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Da Croato a Inglese Da Bosniaco a Inglese Da Serbo a Inglese Da Italiano a Bosniaco Da Italiano a Croato Da Italiano a Inglese Da Bosniaco a Italiano Da Croato a Italiano Da Inglese a Italiano Inglese (monolingue)
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Da Inglese a Croato: Crew agreement General field: Legale/Brevetti Detailed field: Legale: Contratti
The Company will use its best endeavours to comply with all relevant laws of the country, regulations and rules relating to the safe operation of the vessel.
In the event of injury or death the employee may be entitled to receive compensation from the Government for injuries suffered while the vessel is within the country's jurisdiction pursuant to the terms of the Accident Compensation Act 2001. An outline of the provisions of the said Act is set out in Schedule 2.
The Company carries insurance and in the event of an employee suffering permanent total or permanent partial disability, resulting from an accident on board the vessel or when travelling to and from the vessel in accordance with the Company’s instructions, preventing the employee from obtaining permanent seagoing employment, and such injury is not one covered by the Accident Compensation Act 2001 but is one covered under the Company’s insurance policy the employee will receive compensation, in accordance with the findings of the Company designated physician and the Scale of Permanent Disabilities, as set out in Part One of Schedule 4, as agreed between the Company and its insurers, provided that the compensation sum will be reimbursed by the Company’s insurers to the Company. No such compensation payments will be made if permanent disability is the result of a wilful act by, or the gross negligence of the crewmember.
The Company carries insurance and in the event of an employee suffering death due to an accident on board the vessel, or when travelling to and from the vessel in accordance with Company’s instructions and such injury is not one covered by the Accident Compensation Act 2001 but is one covered under the Company’s insurance policy, the next of kin of the crew member will receive compensation as set out in Part Two of Schedule 4 as agreed between the Company and its insurers, provided that the compensation sum will be reimbursed by the Company’s insurers to the Company. No such compensation payments will be made if death is the result of a wilful act by, or the gross negligence of the crewmember.
Except as is expressly agreed in this Agreement, or imposed under country's statute the employee agrees that the Company shall not be liable for any losses or damages at any time suffered by the employee as a result of, or incurred during the course of, his employment with the Company. In particular, and without limiting the generality of this exclusion, the Company shall not be liable to the employee or any of his dependents, for any losses or damages incurred as a result of injuries or death suffered by the employee during the course of his employment on the vessel or while the vessel is in port.
Traduzione - Croato IZUZEĆE OBVEZA TVRTKE:
Tvrtka će na sve načine nastojati ispuniti sve mjerodavne zakone države, propise i pravila koja se tiču sigurnog upravljanja plovilom.
U slučaju ozljede ili smrti uposlenik će imati pravo na primanje naknade od vlade države za ozljede pretrpljene dok se plovilo nalazilo unutar nadležnosti države prema odredbama Zakona o naknadama u slučaju nesreće iz 2001. godine. Koncept odredbi spomenutog zakona nalazi se u rasporedu 2.
Tvrtka je nosilac osiguranja i u slučaju da uposlenik pretrpi trajni potpuni ili trajni djelomični invaliditet, koji nastupa uslijed nesreće na palubi plovila ili pri putovanju do i od plovila prema uputama tvrtke, što sprječava uposlenika da dobije trajno zaposlenje na otvorenom moru te ako takva ozljeda nije uključena u Zakon o naknadama u slučaju nesreće iz 2001. godine, ali je uključena u osiguravajuću policu tvrtke, uposlenik će primiti naknadu, prema nalazima liječnika kojeg je odredila tvrtka te prema skali trajnog invaliditeta, kao što je navedeno u prvom dijelu rasporeda 4 i prihvaćeno između tvrtke i njenih osiguravatelja, pod uvjetom da iznos naknade bude vraćen tvrtki od strane osiguravatelja tvrtke. Te naknade neće biti isplaćene ako je do trajnog invaliditeta došlo uslijed dobrovoljne radnje ili grube nepažnje člana posade.
Tvrtka je nosilac osiguranja i u slučaju smrti uposlenika uslijed nesreće na palubi plovila ili pri putovanju do i od plovila prema uputama tvrtke, ako takva ozljeda nije uključena u Zakon o naknadama u slučaju nesreće iz 2001. godine, ali je uključena u osiguravajuću policu tvrtke te ako takva ozljeda nije uključena u Zakon o naknadama u slučaju nesreće iz 2001. godine, ali je uključena u osiguravajuću policu tvrtke, najbliža rodbina člana posade će primiti naknadu kao što je navedeno u drugom dijelu rasporeda 4, kako je prihvaćeno između tvrtke i njenih osiguravatelja, pod uvjetom da iznos naknade bude vraćen tvrtki od strane osiguravatelja tvrtke. Te naknade neće biti isplaćene ako je do smrti došlo uslijed dobrovoljne radnje ili grube nepažnje člana posade.
Izuzev ako je izričito dogovoreno ovim ugovorom ili nametnuto statutom države, uposlenik se slaže da tvrtka neće biti odgovorna za bilo koje gubitke ili oštećenja koje je uposlenik bilo kada pretrpio uslijed ili tijekom svog zaposlenja u tvrtki. Posebno, i bez ograničavanja općenitosti ovog izuzimanja, tvrtka ne preuzima odgovornost prema uposleniku ili članovima njegove obitelji za gubitke ili oštećenja nastala kao rezultat ozljeda ili smrti tijekom radnog perioda na plovilu ili dok je plovilo usidreno.
Da Inglese a Croato: Personal/Confidential Information General field: Legale/Brevetti Detailed field: Legale: Contratti
Testo originale - Inglese Personal Information
The Privacy Act 1993 provides that the Company may only collect information about the employee where the information is necessary for the operation of its business.
Personal information includes any information about the employee, eg name, age, work history, bank account details;i.e., the information needed to employ and pay the employee.
Apart from the use of the information in its daily operations various laws require certain information to be collected and passed on, eg. To MNZ, MOF, IRD, ACC, OSH, Labour Department, DWIS. In addition the company maintains work and safety records for employees. This information is necessary for the company to comply with its legal obligations and to defend itself from claims against it, for example, following an accident or dismissal.
Employee records may also be used for the purposes of providing a reference when you seek employment elsewhere.
The employee acknowledges that the company will obtain personal information about the employee during the course of employment for employment, disciplinary, statistical, insurance, taxation, health, safety and reference purposes and that such personal information shall, from time to time be provided to others who require such information for similar or related purposes.
The employee hereby consents pursuant to the Privacy Act 1993 to the collection, storage and dissemination of such personal information by the Company.
The employee may access personal information concerning him/herself and may request correction of that information pursuant to the Privacy Act 1993.
Confidential Information
All information which may be supplied to the employee by the company or of which the employee may become aware from the employee’s employment or from the employee’s dealings with the company or which the employee prepares or records in the course of his/her employment or which is in any way related to or connected with the business of the company (“the confidential information”) is the property of the company.
The employee will treat the confidential information as strictly confidential and will not disclose any of the confidential information to any person, firm, company or other body unless previously and expressly authorised by the company.
The employee will take all reasonable steps to protect the confidential information and to prevent its unauthorised acquisition or use.
The employee will not make any copies or records of any of the confidential information except as expressly permitted by the company and will whendemanded by the company or upon termination of this agreement return to the company all material supplied by the company and any copies or records of any of the confidential information and any other material pertaining to the confidential information held by the employee.
The employee will not use or attempt to use any of the confidential information in any manner and for any purpose other than the purpose of the business of the company.
The employee acknowledges that breaches to the above code of confidentiality may result in his/her summary dismissal.
Traduzione - Croato Osobni podaci
Zakon o privatnosti iz 1993. godine nalaže da tvrtka smije prikupljati informacije o uposleniku samo kada su te informacije neophodne za njeno poslovanje.
Osobni podaci uključuju svaku informaciju o uposleniku, npr. ime, dob, prošla zaposlenja, podatke o bankovnom računu; tj. informacije potrebne za zaposlenje i plaćanje zaposlenika.
Pored korištenja informacija u svojim dnevnim radnjama, različiti zakoni zahtijevaju prikupljanje određenih informacija i njihovo prosljeđivanje, npr. institucijama i organizacijama kao što su: MNZ, MOF, IRD, ACC, OSH, Zavod rada, DWIS. Pored toga, tvrtka vodi radnu i sigurnosnu evidenciju svih uposlenika. Ove informacije su tvrtki potrebne za usuglašavanje sa svojim pravnim obvezama i obranu od potraživanja, npr. u slučaju nesreće ili otpuštanja radnika.
Evidencija se uposlenika također može koristiti za pružanje preporuka pri traženju daljnjeg zaposlenja.
Uposlenik prihvaća da tvrtka zadržava osobne podatke o uposleniku tijekom perioda zaposlenja, u poslovne, disciplinske, statističke, osiguravajuće, porezne, zdravstvene, sigurnosne svrhe i svrhe preporuke, a da takve informacije o osoblju mogu, povremeno, biti dostavljene drugima koji zahtijevaju takve informacije za slične ili srodne svrhe.
Uposlenik ovim putem pristaje sukladno Zakonu o privatnosti iz 1993. godine na to da će tvrtka prikupljati, spremati i dijeliti takve osobne podatke.
Uposlenik može pristupiti svojim osobnim podacima i može zahtijevati ispravku tih podataka u skladu sa Zakonom o privatnosti iz 1993. godine.
Povjerljive informacije
Svi podaci koji se daju uposleniku tvrtke ili koje zaposlenik sazna tijekom zaposlenja ili tijekom svog rada za tvrtku, ili koje uposlenik priprema ili pohranjuje tijekom svog zaposlenja, ili podaci koji su na bilo koji način povezani s poslovanjem tvrtke („povjerljive informacije“) su u vlasništvu tvrtke.
Uposlenik će tretirati povjerljive informacije kao strogo povjerljive i neće iznositi bilo kakve povjerljive informacije bilo kojoj osobi, poduzeću, tvrtki ili drugom tijelu ako to tvrtka nije ranije i izričito dozvolila.
Uposlenik će poduzeti sve potrebne korake kako bi zaštitio povjerljive informacije te kako bi spriječio neovlašteno prikupljanje ili uporabu.
Uposlenik neće umnožavati ili bilježiti bilo koje povjerljive informacije izuzev onih koje je tvrtka izričito dozvolila, i on će, kada to tvrtka zahtijeva ili nakon završetka ovog ugovora, vratiti sve materijale koje mu je tvrtka osigurala te sve kopije i zapise svih povjerljivih informacija i svih drugih materijala koji spadaju u povjerljive informacije u posjedu zaposlenika.
Uposlenik neće koristiti ili pokušati koristiti povjerljive informacije na bilo koji način i za bilo koje svrhe osim za svrhe poslovanja tvrtke.
Uposlenik prihvaća da kršenja gore navedenog kodeksa povjerljivosti može rezultirati neposrednim otkazom.
Standards / Certification(s)
Notary Approved
Titoli di studio per la traduzione
Master's degree - University of Tuzla
Anni di esperienza: 10 Registrato in Sep 2016.
Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, AutoCAD, CafeTran Espresso, MateCat, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Microsoft LEAF, Passolo, Powerpoint, Trados Studio, Wordfast
With over 7 years of experience as a dedicated full-time translator, I offer a comprehensive range of linguistic services.
My educational background includes a BA in English Language and Literature, an MA in Linguistics, and a Google Project Management: Professional Certificate. This project management certification has equipped me with the skills to effectively manage and oversee projects of various sizes and complexities.
I have had the privilege to work on linguistic validation projects for reputable companies such as Google, Qatar Airways, Phillips, Microsoft, Motorola, Airbnb, Škoda, and Facebook, among others.
Collaborating with my highly skilled team of professional linguists and translators, I can efficiently manage and complete large-scale projects. My expertise spans various fields, including IT, marketing, automotive, robotics, industrial equipment, medical devices and procedures, software localization, electrical equipment, electronics, and Internet technologies.
I pride myself on adopting a client-focused approach, ensuring that I can address any specific requirements a client may have. This dedication allows me to deliver exceptional quality and value with each project.
In addition to my linguistic and project management skills, I have extensive expertise in CAT tools and official subtitles. Below is a list of some official subtitles I have worked on:
Polite Society
Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves
Cocaine Bear
Godfather I
Godfather II
The Ring
The Last Airbender
Kiss the Girls
Like Crazy
She Said 2022
A Quiet Place II
Buddy Games
Clifford the Big Red Dog
Dear Evan Hansen
Last Night in Soho
Marry Me
Minions: The Rise of Gru
Run & Gun
Sing – To the Moon
Snake Eyes – G.I. Joe Origins
Sonic the Hedgehog
The Black Phone
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