Membro dal May '11

Lingue di lavoro:
Inglese (monolingue)
Da Francese a Inglese
Da Italiano a Inglese

Availability today:
Molto disponibile

February 2025

Christiane Klauss
Localisation & linguistic validation

Whangarei, Northland, Nuova Zelanda
Ora locale: 22:33 NZDT (GMT+13)

Madrelingua: Inglese Native in Inglese
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8 positive reviews

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Tipo di account Traduttore e/o interprete freelance, Identity Verified Membro verificato
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
Affiliazioni This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Servizi Translation, Editing/proofreading, Website localization, Software localization, MT post-editing, Transcription, Project management
Medicina: FarmaceuticaOrg/Svil/Coop internazionale
Medicina (generale)

Volunteer translations

Volunteer professional humanitarian translation services-

Translators without Borders

Words translated: 4,231
Lavoro volontario/pro bono Prenderà in considerazione il lavoro volontario per organizzazioni no profit registrate
All accepted currencies U. S. dollars (usd)
Attività KudoZ (PRO) Punti PRO: 12, Risposte a domande: 4, Domande inviate: 1
Storico progetti 1 Progetti inseriti

Voci nella Blue Board create da questo utente  2 Commenti

Payment methods accepted Bonifico bancario, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, PayPal, Skrill | Send a payment via ProZ*Pay
Portfolio Traduzioni di prova presentate: 3
Titoli di studio per la traduzione Bachelor's degree - Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Esperienza Anni di esperienza: 21 Registrato in Jun 2010. Membro da: May 2011. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credenziali Da Francese a Inglese (Victoria University of Wellington, verified)
Da Italiano a Inglese (Victoria University of Wellington, verified)
Associazioni NZSTI
Software memoQ, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint
CV/Resume CV available upon request
Azioni professionali Christiane Klauss sottoscrive's Linee guida professionali.
Professional objectives
  • Meet new translation company clients
  • Meet new end/direct clients

I have over 20 years of translation, proofreading and editing experience and over 12 years of specialising in linguistic validation of medical documents for New Zealand English.

I specialise in the localisation of New Zealand English, specifically the linguistic validation of medical questionnaires from US English to NZ English, and I have freelance contracts with clinical research organisations and translation agencies around the globe.

Don't hesitate to contact me for any projects, big or small!

Questo membro ha acquisito punti KudoZ aiutando altri colleghi nella traduzione di termini di livello PRO. Cliccare sui punteggi per visualizzare le proposte di traduzione suggerite.

Totale punti: 12
(Livello PRO)

Lingue principali (PRO)
Da Italiano a Inglese8
Da Francese a Inglese4
Aree generali principali (PRO)
Aree specifiche principali (PRO)
Certificati, Diplomi, Licenze, CV8
Medicina: Sistema sanitario4

Visualizza tutti i punti acquisiti >

This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.

Project History Summary
Total projects1
With client feedback0
0 positive (0 entries)

Job type
Language pairs
Da Francese a Inglese1
Specialty fields
Other fields
Ingegneria (generale)1
Parole chiave: Christiane Hargrave, Christiane Klauss, french, italian, english, new zealand, NGOs, humanitarian, diplomas, certificates. See more.Christiane Hargrave, Christiane Klauss, french, italian, english, new zealand, NGOs, humanitarian, diplomas, certificates, contracts, finance, alternative health, natural health, legal, medical, translation, editing, proofreading, ESL editing, transcription, french to english translation, italian to english translation, humanitarian translation, financial translation, legal translation, new zealand translation service, certificate translation, New Zealand localization, New Zealand localisation, whangarei translator, whangarei translation service, linguistic validation, brand analysis, new zealand english, New Zealand linguistic validation, New Zealand medical surveys, mobile app strings. See less.

Ultimo aggiornamento del profilo
Jan 31, 2024