Lingue di lavoro:
Da Francese a Inglese
Da Spagnolo a Inglese
Da Spagnolo a Francese

Cafe Lingua
Language Services a la Carte

Ora locale: 03:59 CET (GMT+1)

Madrelingua: Inglese Native in Inglese, Francese Native in Francese
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Tipo di account Libero professionista e committente, Identity Verified Identità verificata
Affiliazioni This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Servizi Translation, Editing/proofreading, Voiceover (dubbing), Subtitling, Transcription
Viaggi e TurismoProdotti tessili/Abbigliamento/Moda
Commercio al dettaglioPubblicità/Pubbliche relazioni
Poesia e ProsaMedicina: Farmaceutica
Affari/Commercio (generale)Finanza (generale)


Attività KudoZ (PRO) Risposte a domande: 3
Voci nella Blue Board create da questo utente  4 Commenti

Esperienza Anni di esperienza: 15 Registrato in Jan 2016. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credenziali N/A
Associazioni N/A
Software Lilt, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Trados Studio
Events and training
Azioni professionali Cafe Lingua sottoscrive's Linee guida professionali.
I have a been a fluent speaker of multiple languages since my early childhood, when translating for different family members was an integral part of my life.  It started with Spanish, French and English, and then, in college, increased with the addition of Italian and Portuguese.  Shifting from the use of one to another language has been a constant factor throughout my personal, academic, and professional life.

From Kindergarten to the French Baccalaureate, I used my 3 languages while at the French Lycée of San Francisco. At home, only French and Spanish were spoken, unless we had English-speaking guests.

My college years were spent studying comparative literature in 4 Romance languages, and acquiring 2 new languages (Italian and Portuguese) with intensive courses and foreign stays.  This was done while at Stanford University and UC Berkeley (for an intensive summer course in Portuguese and Brazilian).

My professional life in the financial industry led me to do seminars in both English and Spanish while living in the US.  Then, after moving into the luxury Industry, specifically into fragrances and cosmetics, I also moved geographically and settled in France. As Director of International Training of a few major cosmetics and fragrances companies, I used my language skills during my travel, performed seminars and trainings in all languages spoken, coached others in all different languages, and oversaw any training publications and their translations regarding our brands and products. All writing, translations and proofreading were overseen by me. 

Language Pairs (I have most experience outside of the corporate world in the first 4 pairs):

French -> English
 English -> French
 Spanish -> French
 Spanish -> English

Italian -> English
 Italian -> French
 Portuguese -> English
 Portuguese -> French


Lycée Français de San Francisco, Lycee Jean Macé de Rennes (for my Baccalaureate year)
 French Bac received with "Mention".

Stanford University
 B.A. in Romances Languages and Literature

ESSEC Business School (Cergy-le-Haut, France)
 MBA in Luxury Brand Management (Graduated with Honors)

Relevant Work Experience:

 Cafe Lingua: Conversation Classes with Grammar Basics in French, English and Spanish (2012- present)
 The Marin School (Sausalito, CA):  Spanish and French High School Language classes (2010-2012)
 EFBA, San Francisco: After School French Programs at Private Schools in San Francisco, CA (2010)
 ESSEC Luxury Brand Management Program:  "Personal Leadership Development" (2007-2008)
 Université Leonard de Vinci, Paris:  "Training and Communication in Luxury Goods vs. Pharmaceutical Industry"

Writing, Editing, Translating, Proofreading:
 Beauté Prestige International (as their International Training Director) 2003-2007;
 COTY Luxe (formerly the Lancaster Group) (as their Intenational Training Vice President) 2002-2003;
 Guerlain (as their International Training Director) 1998-2002;
 Sisley (as their International Trainer) 1994-1997;
 Fidelity Investments (Retirement Specialist and Investments Trainer) 1984-1993;
 INTECTRA (Computers and electronics Export Agent, Palo Alto CA) 1984;
 Stanford University (Lecturer, teacher of Italian 101 Class) 1983-1984

 Reading, movies, good television series, world events, knitting, chorus singing, music, painting (just started!), decorating, travelling to see friends, witnessing the growing up of my wonderful son.
Parole chiave: Italian, French, Spanish, into English, Proofreading in French, Proofreading in English, marketing translation, website translations, specialized in training, multi-cultural expert. See more.Italian, French, Spanish, into English, Proofreading in French, Proofreading in English, marketing translation, website translations, specialized in training, multi-cultural expert, human translations, translations with care, language services à la carte, languages services, experienced translator, medical field, art, music, science, biology, marketing, training, communications, press releases, training, . See less.

Ultimo aggiornamento del profilo
May 6, 2020