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Prenderà in considerazione il lavoro volontario per organizzazioni no profit registrate
Da Italiano a Inglese - Tariffa standard: 0.12 EUR a parola / 40 EUR all'ora Da Francese a Inglese - Tariffa standard: 0.12 EUR a parola / 40 EUR all'ora
Da Inglese a Maltese: Instructions for use note General field: Tecnico/Meccanico Detailed field: IT (Tecnologia dell'informazione)
Testo originale - Inglese This Instruction for Use note is to be used in combination with the specific information that is mentioned on each packaging enclosure. These gloves are designed to protect the hands mainly against chemical splashes and comply with the applicable harmonised EN or EN ISO Standards as shown by the pictograms being mentioned on the packaging.
The gloves therefore will provide protection against the specific risks as shown by the pictograms which are defined by these harmonised standards. The gloves are in conformity with the European Directive 89/686/EEC (until 21 April 2018) and the European Regulation 2016/425/EU (from 21 April 2018).
Gloves which are accompanied with the pictogram which designates contact with foodstuffs, are also in conformity with the European Regulations 1935/2004 and 2023/2006 as well as with all applicable National Regulations for Food-contact materials. Please ensure the gloves are used only for the designated purposes, as explained above.
Product is compliant and certified to the requirements of the European Regulations on Personal Protective Equipment.
XXXX refers to the identification number of the Notified Body that is in charge of the Category III conformity assessment.
Gloves meeting the requirement (vertical resistance < 108 ohm); for use in areas where flammable or explosive areas exist.
Traduzione - Maltese Din in-nota ta’ Istruzzjoni għal Użu għandha tkun użata flimkien mal-informazzjoni speċifika msemmija f’kull imballaġġ tal-pakkett. Dawn l-ingwanti huma maħsuba apposta biex jipproteġu l-idejn speċjalment minn kull tixrid kimiku u huma konformi mal-istandards armonizzati EN jew EN ISO kif jidher skont il-pittogrammi msemmija fl-imballaġġ.
B’hekk, l-ingwanti jipprovdu protezzjoni kontra r-riskji speċifiċi kif jidher fil-pittogrammi definiti minn dawn l-istandards armonizzati. L-ingwanti huma konformi mad-Direttiva 89/686/KEE (sal-21 t’April 2018) u r-regolament Ewropew 2016/425/UE (mil-21 t'April 2018).
Ingwanti li huma akkumpanjati b’pittogramma li turi kuntatt mal-ikel huma wkoll konformi mar-Regolamenti Ewropej 1935/2004 u 2023/2006 kif ukoll mar-Regolamenti Nazzjonali applikabbli għal materjali li jiġu f’kuntatt mal-ikel. Jekk jogħġbok, assikura li l-ingwanti jintużaw biss għall-iskopijiet maħsuba, kif hu spejgat hawn fuq.
Il-prodott hu konformi u ċċertifikat skont ir-rekwiżiti tar-Regolamenti Ewropej dwar it-tagħmir protettiv personali.
XXXX tirreferi għan-numru ta’ identifikazzjoni tal-Korp Notifikat imqabbad jieħu ħsieb il-Kategorija III dwar il-valutazzjoni tal-konformità.
Ingwanti li huma konformi mar-rekwiżit (reżistenza vertikali < 108 ohm); għal użu f'żoni fejn hemm spazji fjammabbli jew esplożivi.
Da Inglese a Maltese: Guarantee and software License-Note: you need the Maltese fonts to display properly General field: Legale/Brevetti Detailed field: Legale: Brevetti, Marchi, Copyright
Testo originale - Inglese U.S. Government rights. This Software is a "commercial item" developed exclusively at private expense, consisting of "commercial computer software" and "commercial computer software documentation" as such terms are defined or used in U.S. acquisition regulations. The Software is licensed hereunder (i) only as a commercial item and (ii) with only those rights as are granted to all other customers pursuant to the terms and conditions of this License. Customer shall not use, duplicate or disclose the Software in any way not specifically permitted by this License. Nothing in this License requires the COMPANY to produce or furnish technical data for or to the Customer.
Traduzione - Maltese Drittijiet tal-Gvern Amerikan. Dan is-Software hu "oġġett kummerċjali" żviluppat esklużivament bi spejjes privati u jikkonsisti f' "software kummerċjali tal-komputer" u "dokumentazzjoni kummerċjali tas-software tal-komputer"skont kif dawn it-termini huma definiti jew użati fir-regolamenti applikabbli Amerikani tal-akkwist. Is-Software hu lliċenzjat hawn taħt (i) bħala oġġett kummerċjali biss u (ii) b'dawk id-drittijet kif inhuma mogħtija lil klijenti kollha oħrajn skont it-termini u l-kundizzjonijiet ta' din il-Liċenzja. Klijent m'għandu la juża, la jidduplika u lanqas jiżvela s-Software bl-ebda mod li mhux speċifikament permess minn din il-Liċenzja. M'hemm xejn f'din il-Liċenzja li jirrikjedi li l-KUMPANIJA tipproduċi jew tforni data teknika lil jew għal Klijent.
Da Inglese a Maltese: Frontex and its critics General field: Altro Detailed field: Governo/Politica
Testo originale - Inglese Frontex and its critics
To its supporters, Frontex – a once-obscure agency based in Warsaw – has become central to the EU’s border management strategy. Its detractors, by contrast, see it as the manifestation on the ground of a ‘Fortress Europe’ mentality.
As the agency’s profile has risen, it has become increasingly plagued by accusations of abuses and lack of accountability. The story of Frontex is also the tale of how migration has become a dominant issue in EU politics since 2015. In that year more than one million refugees arrived in the bloc, many from civil war-torn Syria, stoking deep divisions between Mediterranean nations that want to redistribute asylum seekers around Europe, and states such as Hungary that refuse to take any.
The Commission has poured money into Frontex, but patching up its tarnished reputation may prove trickier. Most pressingly, Frontex faces an inquiry into claims that it has been complicit in illegal measures to prevent refugees arriving on foot or in makeshift boats from entering the EU. Such actions also deny refugees the right to seek asylum, even though they may be fleeing conflict zones or persecution.
Reports such as these play into the hands of populists throughout Europe. But they are not the only ones pointing to a change in the way Frontex conducts its operations. The replacement of naval vessels, which can conduct rescues, with drones, which cannot, is being condemned as a cynical rejection of any European responsibility for saving lives. Ships have an obligation under EU and international law to assist vessels in distress. Drones, however, operate in a legal grey area.
Concerns are mounting over the way Frontex spends European taxpayers’ money and how it can be called to account. Those concerns also reflect unease at the EU’s attitudes towards the desperate people risking their lives to reach its shores.
Traduzione - Maltese Frontex u l-kritiċi tagħha
Għal partitarji tagħha kollha, Frontex – aġenzija li ħadd ma kien jaf biha bbażata f'Varsavja – saret ċentrali għall-istrateġija tal-ġestjoni tal-fruntieri tal-UE. Dawk li jikkritikawha inġustament, mill-banda l-oħra, jarawha bħala l-manifestazzjoni minħabba l-mentalità ta' 'Ewropa Fortizza'.
Hekk kif il-profil tal-aġenzija tela', qed tkun dejjem iktar u iktar impestata b'akkużi ta' abbużi u nuqqas ta' akkontabilità. L-istorja ta' Frontex hi wkoll l-istorja ta' kif il-migrazzjoni saret kwistjoni dominanti fil-politiki tal-UE mill-2015 'l hawn. Dik is-sena, iktar minn miljun refuġjat wasal fil-blokk, ħafna minnhom mis-Sirja li hi devastata mill-gwerra, u qanqlet diviżjonijiet profondi bejn in-nazzjonijiet tal-Mediterran li jridu jqassmu l-applikanti għall-ażil madwar l-Ewropa u stati bħall-Ungerija li tirrifjuta li tieħu minnhom.
Il-Kummissjoni tat il-flus lil Frontex, imma ser issibha iktar kumplikata li traqqa' r-reputazzjoni mħassra tagħha. Hi Liktar urġenti li Frontex qed tiffaċċja inkjesta dwar pretensjonijiet li kienet kompliċi ma' miżuri illegali li jżommu lir-refuġjati milli jaslu bil-mixi jew f'dgħajjes temporanji biex ma jidħlux fl-UE. Azzjonijiet bħal dawn iċaħdu wkoll lir-refuġjati milli jfittxu l-ażil anki jekk ikunu qed jaħarbu minn żoni ta' konflitt jew persekuzzjoni.
Rapporti bħal dawn jagħtu vantaġġ lil populisti madwar l-Ewropa kollha. Imma mhumiex l-uniċi li jed jippuntaw għal bidla fil-mod kif Frontex tmexxi l-operazzjonijiet tagħha. Il-bdil tal-basimenti navali li jistgħu jwettqu s-salvataġġ, bi droni, u li ma jistgħux, qed ikun ikkundannat bħala ċaħda ċinika ta' kull responsabbiltà Ewropea biex tiġi salvata l-ħajja. Il-vapuri għandhom obbligu, taħt il-liġi Ewropea u internazzjonali li jassistu bastimenti li jkunu f'periklu. Madanakollu, drones joperaw f'erja legali li mhix definita b'mod ċar.
It-tħassib qed jikber fuq il-mod kif Frontex tonfoq flus il-kontribwenti tat-taxxa Ewropej u kif tista' tissejjaħ biex tagħti kont. Dan it-tħassib jirrifletti wkoll l-iskumdità tal-attitudnijiet tal-UE fil-konfront ta' nies li jkunu ddisprati li qed jirriskjaw ħajjithom biex jilħqu l-ixtut tagħha.
Da Italiano a Maltese: Legalizziamo la marijuana
Testo originale - Italiano Una societá, per dirsi sana e poter funzionare, deve prestare attenzione a tutte le sue parti. Non possono esistere compartimenti stagni. Non voler affrontare il problema del consume di droghe, se non come un problema di repressione, ha ricadute e costi che il nostro Paese non può sostenere: i tribunali si riempiono di cause e la popolazione carceraria aumenta, mentre le organizzazioni criminali continuano a guadagnare mercati e quattrini. C’è chi é piu avanti di noi. In Sudamerica, per ezempio, dove il costo di narcotraffico lo si paga quotidianamente con il sangue, una breccia si sta aprendo
Traduzione - Maltese Soċjetà, biex tista' tissejjaħ f’saħħhitha u biex tkun tista' tiffunzjona, trid taghti kas ta' kull settur. Ma nistgħux inħallu partijiet wieqfa. Li ma tiffaċċjax il-problema tal-konsum tad-droga ħlief b’meżżi ta’ ripressjoni jkollha konsegwenzi u spejjes li l-Pajjiż tagħna ma jiflaħx għalihom: il-qrati dejjem jimtlew b’kawżi u n-nies ġol-ħabs dejjem jiżdiedu waqt li l-organizzazzjonijiet kriminali jkomplu jaħtfu swieq u setturi. Hemm min hu iktar avanzat minna. Fl-Amerika t’isfel, per eżempju, fejn il-prezz tad-droga narkotika jitħallas bid-demm kuljum, qed jitfaċċa xaqq ta' soluzzjoni.
Da Italiano a Inglese: La zona della firma conferma l'autenticità del quadro General field: Arte/Letteratura Detailed field: Arte, Arti applicate, Pittura
Testo originale - Italiano La circostanza che la linea di craquelure attraversi infatti la firma, spaccando il tratto dipinto in rosso in 2 parti nette (piü esaustiva perö al riguardo la foto N° 25), in modo che non vi sia vernice nella crepa formatasi, dimostra che la superficie pittorica e la firma sono probabilmente contemporanee o almeno si puo con sicurezza scientifica affermare che quest'ultima non e´stata posta sopra la linea di craquelure che necessita per definizione di diversi decenni di tempo prima di potersi manifestare e cioe´ solo quando il léssicamento dello strato pittorico e´particolarmente avanzato. Se la firma coprisse una qualunque linea di craquelure con il suo colore, allora si avrebbe la prova della sua apposizione in una epoca ben successiva al resto del dipinto, circostanza che ne decreterebbe la non autenticitä. In questo caso specifico, invece, non vi e´incongruitä e la foto N° 27 va considerata come un risultato positivo per il dipinto.
Traduzione - Inglese The fact that the craquelure line actually crosses the signature, splitting the section drawn in red in two separate parts (though photo No. 25 gives a more detailed view), in such a way that no paint remains in the resulting crack, shows that the painted surface and the signature are probably contemporary, or, at least, one can affirm with scientific certainty that the latter has not been positioned over the craquelure line, as, in this case, it would take several decades before it becomes evident and would only appear after the layer of paint has dried considerably. Had the signature covered any part of the craquelure with its colour, it would prove that it had been appended at a much later date than the rest of the painting, in which case, one would definitely confirm it is not authentic. In this particular case, however, there is no incongruity and photo No. 27 is to be considered as a positive result for the painting.
Da Italiano a Inglese: Innovazione General field: Marketing Detailed field: Pubblicità/Pubbliche relazioni
Testo originale - Italiano Fuori dai sentieri battuti
Immaginati un po’; vorresti fare di più con il tuo parco macchine attuale, o fare di più con i semifabbricati che produci. Una resa maggiore. Sei certo che si può cavare ancora qualcosa da ciò che hai a disposizione. O magari dai resti. ‘Ma come si fa’, ti chiedi. ‘Che cosa posso ancora fare con i mezzi che ho sotto mano? Non vedo nulla …’
Con un po’ di fortuna la risposta è più semplice di quanto pensi e la soluzione si trova proprio sotto il tuo naso.
Lo Studio Baan ti aiuta a trovare nuove vie. Ci possiamo addentrare nei sentieri abbandonati, lasciando le strade che tutti percorrono. In modo innovativo, con nuove idee che nascono riflettendo sulle possibilità invece di pensare ai limiti. Non soltanto un bel prodotto, ma anche gestibile commercialmente. Insieme a te possiamo sviluppare qualcosa di assolutamente nuovo, andando fino alla distribuzione. Il nuovo Studio Baan ti sorprenderà.
Traduzione - Inglese Away from the routine tracks
Think a little; you imagine you can get more out of your current fleet of cars, or the half-finished items that you produce? Or a higher yield? You’re positive that you can get more out of what is available for you. Or even out of the remainder. “But how am I going to do this?" you wonder. “What else can I do with the means at my disposal? I can’t think of anything...”
With a little luck, the answer is simpler than you think and the solution is right beneath your nose.
Studio Baan steps right in to help you find new ways. We can penetrate into neglected avenues, ditching universal approaches. We use innovative ways, new ideas that are the result of reflection about the possibilities rather than the limits. We do not just create a beautiful product, but one that is also commercially viable. We can develop something completely brand-new together with you, and we will support you right up to the distribution. The new Studio Baan will astound you.
Da Inglese a Maltese: Press Release General field: Affari/Finanza Detailed field: Finanza (generale)
Testo originale - Inglese EIB signs two new loans in Bulgaria following a strong year in 2018
• The European Investment Bank signs two new operations on the day of its annual results press conference in Sofia:
• a €18m loan to Software Group supported by the Juncker Plan
• a €20m loan to Raiffeisen Leasing, for investments in small and medium-sized companies
• In 2018 EIB Group support in Bulgaria amounted to €217m, including:
• €103m of loans signed by the EIB, and
• €114m committed by the EIF for eight operations, mobilising €228m of investments
The loan to Software Group – a global technology company helping financial service providers digitise their business – is backed by a guarantee from the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI), a key component of the Investment Plan for Europe.
The intermediated loan agreement with Raiffeisen Leasing Bulgaria represents the second tranche of a €50m loan. It will finance projects by some 300 small and medium-sized companies, supporting at least 8,000 jobs in the country.
EIB Vice-President Vazil Hudák commented: “EIB Group financing represented some 0.4% of Bulgaria’s GDP last year, above EU average, while advisory services rendered facilitated the implementation of projects worth some EUR 2bn, confirming that the Bank has an important role to play in the country.”
Deputy Minister of Finance Marinela Petrova stated: “We welcome the EIB commitment to develop innovative financial instruments to address the investment gaps and to provide innovative, pragmatic and efficient solutions to further catalyse investment in the EU.”
Dobromir Dobrev, Deputy CEO of Raiffeisenbank (Bulgaria), said: “Under the new credit line from the EIB, through Raiffeisen Leasing Bulgaria, we will provide new leasing financing for a wide scope of customers.”
EIB Group results in Bulgaria in 2018
Support to corporates to foster strategic infrastructure
In 2018, the EIB provided a loan of €14m to Agria Group Holding AD to finance the construction of a new port facility close to the Port of Varna. This project supports sustainable transport by promoting sea transport as an alternative to other, carbon intensive transport modes, and fosters sustainable economic growth.
Fostering the development of municipal infrastructure
The EU bank also provided two loans to Sofia Municipality:
• €22m for the construction of the second stage of Sofia Metro Line 3. The new metro line will encourage a modal shift towards more environmentally-friendly transport and reduce congestion on the existing transport network;
• €67m to support the construction and commissioning of a new combined heat and power plant for Sofia's district heating network operated by Toplofikacia. The new cogeneration plant is designed to process daily more than 100t of refuse-derived fuel from a mechanical biological treatment plant in Sofia.
Support for SMEs and mid-caps
Following a record-breaking year, the EIF continued to support SMEs in Bulgaria by committing a total of €78m in 2018 via four new guarantee operations and one new venture capital fund aimed at providing debt and equity financing of €168m in total.
EIB advisory services in Bulgaria
Bulgaria is one of the largest beneficiaries of EIB’s advisory services. Since 2006 JASPERS has supported the completion of numerous Bulgarian investment projects with total project costs of over €5.5bn.
The European Investment Advisory Hub (EIAH) is a partnership between the EIB and the European Commission, and a single point of entry to a comprehensive package of advisory and technical assistance.
InnovFin Advisory (IFA), a joint EIB-EC initiative under Horizon 2020, aims to improve project bankability and provides non-project-specific strategic studies related to access-to-finance challenges faced by RDI investments.
Investment Plan for Europe
The Investment Plan for Europe (the Juncker Plan) is one of the EU's key actions to boost investment in Europe, thereby creating jobs and fostering growth. To this end, smarter use will be made of new and existing financial resources. The EIB Group is playing a vital role in this investment plan.
Traduzione - Maltese Il-BEI jiffirma żewġ selfiet ġodda fil-Bulgarija wara sena tajba fl-2018
• Il-Bank Ewropew ta’ Investiment jiffirma żewġ operazzjonijiet ġodda fil-jum tal-konferenza stampa annwali tiegħu dwar ir-riżultati f’Sofija:
• Self ta’ €18m lis-Software Group appoġġjat mill-Pjan Juncker
• Self ta’ €20m lil Raiffeisen Leasing, għal investimenti f’intrapriżi ta’ daqs żgħir u ta’ daqs medju.
• Fl-2018 l-appoġġ tal-Grupp BEI fil-Bulgarija kien jammonta għal €217m, inkluż:
• Self ta’ €103m iffirmati mill-BEI, u
• €114m impenjati mill-FEI għal tmien operazzjonijiet fejn ġew immobilizzati €228m ta’ investimenti
Is-self lis-Software Group - kumpanija globali tat-teknoloġija li tgħin il-fornituri tas-servizzi finanzjarji jiddiġittizzaw in-negozju tagħhom - hu sostnut b’garanzija mill-Fond Ewropew għall-Investimenti Strateġiċi (FEIS), komponent ewlieni tal-Pjan ta’ Investiment għall-Ewropa.
Il-ftehim ta’ self intermedjat ma’ Raiffeisen Leasing Bulgaria jirrappreżenta t-tieni porzjon tas-self ta’ €50m. Dan ser jiffinanzja proġetti minn xi 300 intrapriża ta’ daqs żgħir u ta’ daqs medju u jappoġġja tal-inqas 8,000 impjieg fil-pajjiż.
Il-Viċi-President tal-BEI Vazil Hudák ikkummenta: “Il-finanzjament mill-Grupp BEI jirrappreżenta xi 0.4% tal-Prodott Gross Domestiku tal-Bulgarija s-sena l-oħra, iktar mill-medja tal-UE waqt li servizzi konsultattivi li ngħataw iffaċilitaw l-implimentazzjoni ta’ proġetti li jiswew xi EUR 2bn, li jikkonfermaw li l-Bank għandu rwol importanti x’jaqdi fil-pajjiż.”
Id-Deputat Ministru tal-Finanzi Marinella Petrova ddikjarat: “Nilqgħu l-impenn tal-BEI li jiżviluppa strumenti finanzjarji innovattivi biex jindirizzaw lakuni fl-investiment u biex jipprovdu soluzzjonijiet innovattivi, pragmatiċi u effiċjenti biex jaċċellera iktar l-investiment fl-UE”
Dobromir Dobrev, Deputat Uffiċjal Kap Eżekuttiv ta’ Raiffeisenbank (Bulgarija), qal: “Taħt il-linja ġdida ta’ kreditu mill-BEI permezz ta’ Raiffeisen Leasing Bulgaria, ser nipprovdu self finanzjarju ġdid għal firxa wiesgħa ta’ klijenti.”
Ir-riżultati tal-Grupp BEI fil-Bulgarija fl-2018
Appoġġ għal korporattivi biex jippromwovu infrastruttura strateġika
Fl-2018, il-BEI pprovda self ta’ €14m lil Agria Group Holding AD biex jiffinanzja l-kostruzzjoni ta’ faċilità tal-port qrib il-Port ta’ Varna. Dan il-proġett jappoġġja trasport sostenibbli billi jinkoraġġixxi trasport bil-baħar bħala alternattiva għal mudelli oħra ta’ trasport bl-użu intensiv ta’ karbonju u jippromwovi tkabbir ekonomiku sostenibbli.
Trawwim ta’ żvilupp ta’ infrastruttura muniċipali
Il-bank tal-UE pprovda wkoll żewġ selfiet lil Muniċipalità ta’ Sofija:
• €22m għal kostruzzjoni tat-tieni stadju tal-Linja 3 tal-Metro ta’ Sofija. Il-linja l-ġdida tal-metro ser tinċentiva bidla modali lejn trasport iktar ekoloġiku u tnaqqas l-konġestjoni fuq in-netwerk eżistenti tat-trasport;
• €67m biex jappoġġja l-kostruzzjoni u kummissjoni ta’ impjant ġdid ta’ sħana u enerġija kkombinati għan-netwerk tas-sħana tad-distrett ta’ Sofija operat minn Toplofikacia. L-impjant ta’ koġenerazzjoni ġdid hu ddisinjat biex jipproċessa kuljum iktar minn 100t ta’ fjuwil derivat mill-iskart minn impjant ta’ trattament mekkaniku u bijoloġiku f’Sofija.
Appoġġ għal SMEs u kumpaniji b’kapitalizzazzjoni medja
Wara sena li kissret ir-rekords, l-FEI kompliet tappoġġja l-SMEs fil-Bulgarija bl-impenn ta’ total ta’ €78m fl-2018 permezz ta’ erba’ operazzjonijiet ġodda ta’ garanzija u fond ta’ kapital ta’ riskju ġdid bil-għan li jipprovdi finanzjament għal dejn u ekwità b’totali ta’ €168m.
Is-Servizzi konsultattivi fil-Bulgarija
Il-Bulgarija hi waħda mill-ikbar benefiċjarji tas-servizzi konsultattivi tal-BEI. Mill-2006 JASPERS appoġġja l-kompletar ta’ għadd kbir ta’ proġetti ta’ investiment Bulgari bi spejjeż totali tal-proġetti ’l fuq minn €5.5bn.
Iċ-Ċentru Ewropew ta’ Konsulenza għall-Investimenti (ĊEKI) huwa sħubija bejn il-BEI u l-Kummissjoni Ewropea u punt ta’ dħul uniku għal pakkett komprensiv ta’ assistenza konsultattiva u teknika.
Is-Servizzi ta’ Konsulenza InnovFin (SKI), inizjattiva konġunta bejn il-BEI u l-UE, taħt l-Orizzont 2020, għandha l-għan li ttejjeb il-bankabbilità ta’ proġetti u tipprovdi studji strateġiċi mhux relatati ma’ proġetti speċifiċi li jirrigwardaw sfidi għal aċċess għal finanzjar iffaċjati minn investimenti RŻI.
Il-Pjan ta’ Investiment għall-Ewropa
Il-Pjan ta’ Investiment għall-Ewropa (il-Pjan Juncker) hu wieħed mill-azzjonijiet ewlenin tal-UE biex jagħti spinta lil investiment fl-Ewropa u b’hekk joħloq impjiegi u jippromwovi t-tkabbir. Għal dan il-għan, użu iktar intelliġenti ser isir minn riżorsi finanzjarji ġodda u eżistenti. Il-Grupp BEI qed ikollu rwol vitali f’dan il-pjan ta’ investiment.
Da Francese a Inglese: Le bien-être des animaux se paie-t-il dans nos assiettes ? General field: Scienze sociali Detailed field: Legale (generale)
Testo originale - Francese « Les porcs doivent disposer d'un environnement correspondant à leur besoin d'exercice et à leur nature d'animal fouisseur. » La législation européenne, entrée en vigueur au 1er janvier, est claire : la truie doit pouvoir s'épanouir. Pour ce faire, les truies gestantes doivent désormais vivre en groupe, et non plus en cage. La truie doit bénéficier d'un espace libre au moins égal à 2,03 mètres, si elle vit avec 39 autres de ses congénères. Dans le cas où la truie se paierait le luxe de ne vivre qu'avec cinq autres membres de son espèce, l'éleveur doit alors lui réserver un espace de 2,48 mètres. Le fait de vivre soudainement en groupe peut en effet déboussoler les truies et les rendre agressives et anxieuses, au point de déclencher une compétition alimentaire entre elles.
Ces nouvelles normes obligent donc les exploitants à changer leurs méthodes d'élevage. D'après des estimations de Bruxelles, 72 % des éleveurs français se seraient mis aux normes. Un chiffre insuffisant qui a valu à la France en début de semaine une lettre de mise en demeure de la Commission européenne.
Ces « galons de défenseur des bêtes », Bruxelles les a gagnés l'an passé en instaurant une nouvelle législation sur l'élevage de poules pondeuses. Les exploitants avaient été contraints d'augmenter la taille des cages afin qu'elles disposent de 750 centimètres carrés chacune, et non plus seulement de 550 centimètres carrés pour vivre. Les investissements, très lourds, avaient conduit les exploitants à augmenter les prix des oeufs. D'autant plus que la flambée du prix des céréales, à l'été 2012, avait provoqué une hausse de leurs coûts de production. En mars 2012, par rapport à la même période de l'année précédente, le prix des oeufs avait ainsi augmenté de 119 %.
Certains observateurs craignent donc que le prix de la viande de porc ne suive la même trajectoire. « L'année dernière, 10 % des agriculteurs avaient déclaré qu'ils ne se conformeraient pas aux nouvelles normes et arrêteraient donc l'élevage de truies. On s'attend donc à une baisse de la production », explique Caroline Tailleur, chargée de mission à la Fédération nationale porcine (FNP). Mais les États-Unis, qui ne sont pas soumis aux normes européennes, font barrage à une hausse des prix trop importante. « L'Amérique du Nord a décidé de réduire son cheptel et a envoyé de nombreux animaux à l'abattoir. Elle est donc très compétitive sur le marché de l'export et nous a forcés à revoir nos prix à la baisse », ajoute Caroline Tailleur.
La solution pour inciter les consommateurs à acheter de la viande européenne, plutôt qu'américaine ? « Faire un travail sur l'étiquetage », répond Léopoldine Charbonneaux. « Il faut encourager la grande distribution à tenir compte du bien-être animal. On pourrait mettre en place un étiquetage en fonction des modes d'élevage », insiste-t-elle. Cette technique a été mise en place pour les oeufs, avec la création d'étiquettes « bio » ou « poules élevées en plein air ». Des oeufs dits « alternatifs » qui rencontrent un fort succès auprès des consommateurs.
Traduzione - Inglese Are we paying for animals’ welfare on our plates?
"Pigs should have an environment that corresponds to their exercise requirements and their nature as foraging animals." European legislation which came into force on January 1 is clear: sows must have space to thrive. To do this, pregnant sows must, henceforth, live in groups and no longer in cages. A sow must have an area which is, at least, 2.03 metres if she is to live with 39 fellow creatures. Should the sow have the luxury of living with just five of her kind, the stock breeder must ensure the area will be 2.48 metres. Sows that suddenly have to live in groups may, in fact, become confused and this makes them turn so aggressive and anxious that they start to compete for food.
These new standards therefore oblige owners to change their breeding methods. According to estimates by Brussels, 72% of French breeders have complied with the standards. Since this figure was inadequate, France received a letter of formal notice from the European Commission at the beginning of the week.
Brussels won their "stripes as animal rights defenders" last year by putting in place new legislation on keeping laying hens. Farmers were obliged to increase the size of the cages so each would be 750 square centimetres instead of the previous 550 square centimetres floor space. These very heavy investments caused the owners to raise the price of eggs especially since this happened when the price of cereals had already caused a hike in production costs in the summer of 2012. In March 2012, the price of eggs had thus increased by 119% when compared to the same period of the year before.
So, certain observers fear that the price of pork meat will follow the same trend. Caroline Tailleur, mission head at the Féderation Nationale de Porcine (FNP [French national Pig Association] explains "Last year, 10% of farmers had declared they would not abide by the new standards and would therefore stop keeping sows. As a result, we are expecting a decrease in production." But the US which is not subject to EU legislation, is blocking hefty price increases. "North America has decided to reduce its livestock numbers and has sent many animals to the slaughterhouse. Consequently, it is very competitive in the export market and has forced us to lower our prices," continues Caroline Tailleur.
What, therefore, is the solution to encourage customers to buy European meat rather than American meat? "Work on labelling," replies Léopoline Charbonneaux. "We must encourage large-scale retail outlets to consider the animal’s welfare. We could label according to breeding methods," she insists. This technique was put in place for eggs with the creation of "organic" labelling or "free range hens." "Alternative" eggs are already very popular with consumers.
Da Francese a Maltese: La France doit porter une nouvelle ambition pour l’Europe General field: Altro Detailed field: Governo/Politica
Testo originale - Francese Les Européens sont en plein malaise face à des évolutions qui leur échappent: crise de la dette, crise de l’Etat providence, mondialisation, sentiment de perte de puissance après celle des Etats-nations.
Traduzione - Maltese L’Ewropej iħossuhom skomdi ħafna bl-iżviluppi li qed jaħarbulhom: kriżi tad-dejn, kriżi tal-Istat soċjali, globalizzazzjoni, sentiment ta’ telf ta’ poter bhal dik tal-istati nazzjonijiet
Da Italiano a Inglese: Roseo Hotel Leon d'oro General field: Altro Detailed field: Viaggi e Turismo
Testo originale - Italiano Roseo Hotel Leon d'Oro
Viale Piave, 5, Cittadella, 37135 Verona
Classificato 4 stelle, il Roseo Hotel Leon d’Oro occupa un imponente edificio a 800 metri dalla stazione ferroviaria di Verona Porta Nuova, a soli 15 minuti a piedi dal centro storico, e offre ampi spazi aperti, sistemazioni eleganti e la connessione Wi-Fi gratuita nell'intera struttura.
Tutte le camere dispongono di TV satellitare a schermo piatto, minibar e aria condizionata, e alcune vantano finiture di lusso e una zona salotto.
Il ristorante Salgari, aperto a pranzo e a cena, propone piatti tipici della cucina locale, da abbinare a una ricca carta dei vini. La struttura ospita anche un lounge-bar e serve ogni mattina una prima colazione a base di dolci, tè e caffè.
L'Hotel Leon d'Oro si trova a 1,5 km da Piazza Bra; nelle serate d'opera è disponibile un servizio navetta da/per l'Arena di Verona.
Camere: 190
Camera Matrimoniale, Camera Matrimoniale Deluxe, Camera Matrimoniale Spaziosa : Cancellazione gratuita, non-Rimborsabile, colazione inclusa, conferma immediata dopo prenotazione.
Camera da letto: armadio/guardaroba, canali satellitari, TV a schermo piatto, telefono.
Servizi di ristorazione: ristorante, bar, snack bar, minibar
Altri servizi: reception 24 ore su 24, deposito bagagli, servizio in camera, centro business, servizio lavanderia, lavaggio a secco, fax/fotocopiatrice, servizio navetta (a pagamento), navetta aeroportuale (a pagamento)
Servizi generali: camere non fumatori, camere/strutture per ospiti disabili, ascensore, riscaldamento, aria condizionata, insonorizzazione
Gratis! Internet Wi-Fi disponibile gratuitamente in tutta la struttura.
Parcheggio: Parcheggio privato disponibile in loco senza prenotazione (a pagamento).
Dalle ore 14:00
Fino alle ore 11:00
Cancellazione / Pagamento anticipato
Le condizioni relative alla cancellazione e al pagamento anticipato variano a seconda della tipologia di alloggio. Verifica le condizioni della camera prima di selezionarla.
Bambini e letti supplementari
Gratis! Tutti i bambini di età inferiore a 2 anni soggiornano gratuitamente (usufruendo delle culle).
Un bambino di età superiore o adulto paga 40 EUR a notte (pernottando nel letto supplementare).
Il numero massimo consentito di letti supplementari/culle è 1.
Qualsiasi tipo di letto supplementare o culla è disponibile su richiesta e previa conferma da parte dell'hotel.
I supplementi non sono inclusi nell’importo totale e devono essere pagati separatamente durante il soggiorno.
Animali ammessi su richiesta. Potrebbe essere richiesto un supplemento.
Carte di credito accettate
American Express, JCB, Euro/Mastercard, Maestro, Visa, CartaSi, Diners, Bancomat
L'hotel si riserva il diritto di controllare la validità della carta di credito prima dell'arrivo, richiedendo l'autorizzazione al circuito di appartenenza.
Traduzione - Inglese Roseo Hotel Leon d'Oro
Viale Piave, 5, Cittadella, 37135 Verona
The 4-Star Roseo Hotel Leon d’Oro, an impressive structure just 800 metres from Verona's Porta Nuova Railway station and only 15 minutes on foot from the historical centre, offers wide open spaces, chic accommodation and free internet service which is available throughout the place.
All rooms have a flat screen satellite TV, mini-bar, air-conditioning, and some have luxurious furnishings and even a sitting-room area.
The Salgari restaurant which is open both for lunch and dinner, offers dishes which are the speciality of the region, and a fine selection of wines. There is also a lounge-bar and breakfast which is served every morning, includes pastries, tea and coffee.
Hotel Leon d’Oro is 1.5 km. from the Piazza Bra; on opera nights, there is a shuttle service to/from the Arena di Verona.
Rooms: 190.
Double Rooms, Deluxe Double rooms, Large Double rooms: Free Cancellation, Non-refundable bookings, breakfast included, immediate confirmation after booking.
Bedroom: wardrobe/closet, satellite channels, all rooms equipped with a flat TV screen and a telephone.
Restaurant Service: restaurant, bar, snack bar and mini-bar
Other facilities: 24-hour reception, luggage deposit facilities, room service, business corner, laundry service, dry-cleaning, fax/photo-copying, shuttle service (extra payment), shuttle airport transfer (extra payment )
General information: non-smoking rooms, rooms/amenities for handicapped guests, lift, heating system, air conditioning, soundproofing.
Free! Wi-fi is available everywhere.
Parking: Private parking is available on site without pre-booking (payment is extra)
from 14.00
Before 11.00
Cancellation/Pre-payment: Cancellation and pre-payment policies vary according to room type. Please check room conditions prior to booking.
Children and extra beds:
Free! All children under 2 years stay for free (cots available).
Children over 2 years and adults pay €40 per night (supplementary bed provided).
The maximum number of supplementary beds or cots allowed in room is 1.
Any supplementary beds or cots are available on request but are subject to confirmation by the hotel management.
Supplements not included in the total costs are to be calculated separately and paid for during the stay.
Animals are allowed but a request must be made. Supplements may apply.
Credit cards accepted:
American Express, JCB, Euro/Mastercard, Maestro, Visa, CartaSi, Diners, Bancomat.
The hotel reserves the right to verify the validity of the card before arrival and to pre-authorise the card prior to arrival.
Da Francese a Inglese: Dévelopement durable General field: Altro Detailed field: Org/Svil/Coop internazionale
Testo originale - Francese La citation au Sommet de la Terre à Rio, tenu sous l’égide des Nations Unies en 1992, a défini le développement durable ainsi : un développement qui répond aux besoins du présent sans compromettre la capacité des générations futures à répondre aux leurs. La notion du développement durable est soutenu sur trois piliers-économie/écologie/social ; c’est-à-dire un développement économiquement efficace, socialement équitable et écologiquement soutenable. L’accent doit être sur la façon de faire. Un nombre grandissant de femmes et d’hommes posent un regard critique sur un mode de développement qui, trop souvent, porte atteinte à l’environnement et relègue la majorité de l’humanité dans la pauvreté. Le développement durable est issu que tout ne peut continuer comme avant, qu’il faut remédier aux insuffisances d’un modèle de développement axé sur la seule croissance économique, en reconsidérant nos façons de faire compte tenu de nouvelles priorités. Il faut maintenir l’intégrité de l’environnement pour assurer la santé et la sécurité des communautés humaines et préserver l’écosystème qui entretiennent la vie, assurer l’équité sociale qui respecte la diversité, viser l’efficience économique pour créer une économie innovante et prospère, écologiquement et socialement responsable.
Traduzione - Inglese Sustainable Development
The quotation at the Rio Earth Summit, held under the auspices of the United Nations in 1992, defined sustainable development in this way: a development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Sustainable development depends upon three pillars- the economy/ecology/society; this implies a development that is economically efficient, socially equitable and ecologically sustainable. The emphasis must be on the way things are done. Even more persons are looking critically at development which, all too often, harms the environment and pushes the rest of humanity into poverty. Sustainable development means that nothing can continue as before, that the shortcomings of a type of development based solely on economic growth must be remedied by rethinking our ways of acting so as to take into consideration new priorities. The integrity of the environment must be maintained in order to guarantee the health and security of human beings and preserve the ecosystems which sustain life, ensure an equitable society which respects diversity, and strive for economic efficiency to create an economy which is innovative and prosperous, while being ecologically and socially responsible.
Da Italiano a Inglese ("O" level & "A" level) Da Inglese a Maltese ("O" level + MATSEC Malta) Da Italiano a Inglese ("O" level & "A" level) Da Francese a Inglese (University of Oxford) Da Francese a Inglese (University of Malta-optional and special subject, )
Da Maltese a Inglese ("O" level) Da Francese a Inglese (Susanne James Associates, verified)
Adobe Acrobat, Aegisub, CafeTran Espresso, MateCat, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, OmegaT, Acrobat Reader, Plunet BusinessManager, Powerpoint, Protemos, Smartcat, Subtitle Edit, Subtitle Editor, Trados Studio
I am bilingual - Maltese and English UK - due to family, residence, education and upbringing.
I am a translator and proofreader for:
I also do
transcription for Maltese only;
subtitling and
transcreation especially for:
EN<MT (I not only adapt according to the culture but also according to the sector or market the translation is meant for.)
Italian: Native level due to proximity to Italy, love of music, art, Italian fashion, football and food, frequent trips to Italy because of art, art exhibitions, concerts, strong ties, TV shows, study of Renaissance during History of Art and Baroque in which I obtained my Masters.
French: Practically native level. I studied French at school and university, taught it (French language and culture) for a great number of years, lived in France for some time, obtained a scholarship to Grenoble university (certificate on profile)and voluntarily followed loads of refresher courses as I loved the language and these helped me to keep in touch and deepen my knowledge of the language and country.
EU affairs:
GDPR, State Aid, Competition, Public procurement, Erasmus, Youth Training programmes, Sport, loads of video messages, and
Directives and legislation;
Budget and finance, social affairs;
Public health and consumer protection;
Education, grants, research and innovation and environmental issues;
EPSO preparation tests;
Summaries of EU legislation in simple layman's terms;
Educational toolkits for educators and school administration in schools and for teacher training;
Issues that crop up between states or Preliminary rulings, decisions, appeals with referrals to lots of legislation, directives, regulations and their different implementation methods, surveys, questionnaires, toolkits for schools or businesses. These normally consist of really big volumes - each file would have about 29,800 - 36,500 or even 54000 words most of which need Trados 2017;
GDPR, consumer claims and EU directives, issues arising from these especially with regard to distance selling and consumer rights, Commission's, Council's and Parliament's roles, discussions and reports on the above, coding, patents;
Activity or competition videos.
Company reports, company contracts, company articles of association, profit and loss accounts, minutes of general meetings, bank statements;
Marketing texts - I am the go-to person if you want to launch new products on the Maltese market.
Even if I did not specialise in marketing, I've received quite a lot of marketing texts to translate because of art so I have now become quite proficient. I also enjoy translating them because they allow me to use my creativity. These mostly concern advertising material about new products which are to be launched for the first time on the market. Be warned that the translation will not be literal.
Legal texts -
from court sentences, wills, inheritance and Notary's or Solicitor's or banks' inheritance documents to indictments, charge sheets, court cases, appeals - these are usually for MT<EN.
Trained by an agency and vetted by the same agency before onboarding. I have now translated a great amount of material used in new mobile apps launched for worldwide use for online shopping. Apart from my specialist areas, I have translated a lot of these too:
Instructions for products, about safety and care including legislation concerning the type of items, a very great deal;
Various types of certificates - birth, marriage, police conduct reports, residence certificates, Apostilles;
Government, politics, organisations - naturally because of my BA course in EU studies.
Health and Safety.
Clinical trials
Family business which meant involvement in family business and help in the day-to-day running. Therefore, I have hands-on experience.
I also keep up to date by reading Il Sole 24 ore, Les Echos, The Financial Times and I follow business news regularly.
EU affairs:
University BA (Hons.) course, participation in EU meetings and activities, briefing sessions.
CPD 2019/2020
Taħriġ fil-Kitba tal-Malti (refresher course in Maltese writing) and will be doing Maltese for Lawyers next year after Covid19 hopefully
During Covid19
Translegal English course- Introduction to Legal English
"Great as always"
"Top notch. Thank you for doing such a great job"
"Thank you for pointing out that X word on its own makes no sense in the target language"
"Thanks to Josephine's proofreading, the text is so much better now"
"Always clear and pleasant communication and high quality deliveries"
Well, if you want me to translate anything that is within my capabilities, I'm only an email away. (Just click onsend email on top).
I make sure I do a great job as I take great pride in my work and so that the expense is an investment for you.
I look forward to receiving your feedback about my work too.
Don't hesitate to ask if you need further information.
Questo membro ha acquisito punti KudoZ aiutando altri colleghi nella traduzione di termini di livello PRO. Cliccare sui punteggi per visualizzare le proposte di traduzione suggerite.
Parole chiave: ENSee more.ENEnglish articles of association translator; Italian >English articles of association translator; atto costitutivo, articles of incorporation; statuto sociale; statuts; acte constitutif; contrat de compagnie d'assurance; FR>EN company contracts, IT>EN company contracts; FR>EN business translator; IT>EN business translator; FR>EN (Algeria, Madagascar, Tunisia) companies' articles of associations, FR>EN residence permits (Switzerland, Belgium), FR>EN (Geneva) birth certificates and residence permits, FR>EN (Algeria) birth certificates, FR>EN (Luxembourg) birth and marriage certificates, FR>EN (Luxembourg) companies' articles of association, EN>MT translator; EN>MT translator presently based in Malta; FR>EN divorce proceedings translator; IT>EN divorce proceedings translator; FR>EN subtitle translation and proofreading; IT>EN; regolamenti, direttivi, għajnuna mill-Istat, Stati membri, emenda, kompetizzjoni, selettiva, EN>MT translations; IT>EN subtitle translation and proofreading; EN>MT subtitle translation; FR>EN minutes of general meetings; FR>EN profit and loss accounts; IT>EN minutes of general meetings; FR>EN translator; IT>EN translator; FR>EN Profit and Loss accounts and financial statements; IT>EN Profit and Loss accounts, traductions du FR vers l'ANGLAIS, contract translator, business documents, contracts, patents-FR>EN, EN>MT-legal aspect, ENSee less.
Questo profilo ha ricevuto 276 visite visite nel corso dell'ultimo mese, da un totale di 236 visitatori