A cosa stanno lavorando i traduttori

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A quale progetto di traduzione stai lavorando in questo momento?

Karin Hallberg che pubblicano da ProZ.com hanno condiviso:

Wrapping up a combined translation/research project at the University of Sheffield, about dockworker trade union coordination in response to labor disputes in Europe and Latin America. The kind of project you don't want to finish because it's so enjoyable!


I Do That

Karin Hallberg che pubblicano da ProZ.com hanno condiviso:

Just finished translating a children's book (Eng-Swe) about gratitude. I think adults would benefit from this kind of stories too!


I Do That

Karin Hallberg che pubblicano da ProZ.com hanno condiviso:

Translating an article about the new era of natural gas in Europe. Learning about reverse salients in technical systems. Truly fascinating!


1 userI Do That

Karin Hallberg che pubblicano da ProZ.com hanno condiviso:

Proofreading shortstories for publication. So inspired by the characters, can't stop reading!


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I Do That

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