A cosa stanno lavorando i traduttori

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A quale progetto di traduzione stai lavorando in questo momento?

Lauren WuMoran che pubblicano da ProZ.com hanno condiviso:

I have been busy for about two months. Now, I need to spend some time on my website. Big translation projects are always welcome:)


I Do That

Lauren WuMoran che pubblicano da ProZ.com hanno condiviso:

I cannot believe that I have been on Proz for over four years, and freelancing is such a challenging and beautiful experience.


1 userI Do That

Lauren WuMoran che pubblicano da ProZ.com hanno condiviso:

Since Ghat gpt4 was released, translators have been discussing the possibility of being replaced by Ai. Are they being replaced?Not now, at least. But the next generation Ai will surely be more intelligent, and I do not doubt that Ai will replace some junior translators. However intelligent Ai is, Ai's translation needs a final check from a human being. That is where senior translators are needed. The challenge lies in the path to building oneself into a senior translator. Remember that a junior translator is not needed? Then how does one become a senior translator? I have to say senior translators today will be a great and rare treasure for the Language Service industry in less than ten years.


1 userI Do That

Lauren WuMoran che pubblicano da ProZ.com hanno condiviso:

August was a month of review. I am longing for translation task for change.


I Do That

Lauren WuMoran che pubblicano da ProZ.com hanno condiviso:

I am translating a lot of Viasa documents.


I Do That

Lauren WuMoran che pubblicano da ProZ.com hanno condiviso:

I am translating some visa documents.


I Do That

Lauren WuMoran che pubblicano da ProZ.com hanno condiviso:

Translating some visa documents. I have to say the translation is much better than its source.


I Do That

Lauren WuMoran che pubblicano da ProZ.com hanno condiviso:

I am translating files on data security.


I Do That

Lauren WuMoran che pubblicano da ProZ.com hanno condiviso:

translating compliance documents


I Do That

Lauren WuMoran che pubblicano da ProZ.com hanno condiviso:

Translating a compliance document.


I Do That

Lauren WuMoran che pubblicano da ProZ.com hanno condiviso:

I am searching for all legal information regarding Big Data, challenging work, both in Chinese and English. I want to gain an insight into the relationship between big data and law.


I Do That

Lauren WuMoran che pubblicano da ProZ.com hanno condiviso:

I am just back from a long break, ready to start working.


I Do That

Lauren WuMoran che pubblicano da ProZ.com hanno condiviso:

Finishing this project lasting over 1 month. Time for a break.


I Do That

Lauren WuMoran che pubblicano da ProZ.com hanno condiviso:

The virus is making it hard for everyone. I am also considering what I can do to help everybody while translating some legal files.


I Do That

Lauren WuMoran che pubblicano da ProZ.com hanno condiviso:

Back to work. A new year for a Chiense translator starts here.


I Do That

Lauren WuMoran che pubblicano da ProZ.com hanno condiviso:

Working on a business management system. The good thing is that you also update your knowledge during translating.


1 userI Do That

Lauren WuMoran che pubblicano da ProZ.com hanno condiviso:

translating a lease agreement again. I have translated hundreds of them so far.


I Do That

Lauren WuMoran che pubblicano da ProZ.com hanno condiviso:

Just finished the translation of another sub-license agreement. Did you know that an agreement is quite different from a contract in Chinese legal context?


I Do That

Lauren WuMoran che pubblicano da ProZ.com hanno condiviso:

working on a sub-licence agreement, English to simplified Chinese


I Do That

Lauren WuMoran che pubblicano da ProZ.com hanno condiviso:

Just finished a contract. I like contracts and the legal language.


I Do That

Lauren WuMoran che pubblicano da ProZ.com hanno condiviso:

Just finished a marketing translation project which lasted one month.


I Do That

Lauren WuMoran che pubblicano da ProZ.com hanno condiviso:

localization, business and marketing content. Start on it today.


I Do That

Lauren WuMoran che pubblicano da ProZ.com hanno condiviso:

Reviewing, a game. I am starting to love this. It is like reading a story.


I Do That

Lauren WuMoran che pubblicano da ProZ.com hanno condiviso:

Just finished the translation of a judgment from Chinese to English


I Do That

Lauren WuMoran che pubblicano da ProZ.com hanno condiviso:

translating a sales and licensing contract from English to Chinese


I Do That

Lauren WuMoran che pubblicano da ProZ.com hanno condiviso:

Reviewing a contract on cooperation with government.


I Do That

Lauren WuMoran che pubblicano da ProZ.com hanno condiviso:

Just finished the review of a game. It was a nice story. I did not expect game translation could bring so much fun.


I Do That

Lauren WuMoran che pubblicano da ProZ.com hanno condiviso:

Just finished translating another patent, from Chinese to English.


I Do That

Lauren WuMoran che pubblicano da ProZ.com hanno condiviso:

start to translate a long sales contract


I Do That

Lauren WuMoran che pubblicano da ProZ.com hanno condiviso:

Just finished a proofreading project, English-Chinese, "company management and training".


I Do That

Lauren WuMoran che pubblicano da ProZ.com hanno condiviso:

proofreading,company management documents. I am happy to be doing this. It also gives me some ideas on how to manage my own little "business".


1 userI Do That

Lauren WuMoran che pubblicano da ProZ.com hanno condiviso:

Start to translate a series of rental contracts and their invoices. I do not really love the invoice format.


I Do That

Lauren WuMoran che pubblicano da ProZ.com hanno condiviso:

Ready to start the second phase of my legal database. Contract Law of People's Republic of China/English and Chinese


I Do That

Lauren WuMoran che pubblicano da ProZ.com hanno condiviso:

Project on compiling Chinese English legal data base--first phase (Patent Law of PRC) is finished.


I Do That

Lauren WuMoran che pubblicano da ProZ.com hanno condiviso:

Working on the translation of a famous tourist site in China.


I Do That

Lauren WuMoran che pubblicano da ProZ.com hanno condiviso:

Start to translate an employment contract


I Do That

Lauren WuMoran che pubblicano da ProZ.com hanno condiviso:

compiling a database of Chinese Laws (Chinese and English)


I Do That

Lauren WuMoran che pubblicano da ProZ.com hanno condiviso:

Proofreading, car leasing contract 2000 words.


I Do That

Lauren WuMoran che pubblicano da ProZ.com hanno condiviso:

Start the proofread work. Legal contracts and some related documents.


I Do That

Lauren WuMoran che pubblicano da ProZ.com hanno condiviso:

Translating a User Manual" X-ray Radiography System"


I Do That