Lingue di lavoro:
Da Inglese a Italiano
Da Tedesco a Italiano
Da Italiano a Inglese

Antonio Caselli
Translator by heart

Ora locale: 18:54 CET (GMT+1)

Madrelingua: Italiano 
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Tipo di account Traduttore e/o interprete freelance, Identity Verified Identità verificata
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
Affiliazioni This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Servizi Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading
Affari/Commercio (generale)Computer: Hardware
Computer: SoftwareIT (Tecnologia dell'informazione)
Legale (generale)Legale: Contratti

Attività KudoZ (PRO) Punti PRO: 145, Risposte a domande: 83
Titoli di studio per la traduzione Master's degree - University of Pisa
Esperienza Anni di esperienza: 40 Registrato in Oct 2005. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credenziali N/A
Associazioni N/A
Software Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Trados Studio
Events and training
A professional translator and interpreter from English and German to Italian, but also from Italian to English, I have been working for over 30 years as a freelancer with experience mainly in the legal, business and IT sectors.
I am Italian and have lived in England and Austria for several years and worked for major public and private bodies as an interpreter and translator.

Main translation achievements:
- Editing and translation of the Report on ‘The State of Rights in Italy’ for the ‘A Buon Diritto’ Association – Open Society Foundation (
- Samuel D. Warren, Louis D. Brandeis, "Il diritto alla privacy - Boston, 1890" (The Right to Privacy") - Italian translation published by the Italian Data Protection Authority
- Translation of the proceedings from the "Internet and Privacy: What Rules?" Conference held in Rome, 8-9 May 1998 (published by the Italian Prime Minister's Office)
- Translation of regulatory and other texts for the Italian Data Protection Authority and the Italian Ministry of Justice (partly published in the 'Documenti giustizia' journal edited by the Ministry)

Main interpreting achievements:
- Provided interpreting services on an exclusive basis to the Italian Judicial Council (CSM) for several years, jointly with A.R.T.I.G. (Associazione Romana Traduttori e Interpreti nella materia Giuridica – Roman Association of Translators and Interpreters in Juridical Matters)

I am passionate about my work and assignments and believe in professionalism and dependability.
Questo membro ha acquisito punti KudoZ aiutando altri colleghi nella traduzione di termini di livello PRO. Cliccare sui punteggi per visualizzare le proposte di traduzione suggerite.

Totale punti: 145
(Livello PRO)

Lingue principali (PRO)
Da Italiano a Inglese77
Da Tedesco a Italiano29
Da Italiano a Tedesco25
Da Inglese a Italiano14
Aree generali principali (PRO)
Punti in 1 ulteriore area >
Aree specifiche principali (PRO)
Legale (generale)77
Legale: Contratti39
IT (Tecnologia dell'informazione)6
Affari/Commercio (generale)4
Cinema, Film, TV, Teatro4
Medicina (generale)4
Viaggi e Turismo4
Punti in altre 2 aree >

Visualizza tutti i punti acquisiti >
Parole chiave: Italian, translator, interpreter, court judgments, constitutional law, criminal law, criminal procedure law, arrest warrant, extradition, letters of request. See more.Italian, translator, interpreter, court judgments, constitutional law, criminal law, criminal procedure law, arrest warrant, extradition, letters of request, civil law, child abduction, matrimonial matters, contracts, fundamental human rights, asylum-seekers, migrants, minority rights, juvenile justice, data protection, privacy, consent, codes of conduct, certifications, copyright law, financial statements, credit reporting, taxation, tax fraud, tax evasion, business management, corporate responsibility, telemarketing, electronic communications, big data, data mining, data retention, profiling, cookies, IT security, telecom networks, virtual private networks, middleware, software maintenance, troubleshooting, trouble tickets, Datenschutz, Grundrechte, informationelle Selbstbestimmung, Akteneinsicht, Verordnung, Verwaltungsbehoerden, Verfassungsgericht. See less.

Ultimo aggiornamento del profilo
Jan 31, 2017