Translation glossary: eddy_Statistics

Showing entries 1-50 of 4,188
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Korean to English
축, 추축, 중심축pivot 
Korean to English
장, 체, 마당field 
Korean to English
잠재구조latent structure 
Korean to English
잠재변수latent variable 
Korean to English
응집 알고리즘agglomerative algorithm 
Korean to English
응집구조coherent structure 
Korean to English
축점axial point 
Korean to English
출처, 원천source 
Korean to English
축척reduced scale 
Korean to English
컨조인트 분석conjoint analysis 
Korean to English
좋은 지렛대점[지레점]good leverage point 
Korean to English
Korean to English
Korean to English
출현도수[빈도]frequency of occurrence 
Korean to English
Korean to English
좌표축axis of coordinates 
Korean to English
좌표축coordinate axis 
Korean to English
좌표계coordinate system 
Korean to English
좌표변환coordinate transformation 
Korean to English
좌표평면coordinate plane 
Korean to English
축화, 추축화, 중심축화ppivoting 
Korean to English
장기추세, 장기경향long-term trend 
Korean to English
좌극한, 왼쪽극한left-head limit 
Korean to English
Korean to English
Korean to English
축량, 추축량, 중심축량pivotal quantity 
Korean to English
좌미분계수, 왼쪽미분계수left derivative 
Korean to English
좌불변측도, 왼쪽불변측도left invariant measure 
Korean to English
좌변, 왼쪽 변left-hand side 
Korean to English
잡복변수lurking variable 
Korean to English
출산력, 비옥도fertility (in demography) 
Korean to English
출산률natality rate 
Korean to English
출생(대)사망 비birth-death ratio 
Korean to English
출생-사망 과정, 생성-소멸 과정birth-and-death process 
Korean to English
출생지인구birthplace population 
Korean to English
출생과정birth process 
Korean to English
출생률birth rate 
Korean to English
축소, 약분, 축약reduction 
Korean to English
축소추정량shrinkage estimater 
Korean to English
축소형reduced form 
Korean to English
축소형방정식reduced form equations 
Korean to English
축소검사, 수월한 검사reduced inspection 
Korean to English
축소변량reduced variate 
Korean to English
장애모수nuisance parameter 
Korean to English
태아사망fetal death 
Korean to English
응용통계학applied statistics 
Korean to English
응용수학applied mathematics 
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