Aug 12, 2013 10:34
10 yrs ago
58 viewers *
Polish term


George BuLah (X) Aug 14, 2013:
No, niech tak będzie! :))
Beata Claridge Aug 14, 2013:
No to sprawa wyjasniona, prosze nie mydlic mi tu oczu, panie Jaca !! :))
George BuLah (X) Aug 14, 2013:
Autor tego artykułu, to taki czekoladkowy bardziej, ale może to i Polak, wszak znamy wszyscy dobrze - Shirley... Pawlaczkę ;))
Beata Claridge Aug 14, 2013:
a gdzies to wyszukal?
w towarzystwie 'loss the right' and 'loss voting privileges' to wszystko przejdzie, Jaca; rownie dobrze to moze byc tworczosc polskiego tlumacza; nie znam zrodla, wiec nadal nie jestem przekonana ;(
George BuLah (X) Aug 14, 2013:
Due to the frequent rise of misdemeanor in the society, it becomes very essential to have a good criminal lawyer that defends effectively from the false charges of opposition. There are numerous consequences for committing, connecting or culpability for criminal offenses such as imprisonment in jail, deportation, detention of driving license, loss voting privileges, substantial fines and court costs, loss the right to possess any weapon, loss of employment and many more.
Beata Claridge Aug 13, 2013:
There is a good analogy between licence seizure vs. suspension sentence and person's arrest vs. prison sentence. (time is counted in the same way)
Check out "time served" on Wiki.
Beata Claridge Aug 13, 2013:
Lukaszu, jeden chociaz przyklad na "detained driver's/driving licence" z jakiejs wiarygodnej stronki i masz mnie w kieszeni; bez przykladu, zapomnij, nie dam sie przekonac "na sucho";(
Lilian, "od dnia' does not mean "for X months" and maybe this is where the problem is (in this case the court is simply counting the time "starting from the day" (of seizure/surrender of licence) - so no, "seizing driver's licence for 2 years" is not what we are going to end up with (and I agree that this would be a nonsense). Imagine, for example, the licence might have been seized 2 months before the matter goes to court; at trial the judge rules 6 months suspension - which in fact means that the suspension would only be carried out for another 4 months, as the 2 months of not having a licence is taken into consideration; in other words all the time leading up to a trial spent without a licence will be accounted for, and subtracted from the overall period of suspension); AS IF the actual suspension period started when the cop took the licence away (the punishment has already begun). Just like a person's arrest before the trial is usually accounted for and subtracted from the final senence.
Bubz, it very much is about having your licence take away from you and locked up. The cops sit on it, remember? Here, the physical document stands (as a metaphor) for the right itself, so you should go the whole way, and the phrasing you use should refer to the physical document just like in any other case of talking about the document, e.g. as if you were talking about tearing or misplacing it or staining it or having it stolen by a mugger. Again, just like a different kind of cop sitting on your passport means you can't travel. But you're having your passport detained, not your right to travel suspended. Hope this helps.
George BuLah (X) Aug 13, 2013:
Słuchajcie mnie uważnie, bo nie będę powtarzał 2 razy ;)
Dyskusja oraz mnożenie kolejnych opcji dowodzi, że należy wybrać moją propozycję :P :D
maikaa (asker) Aug 13, 2013:
"As a sentence, issued by the judge?" - the thing is we are not talking about a sentence here, we are talking about the policeman taking someone's document away and keeping them until the decision of the court, so the question is whether the policeman seized or suspended some one's driving licence.
geopiet Aug 13, 2013:
What Happens If Your Driving Licence is Seized? -
LilianNekipelov Aug 13, 2013:
Forfeiture is not suspension it a total revocation of your driver's license related to certain crimes,usually not traffic violations.
LilianNekipelov Aug 13, 2013:
Forfeiture No -- you forfeit counterfeit items. "Forfeiture of your driver's license for X months"? You cannot be serious. As a sentence, issued by the judge?
LilianNekipelov Aug 13, 2013:
How do you want to use this wrong term in a sentence --"Seizing the driver's license for two years"? "Seizing the drivers license by the police, court, Y for two years? Seizure of the license"? A total nonsense..I hops you see my point.
Beata Claridge Aug 13, 2013:
ale w takim razie istnieje jeszcze jedna mozliwosc "surrendering of the licence"
Beata Claridge Aug 13, 2013:
@ Darek, a moze wlasnie tak, bo w sumie chodzi o konfiskate dokumentu
Darius Saczuk Aug 13, 2013:
@Forfeit? - Virginia § 18.2-259.1. Forfeiture of driver's license for violations of article.
A. In addition to any other sanction or penalty imposed for a violation of this article, the (i) judgment of conviction under this article or (ii) placement on probation following deferral of further proceedings under § 18.2-251 or subsection H of § 18.2-258.1 for any such offense shall of itself operate to deprive the person so convicted or placed on probation after deferral of proceedings under § 18.2-251 or subsection H of § 18.2-258.1 of the privilege to drive or operate a motor vehicle, engine, or train in the Commonwealth for a period of six months from the date of such judgment or placement on probation. Such license forfeiture shall be in addition to and shall run consecutively with any other license suspension, revocation or forfeiture in effect or imposed upon the person so convicted or placed on probation. However, a juvenile who has had his license suspended or denied pursuant to § 16.1-278.9 shall not have his license forfeited pursuant to this section for the same offense.
Beata Claridge Aug 13, 2013:
Lukasz, I agree with "detained goods", which are being "locked up" and physically protected from the owner accessing them in any way (kind of like "goods being arrested"); even "detained passport" might make sense, if the passport itself gets "locked up", maybe because it had been forged and would be used as evidence later in the court. In this context, however, when the licence is simply "taken away" (of course with all it's legal consequences discussed already) I am still not persuaded "detained" is the right word to use and I have not found a single example online to back up this idea (maybe you google something for me if you know it is there, I am still quite keen on being persuaded - I do not know everything, guys!! :))).
Bubz, if you play around a bit with entire probable phrases as keywords in Google, then you're going to get a couple of hits for: 'my/his/her/whose passport was detained,' 'detained passport' etc. Those will usually just be people on the Internet, but sometimes government bodies somewhere, native English-speaking newspapers etc. You'll actually get some pretty high-up hits for 'detained goods', 'detained shipment', 'detained vehicle' and so on. Some of them from English-speaking governments. However, the use is pretty archaic (which is not unique among legal meanings of ordinary words), e.g. look at the third meaning of 'detain' at
Lilian, your: 'driver's license suspension for X months/years,' sounds more like the judicial additional penalty attached to a conviction, which comes in months or years. But when a cop sits on your driving licence or something similar happens, that's a temporary measure and not a penalty proper. Again, just like when a customs dude sits on your passport.
geopiet Aug 12, 2013:
Seizure of Driver License d. TEMPORARY SUSPENSION. [cut] According to the German system, the driver’s license (“Führerschein”) symbolizes the permission to drive (“Fahrerlaubnis”), which gives the right to drive a vehicle. The driver’s license is a document that can be seized, whereas the permission to drive will continue to exist until that right/privilege is withdrawn by a court order. In such a case the court will determine a suspension period. -


Department of Public Safety records indicate you have failed to comply with the Oklahoma Compulsory Insurance Law. As a result, your driver license has been suspended. The law enforcement officer who has given you this notice has determined that your driver license is suspended and is seizing your driver license pursuant to state law -


Result of consequences: Driver’s license will be seized, issuance of license or permit denied for 6 months, refusal is admissible in a criminal action and a civil action to suspend, revoke, or cancel his driving privileges. -
geopiet Aug 12, 2013:
@Lilian / re: cannot edit the discussions. Lillian, yes, you can edit the discussion post up to 48 hrs or so ..
See the attached screen shot -
Beata Claridge Aug 12, 2013:
Lukasz, otrzymujesz ode mnie "like" za takie fachowe i doglebne rozwiniecie tematu. Gdyby cale zdanie bylo widoczne od razu, mysle, ze nie pojawiloby sie az tyle watpliwosci.

"Na podstawie art.xx sąd na poczet orzeczonego zakazu prowadzenia pojazdów mechanicznych zalicza okres zatrzymania dokumentu prawa jazdy od dnia xx.xx.2013"
prosze zwrocic uwage na "zalicza okres" - czyli zaczyna odliczac czas kary (suspension) juz od momentu, kiedy policjant skasowal kierowcy prawko na ulicy (seizure) - IMO prosta sprawa.
Nie mam najmniejszych watpliwosci, ze chodzi o seizure (do detention wciaz nie jestem przekonana, IMO to synonim "arrest" i odnosi sie do osob; nigdy nie spotkalam ani w linkach nie znalazlam zadnego przykladu na "detention of documents", zawsze detention (arrest/imprisonment) dotyczy ludzi; jezeli uwazaja panowie, ze nie mam racji - bardzo prosze wrzucic jakis dobry cytat wskazujacy na uzycie detained w stosunku do dokumentow; z przyjemnoscia zmienie zdanie, jezeli ktos mnie do tego skutecznie przekona :)
Katarzyna Skroban Aug 12, 2013:
Lilian, I suggested reading article 29 of the link. It is just to show the distinction between disqualifying someone from driving (taking away their right to drive) and seizing (taking away) the actual document. I read your comments and you seemed like you did not understand that; the link was supposed to help.
LilianNekipelov Aug 12, 2013:
No. It is not the same thing, and the term used in any sentence is always: diver's license suspension for X months/years.
Think what it means to have one's passport withheld, Lilian. It's the same thing, except here the cops detain your driving licence, not your passport. But it's still the detention of the document that causes the legal impossibility for you to exercise any rights relating to it (e.g. travelling, driving).
LilianNekipelov Aug 12, 2013:
I am not sure why you posted the link. it does not prove anything. The problem is that it was incorrectly translated into English, not what it means in Polish. It is obvious what it means in Polish: someone's right to drive has been temporarily taken away.
As a sworn translator you need to be faithful. Your job is not to avoid the reader needing to ask questions of lawyers or courts, as it's not up to you to provide legal advice. If you were translating a novel, it wouldn't matter. I'd be the first to suggest that you just use 'suspension of driver's licence' instead of complicating the reader's life with hair-splitting about the nuances of Polish legal wordings. But in a sworn translation, regardless in which direction, I'd be reluctant to alter the meaning in order to invoke a familiar but only approximate association in a native reader. Again, you could probably talk about 'driving licence suspension' between a cop and a detained driver, but on paper, IMHO, you need to be more precise.

If you back-translated the suspension into Polish, I suppose a Pole would think about the same authority which had issued your licence now using its authority to suspend that licence. A cop doesn't have that authority. He can remove you from the roads by detaining your driving licence (as in, putting in the police deposit etc.), but he can't actually suspend that licence. Even though the licence is useless to you when it's detained by the cops.
Katarzyna Skroban Aug 12, 2013:
kodeks wykroczen o zatrzymaniu DOKUMENTU prawa jaz
maikaa (asker) Aug 12, 2013:
@ Łukasz Gos-Furmankiewicz - I couldn't have put it better myself :) thank you for all the explanations.
However, Lilian's input seems very important to me, as it gives us the insight how the translation will be understood abroad.
So there's the never-ending dilemma: source or target language orientation. Since it is a sworn translation of a judicial document, I am more inclined to use the "seized/seziure" option, but still hesitating
No, Lilian, you can't drive when they've seized your driver's ID. The whole point of detaining it is so that you can't drive. But they are detaining your ID, not suspending your licence. You licence is de facto suspended, but no such legal suspension is issued. The legal measure taken against the driver is precisely the seizure of his 'prawo jazdy', and it is at all stages and in all places referred to as the detention of the document (with the consequences thereof entailing an effective ban from driving).

You can look at the 'driver's licence' (prawo jazdy) more as a 'driver's ID' if that helps.
LilianNekipelov Aug 12, 2013:
"zatrzymane prawo jazdy" means "suspended driver's license" , nothing more and nothing less.
LilianNekipelov Aug 12, 2013:
Detained, of course -- sorry you cannot edit the discussions.
'Nie spodziewałam się, aż takiej dyskusji ;) Skoro jest po polsku napisane "zatrzymania DOKUMENTU prawa jazdy" to wydaje mi się jasne, że chodzi o dokument, a nie uprawnienia.'

Przedmiotem zatrzymania jest dokument, ale skutkiem prawnym jest brak możliwości wykonywania uprawnienia. Jest to de facto zawieszenie samego uprawnienia, ale nie jest to takie prawne zawieszenie. Jak z paszportami. Różne organy i różni funkcjonariusze mogą zatrzymać paszport, ale zawiesić go to już poważniejsza sprawa.
LilianNekipelov Aug 12, 2013:
Your driver's license was "detainer" but but you may drive. You can visit it once a week. This is what your explanations amount to -- figuratively. You can seize someone's property but you suspend a driver's license. You seize counterfeit money, drugs, counterfeit documents, etc.
'Do you really believe that "zatrzymanie prawa jazdy" means that the physical document was arrested, or detained (just like a person, if you translate the Polish term word for word), and that the driver did not lose the right to drive? This is hilarious.'

Yes, it means exactly that the physical document is seized (just like assets can be seized by a bailiff, for example). That is a symbolic reference, and the effect is that the driver can't drive, but it is not a suspension of the licence. The licence is seized, again, just like a passport would be seized, but the intervening police officer doesn't have the authority to suspend the driving licence itself. He only has the right to withhold your document of licence, which means you can't drive. But when you call it 'suspension of licence', you're overinterpreting and actually amending the Polish source on your own initiative.
"A physical document is nothing really, as I said -- a piece of paper or plastic that gets stamped. It is the right that it represents that matters. The Polish text means exactly that" – No, Lilian, it does not. I'm a native speaker and criminal lawyer, and I understand what the Polish text says. 'Zatrzymanie prawa jazdy' by a police officer means you can't drive, but you can't drive because they've taken from you the physical document you need to show to establish your right to drive.

You can argue that this is just a choice of phrasing and charge it with a lack of logic, but you should take that complaint to the Polish law maker.

And I never said anything about suspending the physical document. You can't suspend a document, other than physically suspending it in the air. You can seize it, withhold it, so that its holder can't use it. Just like passports are withheld in some circumstances and one says the passport has been detained, not the right to travel has been suspended (e.g. by some customs officer somewhere, who is not entitled to suspend a passport, only to seize it).
LilianNekipelov Aug 12, 2013:
Do you really believe that "zatrzymanie prawa jazdy" means that the physical document was arrested, or detained (just like a person, if you translate the Polish term word for word), and that the driver did not lose the right to drive? This is hilarious.
Katarzyna Skroban Aug 12, 2013:
ostatnia uwaga naturalnie, jeśli dokument tłumaczony jest na British English, będzie 'licence', nie 'license'.
George BuLah (X) Aug 12, 2013:
Dobra rada Trzeba na bieżąco usuwać maile - zostawiając tylko ten dotyczący wątku, który wpłynął ostatni ;)
Katarzyna Skroban Aug 12, 2013:
fajna dyskusja tyle ze mam zapchana skrzynke majlami typu: [KudoZ] Discussion entry posted to "zatrzymanie prawa jazdy"
George BuLah (X) Aug 12, 2013:
Nie! bo na dodatek będę miał gardło czerwone ! ... ;)

Uściski!! :))
Beata Claridge Aug 12, 2013:
marikaa, przyjemnosc po mojej stronie :)
Jaca, prosze, napij sie wody, zimnej :))
maikaa (asker) Aug 12, 2013:
Bubz, spoko :) dzięki za wkład w dyskusję :)
Beata Claridge Aug 12, 2013:
@marikaa nie! przepraszam cie, to nie bylo do ciebie, tylko do mnie, bo przycisnelam enter zanim pomyslalam , na pierwszy rzut oka pomyslalam, ze to jednak sad wydaje decyzje, wiec to bedzie "prawne zatrzymanie", ale nie, tu chodzi o fizyczne, wiec "nie!" i usunelam bledny komentarz, bardzo nieprofesjonalnie z mojej strony.
George BuLah (X) Aug 12, 2013:
właśnie złożyłem pozew o pobicie ze skutkiem... czerwonym;
sąd wam zatrzyma, zobaczycie... ;)
Beata Claridge Aug 12, 2013:
czyli sad zalicza okres fizycznego zatrzymania dokumentu, jednak. W swietle szerszego kontekstu, IMO tu Lukasz mial racje, i Katarzyna oczywiscie.
maikaa (asker) Aug 12, 2013:
Bubz - nie obraź się, ale chyba nie czytasz ze zrozumieniem...
Sąd orzeka, że okres zatrzymania (którego prawdopodobnie dokonała policja) zalicza się na poczet kary, a nie sąd orzeka zatrzymanie...
Beata Claridge Aug 12, 2013:
maikaa (asker) Aug 12, 2013:
Nie spodziewałam się, aż takiej dyskusji ;) Skoro jest po polsku napisane "zatrzymania DOKUMENTU prawa jazdy" to wydaje mi się jasne, że chodzi o dokument, a nie uprawnienia. Ale oto cały kontekst:
"Na podstawie art.xx sąd na poczet orzeczonego zakazu prowadzenia pojazdów mechanicznych zalicza okres zatrzymania dokumentu prawa jazdy od dnia xx.xx.2013"
George BuLah (X) Aug 12, 2013:
? Reading twice nad again... may lead to a conclusion that "zatrzymanie" in the context stands most likely for "a suspension" ... though ...
Beata Claridge Aug 12, 2013:
@ Lilian and Lukasz, From what I have read in the attached article it seems like either of you may be right, but only one: it has not been specified in the context if "zatrzymanie relates to "fizyczne zatrzymanie" (seizure) or "prawne zatrzymanie" (suspension) and both are possible. Asker needs to know the context to determine which one will be the right option here.,Czy...
My nose tells me that "od dnia" (as of), not "dnia" (on) in the phrase in question indicates suspension, rather than seizure - think about it, but it's still only a guess :).
@ JacaZwawa, nie buntuj sie, przyjacielu, kolezanki maja racje, z gory cie przepraszam, ze sie do nich dolacze, ale musze ;(, no musze.
Greetings, everybody :).
maikaa (asker) Aug 12, 2013:
I think the misunderstanding starts with the word "license" which in English is in fact "uprawnienia", not a document, whereas Polish "prawo jazdy" means first of all the document, not the right to drive a car. So in Poland you actually get the plastic card (prawo jazdy) seized if you're DUI, and that's the point.
LilianNekipelov Aug 12, 2013:
What do you mean by "suspension of physical document/"?A physical document is nothing really, as I said -- a piece of paper or plastic that gets stamped. It is the right that it represents that matters. The Polish text means exactly that. I don't know what you have been reading into it. It is very simple, even no question about it-- everyone who has a license in an English speaking country knows that, even a 16 old kid -- it is called "driver's license suspension". I don't know what you have been reading into the text, that is not there. The license was not seized --property can be seized. Licenses get suspended.
George BuLah (X) Aug 12, 2013:
detention of driving license ratunku, kobiety mnie biją ;))
... ależ ja znalazłem to określenie na web stronie USA:
Asker has a good impression. A suspension may be issued by the grantor or by the court or some other competent body. On the other hand, Polish 'zatrzymanie prawa jazdy' refers to physical seizure and withholding of the document itself by the police or some other appropriate service. This obviously has legal consequences affecting the driver's right to drive, but the phrase definitely refers to the document itself. Hence, the native American 'suspension' should be translated as 'zawieszenie' (and not 'zatrzymanie'), while the Polish 'zatrzymanie' should be translated as 'seizure' or similar (and not 'suspension').

The above is an example of how sometimes a little different institutions are used in each system to address the same problem. This is a different insitution we're talking about here, not a different naming convention. Hence the lack of mutual translation.

Proposed translations

33 mins

seizing of driving licence (by authorities)

moja propozycja.
oczywiscie, nie pasuje jako 'okres zatrzymania', ale moze by to ujac np tak:
driving licence (was) seized by authorities (for a period of time) from XXX

Note added at 3 hrs (2013-08-12 14:30:20 GMT)

polecam artykul 29
Peer comment(s):

agree Łukasz Gos-Furmankiewicz
5 mins
agree lafresita (X)
8 mins
disagree LilianNekipelov : Absolutely not. Maybe in a very specific context, but definitely not here. It means something completely different. A police officemay seize your license during na arrest, or the police may seize your driver's license (permanently) when it is counterfeit
34 mins
a mi sie zdaje ze wlasnie w tym kontekscie byloby ok - patrz zdanie przeze mnie podane jako przykladowe 'ujecie tematu'
agree Beata Claridge : if context indicates "zatrzymanie fizyczne" (of document), then yes
1 hr
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Having considered all the discussion entries and the context, I choose "seize/seizure". Thank you!"
9 mins

driver's license suspension

Peer comment(s):

disagree Łukasz Gos-Furmankiewicz : Patrz dyskusja.
29 mins
disagree lafresita (X) : j.w.
32 mins
agree LilianNekipelov : Yes,definitely.
58 mins
neutral Beata Claridge : possible, but as context arrived, my vote goes for seizing
1 hr
Something went wrong...
7 mins

driver's license suspension

It depends on the alcohol level-- the license can also be revoked.

Note added at 9 mins (2013-08-12 10:44:30 GMT)

and whether this was the first offense.

Note added at 14 mins (2013-08-12 10:49:11 GMT)

A physicla document cannot be suspended -- only the right it stands for.

Note added at 15 mins (2013-08-12 10:50:35 GMT)

A physical document is just a piece of paper, or plastic. It gets stamped sometimes-- revoked, or suspended.
Note from asker:
Wiem, że w USA tak to się nazywa, ale właśnie mam wrażenie, że suspension i revocation odnoszą się bardziej do samych uprawnień niż do fizycznego dokumentu...
Peer comment(s):

disagree Łukasz Gos-Furmankiewicz : See discussion.
31 mins
disagree lafresita (X) : j.w.
34 mins
neutral Beata Claridge : The context has clarified, so it really does relate to seizure of physical document, before the court decided in regards to suspension || do you? have you read the context which appeared in discussion?
1 hr
No it does not. I just can't believe that you people don't understand legal texts like that -- basic difficulty type..
Something went wrong...
1 hr

detention of driving license

Peer comment(s):

disagree LilianNekipelov : No. It is not the right term. Where did you find such a wrong term? You can detain a person. Probably the driver was detained for driving with a suspended license.
0 min
"Such a wrong term" was found on the US web site and the link was given accordingly. Invisible? No. Łukasz fully explains the meaning.
disagree Swift Translation : yhm, detention to zatrzymanie osoby...
1 min
jesteście Koleżanko tak bardzo, w 100% pewna ?
disagree Beata Claridge : zatrzymanie, ale tylko osob, nawet czasem i tych mlodych po szkole; z bolem serca, ale disagree, bo nie||co ma b yc w tym linku, nic tam nie widze; wyobrazam sobie, ze mozna "detain goods" , nawet forged license, ale jako dowod rzeczowy, pod klucz
51 mins
ale Bubziu zerknij pod link, który podałem | pod linkiem jest jak wół "detention of driving license" - fraza w artykule :)
agree Łukasz Gos-Furmankiewicz : Detention odnosi się nie tylko do osób. Not only persons but also things (e.g. goods) can be detained.
1 hr
Dzięki!!! :) ... pobity przez amazońskie zastępy - doczekałem się wreszcie sprawiedliwości :)
Something went wrong...
721 days

Driving disqualification/ban (UK)

Tak jest napisane na rzadowej stronie.
Example sentence:

You can be banned (disqualified) from driving if you either: are convicted of a driving offence get 12 or more penalty points (endorsements) within 3 years You’ll get a summons in the post that tells you when you must go to court.

Something went wrong...

Reference comments

4 hrs


You will be disqualified from holding a driver licence for a stated period if convicted of:

a drink driving or drug driving offence
a dangerous driving offence
a criminal offence involving the driving or use of a motor vehicle.

If you drive a motor vehicle in Queensland while disqualified from holding a driver licence, you will be dealt with by a court for disqualified driving.

If you are convicted of disqualified driving, the court must disqualify you from holding a driver licence for a period of between 2 and 5 years. You may also receive a fine of up to $6600 or be imprisoned for up to 18 months.
Licence suspension

Your Queensland (or non-Queensland) driver licence will be suspended for a stated period when you have:

not paid any fines imposed by a court (State Penalties Enforcement Registry)
gained too many demerit points on your traffic history
been convicted of driving more than 40 kilometres per hour over the speed limit.
Peer comments on this reference comment:

agree LilianNekipelov : Yes,I agree. exactly --license suspension.
3 mins
agree Beata Claridge : in our context seizure of licence results in automatic disqualification from driving; later in court comes the suspension sentence, say for 1 yr- this period is to be calculated starting from when licence was initially seized (not when sentence is issued)
10 hrs
Something went wrong...
12 hrs

Wczoraj otrzymałem już wyrok nakazowy w którym jest napisane:

1.uznaje obwinionego Tomasza ..... za winnego popełnienia zarzucanego mu czynu i za to na podstawie art.87p 1kw w zw z art 24 p1 i 3kw wymierza mu karę grzywny w kwocie 600 złotych . podstawie art.87 p3 kw w zw. z art.29p1,2 i 4 kw orzeka wobec obwinionego zakaz prowadzenia wszelkich pojazdów mechanicznych na okres 6 (sześciu) miesięcy i zalicza obwinionego na poczet środka karnego okres zatrzymania dokumentu prawa jazdy od dnia 17.10.2011 do dnia 09.01.2012.
3.zasądza od obwinionego na rzecz Skarbu Państwa koszty sądowe obejmujące wydatki w kwocie 70 zł i opłatę w kwocie 60 zł.


What is a DMV Hold on your license?
Failure to deal with a traffic ticket in a timely manner will result in the court contacting the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) in order to have your license suspended or a DMV Hold placed on it until you resolve your traffic ticket.

A DMV hold on your drivers license results in one or both of the following :-

The inability to renew your license
A suspension or revocation of your licensing privileges.


Cycling while impaired can cost you your driver's license in Poland

Poland’s highest court, the Constitutional Tribunal, ruled that bicyclists can be punished for “cycling while impaired” in the same way that motor vehicle operators are.

This means a cyclist above the legal limit for alcohol (2 permilles) can lose their driver’s license. Thus, cyclists will not be treated the same as drunken pedestrians.

Drunken cyclists can potentially face two years in prison.

The Tribunal saw a case filed by the regional court in Wschowy, in Western Poland -
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