The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Danish to English Law (general) Translation Glossary

Danish term English translation
Undersøgelsespligtens omfang omfattes af almindelige forhold og kutymer for bra The scope of the duty of examination is covered by the general circumstances and practices of the trade sector
(dømt med urette) unjustly sentenced
...fra den 1. i måneden, efter at... from the first day of the month after receipt of the application
6 For regeringen redegør for dens opfattelse af de skitserede spørgsmål for the government to outline its views on the issues raised
a.s. nr. chamber case no./dept. case no.
Entered by: Helen Johnson
a/c on account
Entered by: Neil Crockford
acronym: "fm." fuldmægtig
ad forhold 2 Regarding Count 2 / Re Count 2
Entered by: Diarmuid Kennan
adcitant Third-Party ('Part 20') Plaintiiff = the Defendant joining in a Third Party
adcitationsstævning third-party notice
adciterede Third-Party ('Part 20'/BE) Defendants (if joined in by Defs); Co-Defendants (if joined in by Pl.)
advokat (H) attorney with a right of audience before the Danish Supreme Court
advokatforbindelse solicitors
Entered by: Helen Johnson
afgørelsesdel Danish Central Crime Register (subsection) Register of Judgments
Entered by: Pernille Kienle
afgørelsesdel Danish Central Crime Register Subsection Register of (Criminal Law) Judgments
Afhørte subject (being questioned)
Entered by: Pernille Kienle
afløfte deduct
Entered by: Rosica Dimitrova
afsagt made/gave/issued
Entered by: David Rumsey
afsmitningssynspunkt (by) implication
anbringender deposition
anerkendelsespåstand formal admission (civ. & crim. litig.); admission of liability
Entered by: Helen Johnson
anerkendelsessøgsmål entitlement claim
anke vs kære Appeal from a final judgment vs. interlocutory appeal
Entered by: dmesnier
ankedom appeal proceedings
Entered by: David Rumsey
anker appeal
anmeldelseskvittering police notification receipt
Ansvarliglndehaver partner (responsible legal owner)
Antruffen person The person found
Entered by: Pernille Kienle
Arbejdsmarkedsforhold industrial relations
arbejdsmiljø working environment
arvebeholdning ENG: residuary estate SPA el remanente de acervo hereditario
ægtepagt nuptial agreement
ØLK decision of Eastern Division of the Danish High Court
Østre landsrets The Eastern High Court's
børnetestamente declaration as described in para 16 of the Danish Act on Parent Responsibility (Forældreansvarsloven) of October 1st, 2007
begrundet ansvar liability based on this
begyndelsesforretning (probate) vesting process/(insolvency) adjudication process
Bekendtgørelse Executive Order
Entered by: Neil Crockford
berigtigelse correction
beskrivelses- og tegningsprincipper description and draft guidelines
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