Lingue di lavoro:
Da Inglese a Francese
Da Francese a Inglese
Da Inglese a Spagnolo

Philippe Vitu
Affordable and professional

Ora locale: 19:36 CDT (GMT-5)

Madrelingua: Francese Native in Francese
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Total: 47 entries
Tipo di account Translation agency/company employee or owner
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Translation from and into any language and simultaneous interpretation services. In-house translators into French and Spanish with exceptionally short turnaround times.

Hard to list in a nutshell, but two accomplishments stand out in my mind:
1) I, the owner, was selected by ACOG (Atlanta Committee for the Olympic Games) to serve as an official French translator during the 1996 Atlanta Summer Olympic Games.
2) Translation into French, Spanish, Italian, German and Dutch of a 116.000 word Trainings Manual for a large US multtinational company. Translation completed in three months using our international resources.

Ultimo aggiornamento del profilo
Feb 11, 2016