Translation glossary: RAJ: Environment-Ecology-Tourism-Science

Showing entries 201-250 of 761
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coortes biométricasbiometric cohorts 
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copa vegetalvegetation canopy 
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coquinascoquina (sedimentary type of rock) 
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coroa de Cristocrown of thorns 
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corpo hídrico lênticolentic body of water 
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corpo hídrico lóticolotic body of water 
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corredores de faunawildlife corridors 
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correlação de PearsonPearson correlation 
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costes inasumiblesunacceptable costs 
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cota topográficatopographic elevation 
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crime de poluiçãopollution crime 
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Crista Média Atlântica (CMA)Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) 
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cronômetro marítimomarine chronometer 
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culicídeosculicidae (mosquitoes) 
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culturas arvensesarable crops 
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curva espéciespecies curve 
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Dados de elevação do SRTMSRTM elevation data 
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dados SRTMSRTM data (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission data) 
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DAP (diâmetro à altura do peito)DBH (diameter at breast height) 
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DípteraDiptera (without acute accent) 
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declarou exauridas as reservasdeclared its reserves depleted 
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Defesa do AmbienteEnvironmental Defence 
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degradação entrópicaentropic degradation 
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deposição orgânicaorganic deposition 
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Depositario del AcuerdoDepositary of the Agreement (this is NOT an \'Agreement Depository\', in this context). 
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Deram conta do recadoThey have given account of themselves / the situation 
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desaguava no maremptied out into the sea 
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desarrollo sosteniblesustainable development 
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desenvolvimento ruralrural development 
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deslocações profissionaisbusiness trips 
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desníveldownward gradient 
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diâmetro basalbasal diameter 
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Dióxido de azufre (SO2)Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) 
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dibenzo-p-dioxina policlorado (PCDD)polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin (PCDD) 
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dibenzofurano policlorado (PCDF)polychlorinated dibenzofuran (PCDF) 
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DicotiledôneasDicotyledons (or Dicots) 
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Distância EuclidianaEuclidean distance 
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