Translation glossary: Legal PTBR>EN

Showing entries 1-19 of 19
ação de rito comumordinary proceeding 
Da Portoghese a Inglese
alvará de execuçãoBuilding Permit 
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associado contribuinte titularmain paying member 
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CGJ do TJOffice of Judicial Complaints (UK) / Disciplinary Board of Courts of [State Name] (elsewhere) 
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convocação extraordináriaCall for a Special Meeting of the Congress 
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ex parte reliefliminar inaudita altera parte 
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Formação sobre Segurança Básica em Mar AltoBasic Safety Training for Offshore Operations 
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memorial on jurisdictionMemorial / Memoriais 
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people's courtJuizado Especial Cível 
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perfomer releaseAutorização de uso de imagem 
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procurador estranho à sociedadeproxies who are not members of the organization/company 
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quitclaim covenantstermo de quitação 
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Relationship Propertybens imóveis do casal 
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secretarias de saúde estaduais, municipais e do distrito federal.State, Municipal and Federal District Health Departments 
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segundo oficiosecond office 
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Títulos de origem judicialjudicially enforceable title 
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tuyautagevazar informações confidenciais 
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warden's courtJuízo da Comarca 
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