to have HiJackThis... on my old
computer. I forgot I changed that a few months
Dinny Sep 1, 2008
Safe computing HELP please! My computer is infected... No solution as yet... Kaspersky is starting to scan but then gets
interrupted. I tried it a second time and
everything just "froze" after a while, so I cannot
get any help from that side. I might check on
Dinny Sep 1, 2008
Safe computing HELP please! My computer is infected... So far... thanks to all of you! As any person with an infected computer may have
experienced it just keeps you up all night to try
and find a solution - and this is what I am
actually doing right now. I noticed that
Dinny Sep 1, 2008
Safe computing HELP please! My computer is infected... While discussing with a good friend of mine
whether it is safe to download music from P2P
sites, he recommended to use LimeWire which should
be safe and offer very quick sharing of files.<
Dinny Sep 1, 2008
Safe computing Is "European Company Registration" (Euro Business Guide) for real? Keep being excessively cautious! Even if it was for real - which it normally is not
- why on earth would you like to be in such a
guide? Is it on paper? Is it distributed for
free? In how many countries? All European?
Dinny Jul 18, 2008
Wordfast support WordFast: How to cope with the tags? Thanks, Heinrich - you are so right! The tags are all "in between" so I cannot see how
I could ignore them... OK, it is sleeves up and
head down, just see to get to the end of the
document. But I hate this type of document
Dinny Jul 10, 2008
Wordfast support WordFast: How to cope with the tags? I have a giant job to do and the Word file is
full of nice little red tags. Normally, I just
"copy source" and insert the translation around
it. This requires a lot of mouse work and
Dinny Jul 10, 2008
Italian mi presento Tutorial WordFast Sulla Home di WordFast puoi scaricare il manuale
sia per WordFast sia per PlusTools. Io li trovo
molto semplici da seguire, sono sicura che
troverai il modo di attivare il macro. E se
Dinny Jun 11, 2008
Money matters Looking for advice regarding payment terms and invoicing The problem is not really the 2 months or the 30 days... If only the clients would stick to the agreed
terms instead of paying weeks or even months after
the due date there would be no problem at all.
But it often seems that although keeping
Dinny Jun 10, 2008
Italian Purchase Order: come procedere? Insistere su carte in regola Niente di informale con nuovi clienti, insisti di
ricevere un PO come si deve e con tutti i dettagli
concordati. Più avanti diventa forse un
pochino più informale, quando il tuo clie
Dinny Jun 6, 2008
Lighter side of trans/interp The Little Translator addresses the Queen of England :) Mervyn, you are my favourite excuse for leaving
work behind!
Dinny Jun 6, 2008
Business issues Quality of the original texts Awful source text I DO take a look at the source text before
accepting a job, the problem is that I do never
actually read it ALL. In bigger projects I would
loose the job even before giving a rate because
Dinny Jun 1, 2008
Money matters Success stories about collecting money abroad Italy: How to get your money First of all: always make sure you have got your
paperwork right: - P.O. confirming the job, the
rate, and the terms - Email from client that the
work was well received - Invoice - Pro
Dinny May 9, 2008
Danish Gyldendals Røde EN/DA/EN online Priser Da jeg først kiggede på priserne, så jeg bare
under privatbruger, som er på et par hundrede,
men hvor man kun får almindelig EN/DA/EN med i
pakken. Jeg kan godt se nu, at jeg skal
Dinny Mar 3, 2008
Danish Gyldendals Røde EN/DA/EN online opdatering... tja... Den nye Gyldendals Online har da "at poke" med,
så de må til en vis grad have fingeren på
pulsen. ;-)
Dinny Mar 2, 2008
Danish Gyldendals Røde EN/DA/EN online Som det så tydeligt fremgår af en tidligere post
er begejstringen for efterhånden til
at overse, så jeg blev rigtig glad ved at se, at
Gyldendals Røde nu er online. Der e
Dinny Mar 2, 2008
Danish Text in Danish I did not understand it... Since I do not speak much French - and your link
leads to a post in French - I was never really
able to find out, what the deal is about. I
think we need a translator! ;-)
Dinny Mar 2, 2008
Danish Kudoz-DA: Hvor begrundet skal et svar være? Jeg vil altid have en begrundelse Hvis jeg sender et spørgsmål i Kudoz, er det
fordi, jeg virkelig ikke kan finde svaret på det
nogen steder. Så når nogen giver mig svaret, vil
jeg også gerne vide, hvor de har fundet
Dinny Feb 16, 2008
Money matters When the accountant "rules the company" or why shall I do the work of client's accountant? Just TELL them! ... that they can buy your services at your terms
(your type of invoice and nothing else and your
type of payment terms). As Heinrich says, if this
is not acceptable to them, they can buy<
Dinny Jan 18, 2008
Poll Discussion Poll: The secret of my success in finding translation work is: An option was missing... It was not possible to click on THE one factor
that is "the secret of my success"... in fact, it
is not a kind of secret, it is just hard work and
TIME. I actually missed the option "the
Dinny Jan 10, 2008
Business issues Payment after 2 months of job delivery hear, hear I totally agree with this approach: Either you pay
"my way" (i.e. max. 30 days) or you get somebody
else to do the job. And as our Portoguese
colleague says, if not so many can be found to
Dinny Jan 3, 2008

Forum di discussione sulla traduzione

Discussioni pubbliche su argomenti correlati alla traduzione, all'interpretariato e alla localizzazione.

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