in the seventeenth century the term gets carnival in Europe the overhand for festivals which characterises itself by disguises, ommegangen, the institution of a derision sovereignty with its own hierarchy and exuberant food and drinks. In the middle ages one spoke of the Vastenavondviering, in which one could party again noisily with much spijs and spirits vervolgens as from Ash Wednesday the catcat cat holieke vastentijd to enter as preparation to Easter. In one of the declarations for the word carnival the relation between this exuberant festival becomes and then next fast laid: carne faded mean flesh good-bye. Another declaration for the word exists from the assumed diversion of carrus navalis, scheepswagen which was passed in the Vastenavondtijd through the streets vierders disguised with to border.
carnival in the Netherlands
the carnival is celebrates that especially in the provinces Limburg and Noord-Brabant for three days has daily living in its seizure. Carnavalsvierders appetites changed by the streets and look up each other in kroegen and rooms. The locations have been decorated with masks and serpentines and music knows own carnavalsrepertoire be.
the time of the celebration depends on the changing date on which is celebrated annually Easter. Seventh Sunday preceding Paaszondag is carnival Sunday. The vele princes Carnaval assume power of the civil authorities on carnival Saturday or - Sunday for three days in a ritual manner in villages and cities (the power transfer or key transfer) and celebrate with their nationals, the carnavalsvierders, the temporary establishment of their narrenrijk. Carnavalsvierders change themselves in by their desired uitdossing and take in three-day carnavalsroes have of the street and the café. On one of the three carnival days the optocht passes through the streets: the triumph excursion of prince Carnaval. And it is taken on carnival Tuesday around middernacht in many places in a collective locking ritual farewell of narrenrijk and is prince. carnival fetishes and symbols are then burned, buried or drowned. On Ash Wednesday daily life is taken up.