Glossary entry

Tedesco term or phrase:

TP (Tarifpost)

Italiano translation:

posizione tariffaria

Added to glossary by Carsten Mohr
May 30, 2007 14:41
17 yrs ago
15 viewers *
Tedesco term


Da Tedesco a Italiano Legale/Brevetti Legale: Contratti
Mit der gemäß § 33 TP 19 Gebührengesetz
Proposed translations (Italiano)
4 Tarifpost
Change log

May 31, 2007 18:36: Carsten Mohr Created KOG entry

Proposed translations

14 min


zahlreiche treffer in google

Note added at 21 Min. (2007-05-30 15:02:52 GMT)

das war natürlich nur die halbe antwort... ich habe mal ins gesetz geschaut, es ist wohl der österreichische begriff für position, daher >>> posizione tariffaria

Note added at 22 Min. (2007-05-30 15:03:40 GMT)

Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Grazie Carsten!"
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