Lingue di lavoro:
Da Francese a Inglese
Da Italiano a Inglese

Fast, accurate...gets the job done!!!!

Ora locale: 09:18 GMT (GMT+0)

Madrelingua: Inglese Native in Inglese
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Feedback from
clients and colleagues

on Willingness to Work Again info
8 positive reviews
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Hello and thank you for visiting my profile.

If you are on this page, you are either (1) a potential client or (2) another translator having a good old browse, which is fair enough

For anyone in category (1), this is how I work:

How to contact me
I translate full-time, as and when needed, but can be contacted by e-mail between 9.30am - 6.30pm UK time. My availability is shown on my profile page.

My rates are 0.07 EUR per word. These rates may vary depending on the complexity of the text to be translated.

Am I the right translator for your project?
To save precious time (yours as well as mine), please note that the rates stated above are a minimum. They are designed to ensure a quality result that everyone is happy with.

I have enough experience to know how to handle my workload, and will not take on more than I feel comfortable with. This gives you the assurance that the job will be done properly, so no last-minute phone calls asking for deadline extensions!

If you need a reliable translator to produce a fluent, well-researched piece of work, then we can probably do business. I look forward to hearing from you.

Questo membro ha acquisito punti KudoZ aiutando altri colleghi nella traduzione di termini di livello PRO. Cliccare sui punteggi per visualizzare le proposte di traduzione suggerite.

Totale punti: 11
Punti PRO: 7

Lingua (PRO)
Da Italiano a Inglese7
Aree generali principali (PRO)
Aree specifiche principali (PRO)
Energia/Produzione di energia4
Legale: Contratti3

Visualizza tutti i punti acquisiti >

This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.

Project History Summary
Total projects18
With client feedback11
100% positive (11 entries)

Job type
Language pairs
Da Italiano a Inglese14
Da Francese a Inglese4
Specialty fields
Finanza (generale)3
Legale (generale)3
Affari/Commercio (generale)2
Viaggi e Turismo1
Computer: Sistemi, Reti1
Medicina (generale)1
IT (Tecnologia dell'informazione)1
Arte, Arti applicate, Pittura1
Marketing/Ricerche di mercato1
Ingegneria (generale)1
Other fields
Scienza (generale)2
Automobilistico/Auto e autocarri1
Sport/Attività fisica/Attività ricreative1
Meccanica/Ingegneria meccanica1
RachelPross's Twitter updates
    Parole chiave: French, Italian, English Native speaker, marketing, legal, financial, journalism, business, food, beauty. See more.French, Italian, English Native speaker, marketing, legal, financial, journalism, business, food, beauty, cosmetics, law, teaching, education, pedagogy, travel, tourism, geology, science, . See less.

    Ultimo aggiornamento del profilo
    Jun 20, 2014

    More translators and interpreters: Da Francese a Inglese - Da Italiano a Inglese   More language pairs