Translation glossary: Taxation

Showing entries 1-22 of 22
arrecadação fiscaltax collection/ revenue 
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aumentar um impostoto raise / increase / rise tax 
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carga tributáriatax burden/ tax bill 
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código tributáriotax code 
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contribuintetaxpayer/ filer 
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crédito fiscal / tributáriotax credit 
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declaração de IRincome tax return 
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elisão fiscaltax avoidance 
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estratégia fiscaltax strategy 
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faixa de incidênciatax bracket 
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imposto únicoflat tax 
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imposto de rendaincome tax 
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leão do IRtaxman 
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malha finatax audit 
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reforma tributáriatax reform 
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restituição do IRincome tax refund 
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retirar um impostoto lift a a tax 
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Secretaria de Estado da ReceitaOffice of State Comptroller 
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sistema fiscaltax system 
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sistema tributáriotax system 
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sonegação fiscaltax evasion / dodging 
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sonegadortax evader/dodger 
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