Translation glossary: education/pedagogy

Showing entries 1-13 of 13
class teamequipe/equipa(PT) pedagógica 
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cross-curricular activitiesconexões/ligações(PT) interdisciplinares 
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encourageencorajar(BR), incentivar 
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home cornerespaço de recreação 
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number tracklinha numérica 
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post upafixar 
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problem solvingresolução de problemas 
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role-playdinâmica de grupo/ atividades de dinâmica de grupo 
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shape tilesblocos lógicos 
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T.A.G Itópicos avançados de gestão industrial 
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take turnsse alternam 
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tracer studiesestudos de egressos 
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whole-class activityatividade/actividade (PT) global 
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