Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Aug 1 '09 eng>ara Oxymonor طباق pro open no
- Jul 27 '09 eng>ara What is in a name? رحلة في ايحاءات كلمة "شاي" pro closed no
4 Jul 15 '09 eng>ara Tiberias, Tangier, Tigris, alhambra and Jericho? طبرية -طنجة-دجلة-الحمراء-أريحا pro closed ok
- Mar 15 '09 eng>ara voluntary consensus standard قاعدة الاختيار الطوعي بالاجماع pro just_closed no
- Feb 15 '09 eng>ara interrogative quesitoning استفهامات pro open no
- Feb 13 '09 eng>ara to talk at cross purposes تداخل\تشويش في الكلام\سوء تفاهم pro open no
- Feb 13 '09 eng>ara sharing a secret تبادل سر ما\تقاسمه pro open no
- Feb 13 '09 eng>ara I love you more than all the tea in china حبي لك يفوق عدد حبات شاي الصين easy closed ok
- Feb 1 '09 eng>ara problem-solver mode وضعية حل الاشكالات pro closed ok
- Dec 26 '08 eng>ara Like Roman candles صبت جام غضبها/ثارت كالبركان pro closed ok
- Dec 26 '08 eng>ara What the hellis being done about dealing with unemployment??? بالله عليك/بحق الله/ pro open no
- Dec 15 '08 eng>ara involving two cars and a lorry. في حادث مروري طال سيارتان وشاحنة pro closed no
- Dec 16 '08 eng>ara to betray one's trust خان الثقة/خيب الظن pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered