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Da Greco a Inglese Da Italiano a Rumeno Da Spagnolo a Rumeno Da Tedesco a Rumeno Da Italiano a Inglese Da Spagnolo a Inglese Da Tedesco a Inglese Da Rumeno a Tedesco Da Inglese a Tedesco Da Francese a Tedesco Da Greco a Tedesco Da Italiano a Tedesco Da Spagnolo a Tedesco Da Rumeno a Spagnolo Da Inglese a Spagnolo Da Francese a Spagnolo Da Tedesco a Spagnolo Da Greco a Spagnolo Da Italiano a Spagnolo
Da Inglese a Rumeno - Tariffe: 0.06 - 0.12 USD a parola / 20 - 50 USD all'ora / 5.00 - 11.00 USD per audio/video minute Da Rumeno a Inglese - Tariffe: 0.06 - 0.12 EUR a parola / 20 - 50 EUR all'ora / 5.00 - 11.00 EUR per audio/video minute Da Francese a Rumeno - Tariffe: 0.05 - 0.09 USD a parola / 15 - 50 USD all'ora Da Francese a Inglese - Tariffe: 0.05 - 0.09 USD a parola / 15 - 50 USD all'ora Da Greco a Rumeno - Tariffe: 0.05 - 0.09 USD a parola / 15 - 50 USD all'ora
Da Greco a Inglese - Tariffe: 0.05 - 0.09 USD a parola / 15 - 50 USD all'ora Da Italiano a Rumeno - Tariffe: 0.05 - 0.09 USD a parola / 15 - 50 USD all'ora Da Spagnolo a Rumeno - Tariffe: 0.05 - 0.09 USD a parola / 15 - 50 USD all'ora Da Tedesco a Rumeno - Tariffe: 0.06 - 0.12 EUR a parola / 20 - 50 EUR all'ora / 5.00 - 11.00 EUR per audio/video minute Da Italiano a Inglese - Tariffe: 0.05 - 0.09 USD a parola / 15 - 50 USD all'ora Da Spagnolo a Inglese - Tariffe: 0.05 - 0.09 USD a parola / 15 - 50 USD all'ora Da Tedesco a Inglese - Tariffe: 0.06 - 0.12 EUR a parola / 20 - 50 EUR all'ora / 5.00 - 11.00 EUR per audio/video minute Da Rumeno a Tedesco - Tariffe: 0.06 - 0.12 EUR a parola / 20 - 50 EUR all'ora / 5.00 - 11.00 EUR per audio/video minute Da Inglese a Tedesco - Tariffe: 0.06 - 0.12 EUR a parola / 20 - 50 EUR all'ora / 5.00 - 11.00 EUR per audio/video minute Da Francese a Tedesco - Tariffe: 0.05 - 0.09 USD a parola / 15 - 50 USD all'ora Da Greco a Tedesco - Tariffe: 0.05 - 0.09 USD a parola / 15 - 50 USD all'ora Da Italiano a Tedesco - Tariffe: 0.05 - 0.09 USD a parola / 15 - 50 USD all'ora Da Spagnolo a Tedesco - Tariffe: 0.05 - 0.09 USD a parola / 15 - 50 USD all'ora Da Rumeno a Spagnolo - Tariffe: 0.05 - 0.09 USD a parola / 15 - 50 USD all'ora Da Inglese a Spagnolo - Tariffe: 0.05 - 0.09 USD a parola / 15 - 50 USD all'ora Da Francese a Spagnolo - Tariffe: 0.05 - 0.09 USD a parola / 15 - 50 USD all'ora Da Tedesco a Spagnolo - Tariffe: 0.05 - 0.09 USD a parola / 15 - 50 USD all'ora Da Greco a Spagnolo - Tariffe: 0.05 - 0.09 USD a parola / 15 - 50 USD all'ora Da Italiano a Spagnolo - Tariffe: 0.05 - 0.09 USD a parola / 15 - 50 USD all'ora
Titoli di studio per la traduzione
Master's degree - Spiru Haret University
Anni di esperienza: 15 Registrato in Jul 2019. Membro da: May 2021.
I have always loved languages and cultures. Besides ROMANIAN, I currently know 6 other languages for which I either trained in a university, took a European language certificate test or learned them by myself.
I have a BACHELOR OF ARTS degree in FRENCH and ENGLISH languages and literature, a MASTER'S DEGREE in Modernity in EUROPEAN literature and cultures and a GERMAN language degree.
In order to improve one's language skills, I have always believed that it is not enough to learn the language only from books, but also to embrace the knowledge and culture of the people and country. This is why I lived and worked in many multicultural environments. For more than five years I have been living and working in Germany.
I have 8 years of experience as a French and English teacher for Kindergartens, Primary and Secondary Schools in Romania, 2 years of experience as an English teacher for OMV-Petrom engineers in Romania, more than 11 years of experience as a FREELANCE TRANSLATION and SUBTITLING PROVIDER working with independent clients and agencies.
I am:
•ABLE. I am able to handle multiple tasks on a daily basis.
•CREATIVE. I use a creative approach to problem solving.
•DEPENDABLE. I am a dependable person who is great at time management.
•ENERGETIC. I am always energetic and eager to learn new skills.
•EXPERIENCED. In the years that I have worked as a translation service provider, I have amassed a variety of experience through TRANSLATING, PROOFREADING, EDITING, SUBTITLING, TRANSCRIBING of: articles, novels, poetry, marketing materials, website content, textbook translation, user guides, business documents, audio/ video files and much more and I am eager to put my experience to work for you.
•DETAIL-ORIENTED. My attention to detail in every aspect of my business allows me to deliver a high-quality product which is tailored to the specific needs of each client.
•FLEXIBLE. I am flexible in my working hours, being able to work evenings and weekends.
The varied nature of my capabilities in the translation industry has created a unique yet marketable dimension to my offerings that truly separate me from the competition.
Do not hesitate to contact me, I would be happy to make you an offer tailored to your budget!
Parole chiave: Provider, translation, services, translation provider, translator, writer, services provider, professional, professional translation, Romanian language. See more.Provider, translation, services, translation provider, translator, writer, services provider, professional, professional translation, Romanian language, English language, French language, Greek language, Italian language, Spanish language, German language, freelancer, freelance, freelance translator, freelance writer, general translation, document translation, literature, literary translation, book, book translation, novel, novel translation, poetry, poetry translation, culinary, culinary translation, CV translation, resume, resume translation, cover letter, medical translation, technical translation, legal translation, audio translation, subtitling, audio /video files, website translation, transcribing, transcription, proofreading, revision, editing, content editing, post-editing. See less.