Glossary entry

German term or phrase:


Croatian translation:

pl. von Konus

Added to glossary by dkalinic
May 5, 2006 06:31
18 yrs ago
1 viewer *
German term


German to Croatian Tech/Engineering Automotive / Cars & Trucks
Koni an den Einspritzleitungen prüfen, gegebenenfalls ersetzen. Einbaulage beachten.

Je li "Koni" možda množina od "Konus"? Čini mi se da nije, jer prema ÖBW upotrebljavam "Konusse".
Proposed translations (Croatian)
5 pl. von Konus

Proposed translations

38 mins

pl. von Konus
Davore, mislim da je Koni Plural od Konus, iako Duden kaže Konusse ili Konen. I sami Nijemci se lome ako toga što je pravilno i nisu sigurni pa je moguće da je ovo već ušlo u upotrebu.

Note added at 2 hrs (2006-05-05 09:01:33 GMT) Post-grading

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