Translation glossary: Medical Glossary - V

Showing entries 1-14 of 14
valvular balloonizationbalonização valvar 
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vascular stumpcoto vascular 
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vasospastic anginaangina vasopástica; angina de peito de repouso 
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VDRL antigenantigênio VDRL 
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ventricular bandsbandas ventriculares 
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ventricular blockbloqueio ventricular 
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verbal aphasiaaudimudez de expressão 
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vermicular appendixapêndice vermicular 
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vertebral archarco vertebral 
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vertebral blockbloco vertebral 
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vertebral foramenburaco vertebral 
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vertical mattress suturesutura de Blair-Donati 
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visceral anoxiaanoxia visceral 
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volatile alkaliálcali volátil 
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