Translation glossary: law

Showing entries 351-400 of 3,651
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Ƿ��֤���certificate of arrears 
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绝对信任utmost good faith 
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ǿ������enforced performance 
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ǿ���power of enforcement 
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ǿ��ִ�д�ʩimplementing measures 
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ǿ�ƴ�ʩcoercive measure 
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ǿ�ƴ�ʩenforcement action 
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ǿ�ƽ�����״writ of specific delivery 
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ǿ�����compulsory licensing 
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ǿ���Խ����mandatory injunction 
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ǿ��˰�����strengthen tax administration 
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ǿ���ٲ�compulsory arbitration 
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ǿ�Ȼ��coerced marriage 
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��һ��partial application 
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�����ĸnatural parents 
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������׻�ĸ��natural parent 
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�����Ůnatural child 
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��Ȩparental right 
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��򾭼�regional economies 
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���Դ�differential treatment 
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��Ƽ�ǿintensifying trend 
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�������������offence of disrupting the social order 
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���Ұ칫����disturbing the order in the workplace 
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���ҹ�������public disorder 
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��ʵ�ϵIJƲ�����factual disposition of property 
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��ʵ���de facto marriage 
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��ʵ�������Ůmen and women under de facto marriages 
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���޹�˾four-without company 
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���ʡShaanxi Province 
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���spousal support 
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��������Աcoroner's officer 
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���the deceased 
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�Ĵ�ʡSichuan Province 
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���ó����֯Э��World Trade Organization Agreement 
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�����Ȩ���Universal Declaration of Human Rights 
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���֪ʶ��Ȩ��֯World Intellectual Property Organization 
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���death sentence 
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��̰���death sentence case 
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��̸���death sentence review 
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��̸��˳���death penalty review procedure 
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��̺�׼Ȩthe power of approving the death penalty 
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��̻��ڶ���ִ��death sentence with a two-year reprieve 
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