Lingue di lavoro:
Da Arabo a Inglese
Da Inglese a Arabo

Ahmed Isagizli

Tripoli, Tarabulus, Libia
Ora locale: 15:36 EET (GMT+2)

Madrelingua: Arabo 
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1 positive review
What Ahmed Isagizli is working on
Aug 9, 2016 (posted via  Translating "The Price book for Libya", Arabic into English . Such a huge project. ...more »
Total word count: 10000000

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23+ years of experience in translation and consecutive Interpretation, AR-EN.
Granted the title of "Translator of the Month" , Feb 2015,by Her Britannic Majesty's EmbassyCorporate dept.
Worked also in Translation of news, building activities, and NGO's.
Transcribtion and subtitling is my favorite task.
Questo membro ha acquisito punti KudoZ aiutando altri colleghi nella traduzione di termini di livello PRO. Cliccare sui punteggi per visualizzare le proposte di traduzione suggerite.

Totale punti: 15
(Livello PRO)

Lingua (PRO)
Da Inglese a Arabo15
Aree generali principali (PRO)
Scienze sociali4
Aree specifiche principali (PRO)
Affari/Commercio (generale)4

Visualizza tutti i punti acquisiti >
Parole chiave: Workshops, Training Assistance, Conference Interpretation, Documents Translation, Editing and proofreading Arabic and English, Literary, Media, Medical, , construction. See more.Workshops, Training Assistance, Conference Interpretation, Documents Translation, Editing and proofreading Arabic and English, Literary, Media, Medical, , construction, and Business Tripoli Libya.. See less.

Ultimo aggiornamento del profilo
Nov 21, 2020

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