Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Feb 23 '08 fra>eng prévaloir d'un quelconque préjudice such that no person shall be able to claim any resulting damage or loss pro closed no
- Feb 19 '08 fra>eng affaire émargée in the above-referenced matter pro closed ok
4 Feb 4 '08 fra>eng religion de la cour mislead the court pro closed ok
4 Feb 1 '08 fra>eng réfusé de répondre pour incompétence and a question ...was not avoided on the ground that it fell outside their purview pro closed no
- Jan 31 '08 fra>eng Sur quel support doit-il s'insérer? which document should it appear in pro closed ok
4 Jan 29 '08 fra>eng procéderait d'une obligation envers la victime relates to an obligation toward the victim arising under an agreement different from that... pro closed no
4 Jan 28 '08 fra>eng faire foi en justice are self-authenticating pro closed no
- Jan 24 '08 fra>eng en droit de la Common Law illustré par under the common law, as illustrated by English case law pro closed ok
- Jan 23 '08 fra>eng dans la cause en espece, le membre a procede.... in the instant case, the member... pro closed ok
- Jan 22 '08 fra>eng siuvre le titre follow the share into whoever's hands it may pass pro closed ok
- Jan 22 '08 fra>eng il a été préalablement exposé ce qui suit Recitals.... Whereas, pro closed ok
4 Jan 22 '08 fra>eng Cass. crim. Court of Cassation, Criminal Division pro closed ok
- Jan 16 '08 fra>eng deux ans de prison dont un ferme sentenced to two years in prison, but only had to serve one year pro closed ok
4 Jan 15 '08 fra>eng Convention en modification du jugement de divorce agreement amending a divorce judgment easy closed ok
- Jan 15 '08 fra>eng rapport à la succession added back into the estate for purposes of distribution pro closed ok
4 Jan 15 '08 fra>eng société anonyme européenne European Company: Societas Europaea (SE) pro closed ok
- Jan 14 '08 fra>eng assigner l'assureur sue the insurer pro closed ok
4 Jan 10 '08 fra>eng bornage des terrains property lines pro closed no
- Jan 9 '08 fra>eng texte répressif édicté criminal regulations pro closed ok
- Jan 7 '08 fra>eng par la saisie du bon de commande upon entry of the purchase order pro closed ok
4 Jan 5 '08 fra>eng juridictions de l'ordre judiciaire ordinary courts pro closed no
4 Jan 5 '08 fra>eng tant acquis cancellation taking effect pro closed ok
4 Jan 4 '08 fra>eng non séparé de corps à ses torts the spouse, unless judicially separated and at fault, pro closed ok
4 Dec 24 '07 fra>eng celui-ci n’est pas suspensif but the appeal does not stay the order pro closed no
4 Dec 21 '07 fra>eng A reçu le present acte recorded this agreement/entered this agreement in his records pro closed ok
4 Dec 20 '07 fra>eng dont procès-verbal whereof record pro closed ok
- Dec 19 '07 fra>eng contrôles d'identité au faciès racial profiling pro closed ok
4 Dec 19 '07 fra>eng qui révèle un volet contentieux which clearly has the potential to end up in court pro closed ok
- Dec 17 '07 fra>eng la cour prononce le divorce aux torts exclusifs du mari to the exclusive prejudice of the husband pro closed ok
4 Dec 14 '07 fra>eng interrogatoire avant défense examination for discovery pro closed ok
4 Dec 14 '07 fra>eng prendre l'assignation should be lodged pro closed ok
- Dec 13 '07 fra>eng fine contracte (with accents on both final 'e's) balloon loan taken out pro closed no
4 Dec 13 '07 fra>eng il se passait quoi what was happening/what would happen if... pro closed ok
- Dec 13 '07 fra>eng la condition du fait qu'il prenait the prerequisite for his continuing to purchase.... pro just_closed no
4 Dec 11 '07 fra>eng requête en exception déclinatoire motion to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction pro closed ok
4 Dec 11 '07 fra>eng individualiser segregate pro closed no
4 Dec 11 '07 fra>eng Opposabilité enforceability pro closed ok
- Dec 11 '07 fra>eng la justice 'ordinaire' common practice in sentencing and awarding damages pro closed ok
- Dec 10 '07 fra>eng la retroaction constructive constructive feedback pro closed no
- Dec 5 '07 fra>eng pays de rattachement home country pro just_closed no
2 Dec 1 '07 fra>eng dans des conditions dont la régularité n'est pas discutée which, it is undisputed, was properly lodged pro closed no
4 Nov 22 '07 fra>eng adéquation à une fin particulière fitness for a particular purpose pro closed ok
- Nov 20 '07 fra>eng valoir ce que de droit for all lawful purposes pro closed no
- Nov 20 '07 fra>eng irrecevable à agir lacks standing pro closed no
- Nov 19 '07 fra>eng en cas de requête in the event of an ex parte application pro closed ok
4 Nov 11 '07 fra>eng près la cour d'appel a barrister admitted to practice before the court of appeal easy closed ok
- Nov 11 '07 fra>eng vous signifie et vous remets copie hereby serves you with a copy of... pro closed ok
4 Nov 10 '07 fra>eng entendre tout sachant consult all persons with special expertise pro closed no
- Nov 10 '07 fra>eng j'en veux pour preuve I need it as evidence pro closed no
- Dec 8 '05 fra>eng engage (here) the community property is liable for the debts of... pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered