The Adam of all cryptocurrencies was invented more than a decade ago. Since the start of the internet and Jeff Bezos's glorious idea to start — lucky for us, not as Cadabra, which sounds like Cadaver — payment was a huge issue, especially fraud.
In the 1950s, credit cards were invented to solve the problem of carrying money bags with you. The first one was the Diners Card, which I still am a customer of today.
It allowed the merchant to copy the credit card information quickly on paper and hand a copy to the customer to countersign it. Its most recognizable characteristic was this swish pop sound.
Before the invention of this funny machine completing the payment process was handwritten paperwork, which just was a long process. I remember customers waiting in the line complaining, “Oh no, another one with a credit card. Now we have to wait much, much longer.” And it was true, the merchant had to get the papers out, write everything down in a readable format, check the identity of the customer and the signature, and this was time-consuming. Payment with cash compared to that was a quick and easy process—so much room for improvement for smart entrepreneurs. | Winning entries could not be determined in this language pair.There was 1 entry submitted in this pair during the submission phase. Not enough entries were submitted for this pair to advance to the finals round, and it was therefore not possible to determine a winner.
Competition in this pair is now closed. |
Aasaaskii dhammaan lacagaha dijitaalka ah (cryptocurrencies) ayaa la hindisay in ka badan toban sano ka hor. Tan iyo bilowgii internet-ka iyo fikraddii qiimaha badneyd ee Jeff Bezos ee uu billaabay — oo aan nasiib u yeelannay, aan ahayn sidii Cadabra, oo u muuqatay sidii Cadaver — lacag bixinta waxaa ay ahayd arrin aad u culus, gaar ahaan waxaa ay ahayd khiyaano. Sanadihii 1950-meeyadii, kaadhadhka amaahda ayaa la hindisay si loo xalliyo dhibaatada ah in aad qaadato boorsooyin lacag ah. Midkii ugu horreeyay waxaa uu ahaa kaadhka Diners, oo aan aniga ilaa hadda macmiil u ahay. [...] Waxaa uu u oggolaaday ganacsadaha in uu si dhaqso ah ugu qoro warqad macluumaadka kaadhka amaahda oo uu nuqul u dhiibo macmiilka si uu mar labaad u saxiixo. Sifada inta badan lagu aqoonsan karo ayaa ahayd dhawaqan foodhida u eg. Inta aan la hindisin mashiinkan cajiibka ah, dhammeystirka habka lacag bixinta ayaa ahaa waraaqo gacanta lagu qoray, kaas oo ahaa hab waqti dheer qaadanayay. Waxaan xusuustaa macaamiil safka ku sugayay oo cabanayay, “Ah maya, mid kale oo wata kaadhka amaahda. Hadda waa in aan waqti dheer sugno.” Run ayayna ahayd, ganacsadaha in uu soo bixiyo waraaqaha, u qoro wax kasta qaab la akhrin karo, hubiyo aqoonsiga macmiilka iyo saxiixa, tanina waxaa ay ahayd mid waqti badan qaadata. Bixinta lacagta caddaanka ah marka taasi la barbardhigo ayaa ahayd hab deg deg ah oo sahlan—oo fursad weyn u ahayd horumarka loogu talagalay ganacsatada caqliga leh. | Entry #33782 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Maxaa Tirimaxasom