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Da Italiano a Spagnolo
Da Inglese a Italiano

Angela Buccirossi
Interprete di conferenza IT><ES-EN><IT

Ora locale: 02:54 CET (GMT+1)

Madrelingua: Italiano (Variant: Standard-Italy) 
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What Angela Buccirossi is working on
Dec 25, 2020 (posted via  I provide on-site and remote simultaneous interpreting with my language combinations (English><Italian and Spanish<>Italian). The sectors for which I am currently interpreting are medicine, pharmacology, business, EWC, general shareholders' meetings and environment. ...more, + 1 other entry »
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Tipo di account Libero professionista e committente, Identity Verified Identità verificata
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
Affiliazioni This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Servizi Interpreting, Project management, Translation, Editing/proofreading
Pubblicità/Pubbliche relazioniMedico: Odontoiatria
Cosmetica, BellezzaLegale: Contratti
Computer (generale)Certificati, Diplomi, Licenze, CV
Materiali (Plastica, Ceramica ecc.)Arte, Arti applicate, Pittura
Affari/Commercio (generale)Finanza (generale)

Payment methods accepted Wise, Bonifico bancario
Company size <3 employees
Year established 2003
Currencies accepted Euro (eur), U. S. dollars (usd)
This company Offers job opportunities for freelancers
Titoli di studio per la traduzione Master's degree - Scuola per Interpreti e Traduttori, Roma, Italia
Esperienza Anni di esperienza: 27 Registrato in May 2008. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credenziali Da Inglese a Italiano (Scuola Superiore per Interpreti e Traduttori di Milano)
Da Italiano a Inglese (Scuola Superiore per Interpreti e Traduttori di Milano)
Da Spagnolo a Italiano (
Da Italiano a Spagnolo (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
Associazioni N/A
Software Microsoft Excel

Sito Web
CV/Resume Inglese (PDF), Spagnolo (PDF)
Events and training

Since 1997 I have been working as a free-lance interpreter and translator. I started my career in the US where I worked as a medical interpreter for several hospitals and charity organizations and as a legal interpreter at Boston courts. Then I moved to Madrid where I still live and where I consolidated my profession as a conference interpreter working at congresses, meetings and international conferences on behalf of public and private companies and institutions. 

My working languages are Italian, Spanish and English. 

Parole chiave: Interpreting, remote simultaneous interpreting, RSI, VRI, translation, conference interpreter, simultaneous, consecutive, whispering, English. See more.Interpreting, remote simultaneous interpreting, RSI, VRI, translation, conference interpreter, simultaneous, consecutive, whispering, English, Italian, Spanish, meetings, workshops, congresses, press conferences, project manager, linguist, translation, proofreading, editing. See less.

Ultimo aggiornamento del profilo
Nov 6, 2024