Над чем работают переводчики

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Над каким переводческим проектом вы работаете прямо сейчас?
Gethin Sugar, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

August and September have been very busy months for me and have given me the opportunity to work on many interesting projects. Projects have included the usual ongoing software localisation projects for two of my regular clients, including web-based, desktop and mobile applications and their associated help documentation. I was also involved in the QA stage of a large project for one of the world's largest online retailers, the translation of a blog for Adult Learners' Week, the back-translation of a public health information leaflet for a pharmaceutical company and proofread the translation of an online portal for the higher education sector.


I Do That

  • Computers: Software, Education / Pedagogy, Medical (general)