Grant of Representation atto di conferimento della rappresentanza testamentaria
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Language pair: | Da Inglese a Italiano |
Definition / notes: | Kudoz 17 Oct 2012 [Wills / Common Law] * "My Trustees may exercise the powers given to them in this will ..... even before a **grant of representation** has been obtained." * "The **grant of representation** is proof that the English court has recognised the executor or administrator as the person who has power to administer the assets of the deceased." [Le successioni nel diritto internazionale privato, p.107 - Google Books] * Grant of representation: A grant of representation gives to a person the power to deal with an estate. There are two types of grant of representation – a grant of letters of administration and a grant of probate. [Wills and Probate Glossary -] * L’esecutore non può agire senza apposito **atto di rappresentanza** (”grant of representation“). [Irlanda] / Gli esecutori (l’esecutore testamentario o il curatore testamentario) non possono agire se privi di apposito **atto di rappresentanza**. [Regno Unito] (Successions in Europe) * **Grant of Representation** -> [...] an explanation in Italian (“Autorizzazione ad amministrare il patrimonio del defunto”) preceded by the expression in English would have been perfectly acceptable as this is a Common Law instrument which does not have an exact equivalent in Italian. [DIPLOMA IN PUBLIC SERVICE INTERPRETING 2004, WRITTEN MARKERS’ REPORTS -> Italian, p.17 -] N.B.: (altri traducenti) "Decreto di omologazione dell'atto di conferimento della rappresentanza" (+riferimenti, O.R.) / "accertamento giudiziale della rappresentanza testamentaria" |
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